MUSCLES Shorten Your LIFE. How to live longer.

MUSCLES Shorten Your LIFE. How to live longer.


Ex-Google TechLead investigates the link between muscles and heart failure. Ace your coding interviews with ex-Google/ex-Facebook training. Make passive income with crypto in DeFi Pro. ???? Get access to 100+ programming interview problems explained: ???? Learn to build a successful business on YouTube from scratch: ???? I'll send you FREE daily coding interview questions to practice your skills: ???? My computer and camera gear: ???? Merch! The ultra-thin TechLead wallet: ?? My favorite keyboards: Follow me on social media for more tips & fun: Disclaimer: This description may contain affiliate links. Cryptocurrencies are not investments and are subject to market volatility.




@BendedSocks Says:
Ik mr twig isn’t tryna school me on living
@jitanandaswami9982 Says:
The key to live longer is moderation in everything. Not eating too much, not eating too less. Not exercizing too much, nor being sedentary. Try not to worry too much about things that cannot be changed, controling the emotions like anger, ambition, greed. This is the real key for a good life.
@Thomas-bf7to Says:
This is gonna sound crazy but as someone who lifts weights 5 times a week and a has a good amount of muscle mass, I believe what he's saying. If you meet anyone who has lived over 100 they're always very skinny and they usually don't work out nor did they when they were younger. If you look at blue zones like Okinawa they're sedentary people who are very thin. The ultimate factor in long term health will be diet and BMI. Despite that, I don't believe it's worth quitting the gym by no means, especially if you're a man. You should be fit, capable, and ready at all times. Just look at history, if any nation had decided to ditch physical fitness they would've been wiped off the map when another country comes and invades. So even if exercise may be detrimental and muscle bad in the long run, some things are worth it and as a man you should strive for peak sustainable physical fitness. No man who ever made history was chasing the goal as living as long as possible
@NotATroll224 Says:
Why would I take advice from someone who doesn’t have 20+ inch arms?
@joelschmierer3544 Says:
Best to feel energetic and strong and die at 90 (perhaps choosing to legally die by injection) than to live in pain and die feebly at 110. Do a little cardio and strength and stretching every day but no more than a moderate amount. Look up healthy diets and always wear a wide-brim hat to avoid face wrinkled from the sun but expose the rest of your body to a few minutes of strong sunlight daily, like a leaf on a tree, to activate hundreds of healing genes and to get the healthiest form of vitamin D
@TomTabaczynski Says:
You do look better than a skeleton!
@emzywillrich7243 Says:
Tennis is by far the healthiest sport.
@rinamamahit276 Says:
Now I get why I'm not attracted to muscle.
@cnirvana1 Says:
7:00 my man missed a crucial caveat.. women are liars.
@cnirvana1 Says:
I think when you say muscles, you mean steroids.
@tita4359 Says:
I mean he does have a point. Y’all are misinterpreting his point. Yes strenuous weight lifting and high caloric intake to support a very muscular body will put more strain on your cardiovascular system. That’s pretty obvious once you even hit your 30s. Y’all are acting like he’s saying any degree of muscle building is bad. Which he never said. Obviously there should be balance in all things.
@EinfachBiohacking Says:
I‘ve recently read the book „Outlive“ from Peter Attia MD. In this book he shows one of the problems with too few muscles: starting at the age of 70 you loose a huge amounts of it. And then you will get problems. To do what you enjoy to do. And how many people are „pro“ bodybuilders? But you also have a point - pursuing influencers as an ideal ist always a bad idea ;)
@byzantinehoney3384 Says:
A lot of cope from Gymcels in the comments
@PancakeTiger358 Says:
Working out is good. Shoving your face with food and killing your organs with protein powder and “pre workout” is not good. Most people don’t even stretch before lifting anymore.
@AwaisAli-rq2hs Says:
He, knows the algorithm
@shakya00 Says:
Are you seriously trying to say that muscles/going to the gym is bad because PRO bodybuilders are unhealthy ? Don't you think there is a slight difference between them and a casual natty gym guy ? If you are honest you should do a new video where you compare average natty lifters with sedentary people
@GrainMuncher Says:
Just like I expected, all the insecure gym copers are out here insulting this 46 year old man.
@EvgenyCh-th8dc Says:
ты японец?
@user-tz5gh3wz9g Says:
@rando9352 Says:
"not to be underestimated how inteligent i am, i seem smart, i am smart, now sure i might look a little bit whimpy" DONT FORGET MUSCLES WILL MAKE YOU DIE What was the saying, jokes write themselves "i look better than a skeleton" bruh you look like one
@ziggleboy1309 Says:
This guy is right. Muscular people's are mostly found live life on medicines and medical products for everything. They can't live normal life. They repeat that destruction cycle on others. My friend got muscles and feel that reality then he lefted gym and start normal exercises and body of him wented normal and guy having now healthy life All over muscular get beated up very easily by normal hard workers. But most population loves to stay with bad. Muscles are just product of business. You buy it.
@brilliancewinz81 Says:
Here is where I kill off all that. There is a difference between having a strong engine and then using that strong engine. I think it best to have the power and strength for when you need it but also understand that you don’t need to be in the gym all that much and or exert yourself all that much for no reason…
@brilliancewinz81 Says:
I think there is some middle ground to be had. Not muscleless like you and not overly obsessing in the gym…
@staticimage01 Says:
Stick to tech and stay away from spreading misinformation about subjects you have no idea about besides the cherry picked studies you are providing. Your looking at studies centered around professional bodybuilders. Guess what most pro bodybuilders use. Steroids and other PD’s which attribute to a shorter lifespan are rampant. You go book smarts but your intelligence and comprehension and just lack of energy into actually studying past headlines is hilarious 😂. The guy who was supposed to be “strong” was on peds 💀. CPR and basic health certs are not even close to qualifying you for anything in the health field. That’s coming from someone with an actual degree in sport medicine.
@DMANNstar Says:
I actually believe this. It makes sense. You’re not meant to have big muscles. If you were your body would keep them. End of story. Goodnight.
@spammr Says:
9.3k dislikes is wild 💀
@TheMaui2020 Says:
Videos like this will shorten your life if you believe the BS. Hearts don't have a limited number of beats. He just spews BS without any evidence, making claims that have long ago been debunked. Evidence from many studies have linked muscle mass to longevity with the exception of extreme body builders, many of whom probably die young due to anabolic steroid use.
@YuriGoofov Says:
Yea and somehow roided out overweight bodybuilders are practicing "fitness." LMFAO.
@Waibublz Says:
You people can cope all you want by attacking him personally, but he is correct. That's not to say exercise in every form is bad, it's most certainly good in a moderate amount, but pushing yourself (quite literally putting undue stress on your body, think about what this means logically, does it sound healthy to you?) to an abnormal degree will shorten your lifespan. You only need to think about it logically to reach the correct conclusion, but most of you have been programmed to think a certain way when it comes to this topic. That being said, if you don't care about lifespan or longevity, that's a different story, but you should be aware of the FACTS when it comes to physical stressors on the body. Just think for a few minutes on the most NATURAL way of life for humans. Think tribal times. Think hunter-gatherer. That's the most HEALTHY way of life. Don't be a victim of your programming, or the propaganda you've been fed. Use your brain.
@johnsmithstory Says:
Agree with most of the points. I don't think being sedentary is good for you, but general light exercise (walking, chores) tends to lend itself to better longevity than strenuous exercise, as shown by NBA players and professional athletes having shorter lifespans than an average, short, tiny, active human being (in most meta-analysis of population data).
@adolphgracius9996 Says:
now if you make a video about why fat will kill you and watch how people get angry
@amnone3925 Says:
So funny how butthurt a lot of men get by videos like this.
@danbee415 Says:
feels like he has an incentive to say this given hes skinny.
@lIIIIIIl Says:
One thing I am very sure is : I am going to live few more decades longer than this guy for sure😂
@BuddaFett Says:
Good points.
@americanozoomer9738 Says:
Weak bugman condemns people who’s stronger than him wow shocking
@AdamTin Says:
This dude has finally lost it.
@AnabolicAsylum89 Says:
He’s not wrong. Big muscles are bad for longevity. Bodybuilders abuse steroids, which raises cardiovascular risk. Even I lift lighter weights now and focus more on cardiovascular health
@bryankrauss6334 Says:
That's not the way any of this works. Eat your vegetables and get some exercise, kids.
@bball3048mmfr Says:
9:47 Why must K-Pop singers be a poster child for health? Being skinny doesn't necessarily equate to health. I bet those K-Pop singers have mental health issues as well as disordered eating. Many Asians who are old have Type 2 diabetes and many other metabolic diseases. Just look at the statistics.
@erich84502a Says:
Blubber asses don't live long either
@Staytruegoggins Says:
The only way to pump blood back into heart is by walking. Good job creating click bait
@tensterboy8726 Says:
This may all be true, but it is far better to live a happy and healthy life than a long one
@darthnegativehunter8659 Says:
it's way too obvious. your heart, your liver, your kidneys, your digestive system all need to work harder to feed the muscles.
@andrewreed1329 Says:
its steroids not muscle, i look much younger than people my age and am 50 and lift 5 times a week, if you are natural you will live longer
@Olando89 Says:
It’s a balancing act. All of life is a balancing act.
@user-wp3dg5wf8n Says:
Would everyone just quit getting their knickers in a twist? OBVIOUSLY the main reason he made the video is to get views. Say something controversial and get attention. If you don't get this you're just another lemming... He's not stupid.. he's just playing the game and we're the pawns...
@janglaser6130 Says:
Maybe if you eat a lot of chemicals and proteins and suplements, it may have some negative effect. However, I think you are talking about bodybuilders, which are extremes. However, that does not mean that if some boy goes to gym to get stronger, he shortens his life significantly. This is like saying, that eating food kills you, which it does, every thing you eat has some small negative effect. So shall you stop eating? Or, another one, saying that performing difficult cognitive hobbies, such as chess, programming (I am 29 y.o and a software engineer my entire life) can tire your brain so much you will be having bigger chances of gretting alzheimer. So you shall just lay in bed and do nothing. Well, but then you get fat and you get heart problems. Nice topic to get views and money though.
@rossw2243 Says:
Does the body-builder data factoring in juicing? Because 99% of them do some form of PEDs. Also they tend to have atrocious "bulking" diets.
@realpain84 Says:
Im trainIng since im 17 and agree with every argument in this video.

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