Examining the Evidence for the Destruction of Jericho with Dr. Titus Kennedy #Podcast #shorts

Examining the Evidence for the Destruction of Jericho with Dr. Titus Kennedy #Podcast #shorts


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@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://apple.co/3DezewK
@ecuador9911 Says:
The book entitled “Patterns of Evidence:Exodus” by Timothy Mahoney makes the same observations about the walls and the pots filled with grain. He also points out that one section of the wall (in which the inhabitants of Jericho lived) did NOT collapse. This is most likely Rahab’s dwelling, whose life was spared and was rescued because of the promise by the two Hebrew spies for hiding them. Promises made promises kept.
@cvent8454 Says:
Dr. Kennedy rocks! Thanks, going to watch the full episode.
@oddoutdoors Says:
Just because nyc exists doesn't mean spider man is real. Thats basically what you're saying here. Grow up.
@soluschristus8360 Says:
Oh! Dr. Titus... His career is in Ruins.
@MilesStoner Says:
The crazy thing is that it wasn't just rahab's house but it was a few houses around hurts meaning that God save not just her but her entire family
@avafury4584 Says:
Yet another proof for the bible. No reason to not believe it!
@SavedByFaith9981 Says:
The bible is truth. Stop searching for worldly evidence and pray to Jesus to fill you with the holy spirit and make you reborn. We dont have much time left. If you're waiting for a magical sign or excavation in the future I'm sad to say you're waiting for tribulation to start
@ayamayamblackwhite3190 Says:
Wtf, classic shoehorning of whatever was found to fit the Joshua narrative . 😁🤣🤣🤣
@davidlenett8808 Says:
It's interesting but, we're not likely to hear a show about Israeli archeologist Israel Finkelstein and his book, "The Bible Unearthed" in which he sought out archeological evidence for the biblical exodus and found NONE. 😮
@dux657 Says:
An archaeologist from biola university... 😔
@frankcardano4142 Says:
More archeological evidence for Jack and the Beanstalk. Researchers found large beanstalks and one was chopped down at its base. We can now be certain Jack sold a cow for some magic beans that grew into a giant beanstalk, which he climbed and found a giant at the top and stole his gold.
@justingary5322 Says:
WOW AMEN 🙏👊❤️. It's awesome seeing archeological evidence of stories in The Bible having occured in history. You should still as Christians love people enough to help them but also tell them The Truth. I'm glad brother Frank Turek addressed this on Cross Examined ministry. I was an atheist and agnostic from 17-19 years old until I discovered evidence of God's Existence and Christianity myself. Creation requires a Creator we human beings would call God. Atheists seem to think that God cares if we know that He exists or not obviously don't understand why the last book of The Bible is called Revelation because He finally reveals Himself to the whole world. Jesus The Christ of Nazareth (Yeshua H'Mashiac The Messiah in Hebrew) is The Son of The Living God came to save us from the Eternal consequences of our sins. This has nothing and everything to do with the video but please listen if you want to otherwise leave it alone and ignore it. Hello my name is Justin and I'm a 23 year old Christian and Apologist but I'm also a college graduate. I'm not a closed minded Theist as I have nothing against Atheists or unbelievers as I speak to them often to understand their reasons for unbelief but we as Christians are convinced of God's Existence due to many real factors). I'm not trying to convert anyone or convince anyone to become Christians as that's The Holy Spirit's job to help people believe but only explain why I believe in Jesus Christ. There's actually evidence of God's Existence in Christianity. First of all there's proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed in history since the writings of Tacitus, Josephus Flavius, Pliny the younger and other historical documents prove that He was living two thousand years ago that even scholars both religious and Atheists agree with historically speaking but not that He's The Divine Son of God because obviously they don't. I'm going to give you historical and archeological evidence for God's Existence as The Scriptures have prophecies that predate the events recorded in them by several millennia including Matthew, Hosea and Zechariah which prophesy accurately of the people of Israel becoming a nation again after over 1900 years of being scattered around the nations since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. spoken of by Christ in Matthew 23:29-24:3 and returning to their homeland after The Holocaust with Jerusalem as their capital in 1948 exactly as Jesus The Christ said. The prophets including Daniel spoke of the time where several world empires would arise and fall including the Babylonian kingdom, Medes and Persians, Roman Empire, and Saladin and the Muslims which went in consecutive order for the past few millennia. The people of Israel becoming a nation after The Holocaust in 1948 (ironically the melting point of gold as God compares Israel to gold that's tested in fire in Zechariah 13:8 and Jeremiah 16:15) exactly how Jesus The Christ said would happen since God us everything to come in The Scriptures and not just because people were working towards as Atheists claim which are impossible for any regular man to predict. Just before anyone says Christianity is a white man's religion made to oppress blacks during slavery you obviously aren't aware that the first Christians were Jews in The Middle East and that Christianity just like any religion can be used by evil and corrupt people to oppress others but you forget that the first Abolitionists/Civil Rights activists were Christians who sought to abolish slavery, racism, segregation, injustice and prejudice throughout American history. Jesus The Christ loves you enough not to give you what we all deserve which is God's Wrath by His Own Blood. Charles Darwin didn't originally come up with The Theory of Evolution over 200 years ago as it is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks who believed in Demons that gave knowledge to philosophers. Evolution makes no sense when nothing has evolved after thousands of years of human history and supposedly the first creature came from primordial sludge several millions of years ago funny how they won't believe that God an Eternal Almighty Spirit Being created us from the Earth) which came from a supermassive expansion of matter at high temperature that inexplicably created everything in the known universe that supposedly came from nothing billions of years ago. How did the organs evolve before there were bones, skin, substance and how did any creatures see before eyes evolved? I've studied evolution and abiogenesis in the past and read Darwin's " On The Origin of Species" and I'm not convinced of macro Evolutionary biology whereas I accept micro Evolution like speciation and adaptation but not macro Evolution because there's no evidence of it nor clear observable examples of it where living creatures evolve into other kinds of species plus the fact that fossils don't show evidence of evolution and genetic entropy rules out evolution. The question begs how did two genders evolve from a common ancestor with a perfectly hospitable and sustainable environment with breathable oxygen and resources to survive on inexplicably? Atheists have the burden of proof to explain how everything came to be and why our existence is possible without the Existence of God from an godless perspective just as Christians have to provide evidence of God's Existence and the validity of His Word. Evolution requires life to already exist in order to take any effect in living organisms so it doesn't account for the existence of Life and reality. Also evolution is impossible because it goes against The Law of entropy and the second Law of thermodynamics because evolution makes things better whereas nothing continues to get better but decays and turns to absolute destruction in the end. Mark Ridley an Evolutionist said "No evolutionist whether gradualist or punctuationist uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of The Theory of Darwinian Evolution as opposed to special Creation". God's Existence is made perfectly known and observable in the universe as demonstrated in His Handiwork in the intelligently designed manner that Creation was made, human consciences and consciousness historical and archaeological evidence of God's Word being valid history, fulfillment of Bible Prophecies God in His Holiness and Righteousness could give us what we deserve in Hell for our since but He's merciful to give us free will to choose to accept or reject His gift of salvation by grace through faith in His Son Jesus. I don't mean this is any condescending manner but if you'd like to discuss The Scriptures with me or have me listen to your view on anything my instagram account is Savage Christian Kombatant.
@GraftedOliveBranch Says:
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. ~ James 4:8
@collinwayne8452 Says:
Where can you find the article mentioned?
@Paulthored Says:
Yet another example of archaeological/historical support of the Biblical Narratives. Also, This is essentially evidence for a Biblical Miracle. Granted, it is one of those Miracles that Science confirms possible within the Natural Order of Creation. _(Two out of every Three Miracles Recorded in the Bible happen to be considered scientifically plausible._ _The other Third are clearly Supernatural Miracles.)_
@Exposure_Ministries_329 Says:
Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@rkol2729 Says:
a similar incident happened at the Ullevi nearly collapsed during a Bruce Springsteen concert on 8 June 1985 due to the rhythmic movement of tens of thousands of people in the audience and the clay soil on which the stadium is built. The concert also caused nearly £3 million in damages,
@dalex60 Says:
Still, as usual, nothing presented that proves a god exists or that any particular set of beliefs are correct and true above all other 3,999 brands of world religions…
@thatomofolo452 Says:
@Gek1177 Says:
So what do we say about the facts that there are 23 distinct layers at the historically Jericho, that the dating of the site doesn't fit the Biblical account, and that real archeologists think Jericho was destroyed by the Egyptians under Ahmos I from Egyptian records.
@roa7923 Says:
I’m so hyped that they actually found it!
@sagacity6446 Says:
There's been both Christian and Atheist archaeologists that made their opinion on the site agreed to be Jericho. A layer that's burned. Stored grains in scorched pots. Walls that fell outward, easier to climb. The discrepancy is the dates, but a precise timeline isn't needed to draw sufficient confidence in any favor. Pottery style borrowed "fashion" from other cities, and the style at that layer is too nebulous to rule out the timeframe for a burned/fallen Jericho by scriptural accounts.
@darkeen42 Says:
You can't just say it must be Jericho because the walls collapsed. Walls collapse when they aren't made very well talk to people grasp at straws
@mattr.1887 Says:
Need more than just a few vague claims. Where is the proof that the entire Bible is true?
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Not good news for those who really want the Bible to be "myths and fairytales". For the rest of us, "let God be true and every man a liar". Glory, honor and praise be to God Almighty.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CE.
@larzman651 Says:
Of course it's as the Bible says because GOD'S WORD is truth 🙌. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@dantheman909 Says:
All the walls collapsed, then the whole city was burnt (they discovered the burn layer), and all the resources were left. Just as God commanded and like the Bible says.

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