How do I affirm my child while still being true to the gospel?

How do I affirm my child while still being true to the gospel?


"Can't I follow Jesus along with my same-sex attractions?" If your child asked you this question, what would you say? Would you shy away from the truth? In this video, Frank responds to a woman concerned about children potentially turning away from the faith if not affirmed. ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? Fearless Generation - Complete DVD Series????????, Complete mp4 Series (download)???????? by Mike Adams, Frank Turek, and J. Warner Wallace ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (????????????-????????????????????????????????????????) ???? ? Website: ? PayPal: ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???? ? Facebook: ? Twitter: ? Instagram: ? Pinterest: ????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????? ? Website: ? Store: ? Online Courses: ????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????? ? iTunes: ? Google Play: ? Spotify: ? Stitcher: #Apologetics #Jesus #Christianity #Theology #Doctrine #Bible #QuestionsAboutFaith #Answers #Skeptics  #ChristianityIsTrue #True #CrossExamined #FrankTurek




@CrossExamined Says:
Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱
@FlyingGentile Says:
Those are things she should have long thought of before having kids.
@giosamigos Says:
wow straight up, love it👏
@stormykeep9213 Says:
It may be hard, but telling them the truth is like planting a seed. They may not like to hear it at first, but down the road at some point they'll realize their lifestyle is not bringing them happiness, and like an addict that hits rock bottom, that seed will come back to them and just maybe lead them back to God.
@n8mail76 Says:
Pray without ceasing. You can pray to have him bombarded with God's love which will call him to faith.
@Happyxcamper Says:
"A man may live with a man, & a woman may live with a woman." "But 'sexual immorality' harms us, no matter the gender. & in 'the kingdom of God in heaven,' there is neither male nor female. So then, how do we expect to be a 'homo-anything' there?" "We are only 'homosapien's' for now, just like anything else we try to 'brand' on a forehead."
@johnrichards6080 Says:
"...tell them the truth." If they're ostracized, get bullied, face depression, commit suicide, are killed, then it's their fault. They're sinners. The absence of empathy, love and compassion in fundamentalist Christianity is astonishing. I'm sure Jesus would be horrified that people are using scripture to justify their hard-hearted bigotry.
@websurfer5772 Says:
So if someone is gay and wants to belong to your church, do they still feel welcomed there? Are they pressured to try to change themselves to become hetero?
@sebastianwilson8899 Says:
If you present a false Gospel to sinners, then you’re sinning yourself…Paul was clear if you present “another Gospel” you’re under a curse, so then you and the person you’re trying to minister to are BOTH in trouble….. it’s like at how Adam dealt with Eve, by eating the fruit and sinning with her he was actually saying: “ I’m going to die (in sin) WITH you”. Christ on the other hand did not partake of our sin and said: “I’m going to die FOR you….” The first Adam went DOWN and INTO sin, the second Adam lifts us UP and OUT of sin, to put it that way.
@ntkmw8058 Says:
0:54 works backloading bastard!
@sandragambrel9721 Says:
Excellent answer, again. Praise the Lord. God bless your messages and thank you for being a blessing to us! Hallelujah!!!
@joegoodman8213 Says:
Why not give them the gospel? Where are they going to run away to, hell #2? At least that seed will be sown for God to work on.
@Nick-ij5nt Says:
"They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." -Luke 12:53
@davidlanders2671 Says:
Where is the Gospel going to chase them off to, hell number 2?
@gojohnnygo3209 Says:
Come as you are: whether you become a advocator for LGBTQ is still not for you to decide. What your savior begins in you he will finish.
@thewordistruth399 Says:
What harm is caused by a homosexual lifestyle? A lot of people want to believe if there is no immediate consequence then there is no harm done, but how does any person engaging in a homosexual lifestyle know if their lifestyle is harming them or not? Most people I have met are not that self aware. A study in 2020 measured how many thoughts people had in a day, and it was estimated that people have a staggering 6,000 thoughts a day. If that's true, I can't even tell you 10% of my thoughts in a day. Thoughts produce feelings and actions. I have been known to say "I'm feeling something, but I couldn't even tell you what I was thinking about." Is it possible a lifestyle could be hurting you, but you just can't identify the harm it is doing. Maybe many homosexuals are depressed, but never tie it to homosexuality. Maybe they can't hold a job, and never tie it to homosexuality. Maybe they have anger problems and can never tie it to homosexuality. Sin, all sin, even gluttony, which I am very familiar with, produces feelings, beliefs, opinions in our minds and bodies, souls and spirts, and most people cannot identify completely what those feeling and beliefs are. Heck, most people would not even be able to identify all the thoughts they think in a day. I'm positive, every homosexual has thought "this is wrong" but probably don't remember every time they think that thought. I'm also positive every homosexual has thought "this is right" but couldn't always identify that as well. The point I'm trying to make is we need the mind of Christ, because only he can parse out all our thoughts and help us live in righteousness to get our minds to think on whatever it good, noble, praiseworthy and excellent. Without Christ, nobody is righteous. I do not lead a homosexual lifestyle, but I have struggled with same sex attraction. The lifestyle I have lead though is gluttony, and I promise you, it was damaging me, even when all that chocolate tasted good. So just because a consequence is not readily available, doesn't mean there isn't one. That is why God's wisdom is so important, because we can trust him to lead us in righteous paths and we do not need to trust in our limited intellect in determing what is harmful or not.
@thomaswhaley9799 Says:
Many people at the time might have thought Jesus was a outcast because they they didn’t think was the one to come. That didn’t stop him from spreading the word and saving people. That’s what I think what’s the mother gets wrong. It’s not what the world thinks of us. It’s if she shows her child that she can live her life and stay on her mission to God because God is the only one that we really should think that we are living up to His standards.
@juliecantina8479 Says:
God comes first, before ALL. Everyone and everything. If you have a child that thinks anything that has to do with the "pride" agenda is good, PLEASE set them straight in The Lord. Scripture makes it very clear it is sin, and against God. Anyone that has true knowledge of God knows this is true. Take a stand against this wickedness, and train up your child in the instruction of The Lord. Amen.
@joeywright4638 Says:
Amen! Scripture does not call us to "affirm our children." Utter nonsense!!!
@cygnusustus Says:
The Bible is not truth, children.
@L5player Says:
If a child--or anyone else, for that matter--believed that taking a daily sip of antifreeze would protect them against illness, should they be "affirmed" in that belief lest they be offended and driven away, or told they are only killing themselves slowly? We don't tell people they are right about something important when they are clearly wrong about it. "The truth will make you free" doesn't mean "the truth will enslave and alienate you." We tell people what the Scripture says. "Thy word is truth."
@ce6236 Says:
Our pastor had a lesbian sister. One of His testimony that one day He speak the truth to her lesbian sister and share the gospel. Years pass and her lesbian sister turn to a full grown woman. And a drummer of the church. Keep praying . Jesus is real! (Im asian forgive my english) God bless
@junacebedo888 Says:
Disobedience to your doctor leads you to sickness Disobedience to the Blessed Lord leads you to ...........
@kristofferssondavid Says:
Don't think you will reach the youth by telling them they are 'out' as sinners. They need to understand: why, what and how. Since the beginning sin is to follow your desire over God's command. Do you say: 'Thy will be done' or 'my will be done'? You have to lead them to a relationship with our Creator through Jesus and live a life in the Holy Spirit. If we want our church to be like 1 Cor 6 with former homosexuals we need to love them. Without love we risk to lose our youth and the lost are out of reach. Don't throw stones because we are all sinners in need of a saviour, and we might struggle like Peter but Jesus is faithful, and let us say the words 'go and sin no more' with a heart full of love then they will understand it's because you want them to inherit the kingdom of God. I appreciate your videos a lot, they have helped me. With love! ❤️✝️ /David
@adamjuneau6287 Says:
homsexual sex is no way to respect and love god.
@harryfaber Says:
I wonder if Frank and the team can explain what it is about them that attracts so many people who simply come into these comment sections to troll. I get the feeling that if Frank said 'ice cream is cold', within seconds the usual suspects would be screaming 'prove it' or equally inane comments.
@dabbler1166 Says:
The kid asks: what the bad is in same sex attraction? What planet is this lady on? I'd tell them: Gee, what's the attraction of putting your "member" into someone's rear end?! Doesn't that seem ANY degree of gross to you?? God forbid any "good Christian parent" (these days) would tell their own kids to REPENT. Or show them Romans One, verses 26-28. Or encourage them to get a hetero boyfriend/girlfriend. DON'T BUY this business about "I can't help it". If you really couldn't, why would Paul condemn what was impossible to resist. I dont buy it. You shouldn't either. People HAVE "left the lifestyle", but this is a HUGE Uber-taboo for the gay "community" to admit. READ the Book: Shadow in the Land by former congressman Dannemeyer. He took a ton of heat for writing that book but he also exposed alot!
@harryfaber Says:
If a person does not believe in God or the Bible, giving them the word of God will make no difference at all. We must be willing to speak in terms that they will listen to and the biology, the science, is remarkably clear on this subject.
@simeonyves5940 Says:
You Forsake them as Christ Jesus the Lord Commands, anyone who is Not willing to Forsake a Child who goes against Christ is not Fit to be a Disciple! The Holy Scripture is very clear on this!
@charleshockenbarger9573 Says:
You can't save people. Tell them the truth and if they reject it, they are rejecting God and you then have a decision -- do you love God more than you love your child? Ministering to Satan is not possible. Christ didn't come to make everyone be saved For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. (Mat 10:35) You need to depart from that worker of iniquity, as Paul tells the Corinthians! It hurts to make that separation, but if you value your soul, you will not try to walk with Belial and have any concord with him.
@joshuaharvey1054 Says:
So homosexuality is sin but polygamy is OK right? Lamech, Abraham, Esau, Jacob, Gideon, David and Solomon are just some of the men shown taking multiple wives in the Bible. No condemnation is given. God even gave David Saul’s wives. (Why would he do that if he didn’t approve of polygamy?) “Thus saith the LORD God of Israel ... I gave thee [David] ... thy master’s [Saul’s] wives...” 2 Samuel 12:7-8 He set up rules for men who wanted to take another wife. “If he take him another wife...”Exodus 21:10 And he provided instructions for men that had two wives, one beloved, and another hated. “If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated...”Deuteronomy 21:15 Even Jesus (sometimes) seemed OK with polygamy? The parable of the ten virgins involves a man and his ten brides. “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Matthew 25:1” (There is evidence that later editors modified things so that the story's ten virgins, of whom five wise ones find the groom and five foolish ones don't, are "bridesmaids" rather than brides.) If an early passage of Genesis is meant to condemn polygamy, why does God remain silent about it for the rest of his book, throughout generations of polygamous patriarchs of Israel? How about Genocide?(Numbers 31:17-18, Joshua 6:21, 1 Samuel 15:3) Female sex slavery?(Exodus 21:7-8) Stop the hypocrisy. We all cherry pick and prioritize certain verses in the Bible while deemphasizing and downplaying others to fit our confirmation bias. We build systematic theologies out of texts that (at-least on the surface) do not appear to agree with each other. 🤷‍♂️
@katamas832 Says:
Don't be true to the Gospels, have basic common sense to realize they aren't hurting anyone and don't try to force your religion onto them.
@Servant44 Says:
(Save To Notes For Others) (Different Ways For Remission Of Sins) We Sin Our Whole Life And So We Need For Our Sins To Be Pardoned Or We Will Still Die In Sin  -  Believe  (People go to hell from dying in sin) John 8:24 (KJV)  I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for (if ye believe not) that I am he, ye shall (die in your sins.) - We Are In The New Testament (Sins purged by the Lord's blood) Matthew 26:28 (KJV)  For this is my blood of the new testament, which is (shed for many) for the (remission of sins.) - Convert (Your sins are forgiven when you initially believe) Acts 10:43 (KJV)  To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive (remission of sins.) - Have knowledge of salvation (Different ways for remission of sins) Luke 1:77 (KJV)  To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the (remission of their sins,) - More Ways For Remission Of Sins (Sins are forgiven from water baptism) Acts 2:38 (KJV)  Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be (baptized) every one of you in the (name of Jesus Christ) for the (remission of sins,) and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. - Confession Of Sin (Sincere in confessing sins to God) 1 John 1:9 (KJV)  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to (forgive us our sins,) and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. - Convert Sinner From His Error Of Sin (Explain sin) James 5:20 (KJV)  Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall (hide a multitude of sins.) - Have Charity (Having compassion) 1 Peter 4:8 (KJV)  And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall (cover the multitude of sins.) - Love (To Love All Life)  Proverbs 10:12 (KJV)  Hatred stirreth up strifes: but (love covereth all sins.) - Endure (Predestined are those that do not die in sin) Mark 13:13 (KJV)  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall (endure unto the end,) the same (shall be saved.) - Repent From Sin (Sin one has not turned from) Luke 13:5 KJV  I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
@desertmusic7O2 Says:
Great video Turek! Can you please make a video on Atrazine and the scientific studies of it, please? It’s really a game changer and a reason why we have so many confused people in the more recent years. Even recently RFK JR has spoken on it.
@elizaleski9618 Says:
Where does Paul say “you’re out”
@Ezekiel336-16 Says:
To be honest, from my own experience, it was my turning away from Jesus and what I was raised with that ultimately brought me to Him forever. I was angry at the Lord and my family for many things, which all defiant sinners are in one or more ways, and when I gave into that anger through sin and rejection of the Lord, I eventually came to the end of myself and saw the wretched creature that I was. Then I had to make a choice, and with His grace and my will to survive I did. That wasn't perfect love by any means, but it was the start to a new life and the perfect (complete and whole) love with Him that I and us are are meant for. The point being is this, your kid(s) may well have to turn away from the Lord before they will really turn to Him forever. They may not though, but they never truly will if we are feeding them with lies about who the Lord is and what He wants for us and from us all. Also, it's worth noting that Jesus used 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 to scare the hELL I was choosing out of me! So, it's appropriate that Frank mentioned that book and chapter. Love your kids and others by telling them the truth and not enabling their sins, and entrust the rest to the Lord. They may still not make it, but they never will by people doing otherwise. The Truth (who is Jesus) sets and keeps us free!!! In Christ, Andrew
@Glorious716 Says:
@vincentm7357 Says:
It seems in this day and age that everyone keeps forgetting God is in control over everything. Do what Jesus commanded and let God do the rest. His will be done, not ours.
@electricspark5271 Says:
If you love someone, you will tell them the truth. Jesus said the truth will set you free.
@shannonvanpatten8341 Says:
When people want approval and acceptance I tell them to apply for a credit card
@EdwardRomanOficial Says:
I’m not yet a father, but I would teach my children what truly edifies; and the rest is up to him/her/them.
@kayheart1413 Says:
It is simple! Amen.
@jimmyjustright1609 Says:
What this lady needs to do is stop letting the "WORLD" raise her child and start being a Godly parent.
@JerGossett6 Says:
The bible NEVER says gay people go to heaven! It says they are an abomination unto death!!!! Death is HELL!!!!
@JamesRichardWiley Says:
I'm so sorry but Jesus isn't there which means you will have to think for yourself.
@alexwatson3064 Says:
Salvation is not free, it was purchased at terrible cost. More of a difference in choice of words than theology I think. Great video.
@andrevisser7542 Says:
Jesus came to save us from satan's bondage and subsequently living in satan's nature (the true definition of sin) by resurrecting our spirit to allow His Spirit to live in and through us, changing us into His image and likeness, allowing us to live in His nature, no desire to sin anymore...
@bungalallyO Says:
It's sad many mothers think like that one. Even to the point of insisting the church proclaim a false gospel, I've seen it happen.
@rudytorres9910 Says:
There's only one path to salvation and that's the way of Christ. All else is vanity.
@rickbrickles1410 Says:
Man you all need to get your children help. And get ‘em out of that environment. Satan will get them. The world is evil.

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