How NOT to Defend the Resurrection

How NOT to Defend the Resurrection


How do you convince skeptics that Jesus rose from the dead? Well-meaning Christians often emphasize the wrong issue when trying to persuade non-Christians that Christianity is true. In this video, Frank shows you the critical point to focus on when evangelizing. ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? Early Evidence for the Resurrection by Dr. Gary Habermas DVD????????, Mp3????????, and Mp4???????? ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (????????????-????????????????????????????????????????) ???? ? Website: ? PayPal: ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???? ? Facebook: ? Twitter: ? Instagram: ? Pinterest: ????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????? ? Website: ? Store: ? Online Courses: ????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????? ? iTunes: ? Google Play: ? Spotify: ? Stitcher: #Resurrection #ChristianityIsTrue




@CrossExamined Says:
FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱
@jeffwolcott7815 Says:
But how do we prove Jesus rose from the dead?
@Mojo32 Says:
Makes sense that Christianity is based on Jesus resurrection from death as true, but what can we point to as possible proof (besides the Bible of course ) of that as we discuss this with others?
@christian11111 Says:
I recently realized that the same way Muslims treat their children or family members that leave their faith for Christianity is exactly how the Jews would have treated any of their family that converted to Christianity. Let that soak in for a moment. The original Christian’s were Jews who were swayed by the evidence that Jesus is God and died and rose again. But to say that openly they risked death, they would absolutely have been cast out from their family and excommunicated from society. They would have been called blasphemers and beaten or killed. My point by saying this is, early Christian’s wouldn’t have had an easy time, so for a Jew to convert to Christianity (profess faith that Jesus is God) was all risk with no reward. Just look at how Muslims that convert are treated today, and it would have been even worst 2000 years ago when laws were in place allowing the beating or killing of blasphemers. Just a thought to consider in all this.
@SojournerDidimus Says:
Because Jesus rose from the dead, and the scriptures are inerrant, Jesus is God. It must be both premises, otherwise it's just a nice trick with no repercussions whatsoever.
@jasonroelle5261 Says:
Saying you would not have a new testament if A person named Jesus did not rise from the dead is false.
@ericjensen3662 Says:
So how come none of you really believe in His resurrection? If He was resurrected, how is He a spirit today? The whole point of the resurrection is immortality. But if He is a spirit today, as ALL of you believe, he must have died again at some point. Which is why none of you really believe in His resurrection. Not a single one of you.
@cygnusustus Says:
"If Jesus rose from the dead, then the Bible is inerrant.", Frank. Are really this bad at logic, or do you just recognize that your audience is?
@cygnusustus Says:
Now, if only you had any evidence for Resurrection to emphasize. That seems to be where you strategy always fails, Frank.
@cygnusustus Says:
"Imagine you're an apostle and you want to convince your friend that Jesus is his savior. What do you do?" Start lying.
@Believe_the_Bible Says:
If you heard the evidence for the resurrection and it proved to be reliable, would you become a Christian?
@JamesRichardWiley Says:
If Yahweh had done his job properly he would not have needed to make Jesus die on the cross.
@monkkeygawd Says:
Eek... that MIGHT work for non-thinking feeling type people, BUT... not on rational, fact-based minds.
@georgemccreadyprice8195 Says:
A South African pastor rose a man from the dead a few years ago. The video proof is on YouTube which is better evidence than anything of Jesus. So why don’t Christian’s believe it?
@austinp1998 Says:
True. Jesus said the only sign He would give to an evil generation is the sign of the prophet Jonah, which points to His death and resurrection. That’s the proof that He is Lord and God.
@anthonyhudson2265 Says:
A person being resurrected is impossible according to the laws of physics, therefore we automatically know that the resurrection didn't happen.
@TylerAndToast Says:
Great video!!! Would love a follow up to this too
@darkeyez1630 Says:
Uhm, folks, no one witnessed Jesus rising from the dead. The stories we have are of supposed interactions after he arose.
@DaniielPineda Says:
Where can I see the rest of this?
@ronniejamesstepford Says:
Matthew witnessed Jesus rise from the dead?
@elbertsorrell8394 Says:
Great explanation! We need to present the evidence for the resurrection. The truth will stand up for itself!
@cfitzgduke Says:
Yep, the evidence of the resurrection in the unverified story, is unsupported by any non-biblical sources.
@newharvestneo Says:
Dr Turek how do you know anything about the spiritual significance of the resurrection? The Bible. If you don't start with the Bible as the authority, why should people you evangelize? If you use evidence to make the unbelievers rationale and reason the ultimate authority, then why should they ever give up that authority to the Scriptures? The fact is the Apostles viewed the Scriptures as their authority
@Yesunimwokozi1 Says:
Turek is awesome on apologetics
@PunkEvangelist Says:
So how did they defend the resurrection before Christ came? This is actually a very bad take if you think about it. You're starting to sound like Andy Stanley...
@sherlockhomeless7138 Says:
So why is there so little evidence for the resurrection?
@lion4life954 Says:
Frank rocks
@1689solas Says:
Ehh bad theology. The bible says the word of God is MORE RELIABLE than eye witness accounts. Without what the word of God says about the resurrection it's just a miracle. No explanation of what it means or what it accomplished. For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:16‭, ‬19 NASB1995
@christdiedforoursins1467 Says:
Jesus said i am the resurrection and the life
@Ezekiel336-16 Says:
And yet, biblical prophecy is the best undeniable evidence for Jesus and the resurrection. The timing of His coming was foretold to the year in Daniel through the prophecy of 70 weeks of years, and His resurrection was foretold twice by Jesus Himself in the New Testament. So, it doesn't have to be an either/or between inerrancy and evidence because it's both! In Christ, Andrew
@Thundawich Says:
Why does inerrancy follow if Jesus rose from the dead?
Amen! Romans 10:17 "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." I was born again when I read the gospel and read for myself Jesus crucified and resurrected and was convicted of it by the Holy Spirit, then came the evidence. Not the other way around.
@majm9309 Says:
Gary says to justify belief in "leprechauns exist" we need to stop trying to prove it's true as a conclusion _and just assume it's true as a premise._ Does Gary's logic make sense, or do we actually need a good argument for leprechauns? I think we need a good argument reaching leprechauns as a conclusion before we can use them as a premise -- well Frank needs that too, and he doesn't have it, which is why he wants to skip past the lack of evidence to just assume it's true for no reason. Please start caring more whether your beliefs are true. Don't believe people like Frank or Gary who ask you to ignore reason and essentially just blindly believe bad ideas.
@southerncross4956 Says:
Will the “church” ever get there heads out of the Old Testament and tell the GOOD NEWS of a risen, alive, vibrant, revenant, good waiting for you Jesus who is found in the New Testament? Remember it’s “Come to Jesus!” first then you and He can start getting your forgiveness and life fixed. The clean yourself up or bawling and squalling at the alter BEFORE coming to Jesus is a trick of hell.
@ronbo30 Says:
All the apostles died martyrs ( except John) he needed to still write book of revelation. Would ALL the apostles die for a lie? They knew first hand if the resurrection was a hoax or true. The fact all died for Jesus is very strong proof of resurrection is true.
@Rymann_23 Says:
Ooh this is so good
@hansdemos6510 Says:
So, there we have it then; just demonstrate that the resurrection happened, and Bob's your uncle! Oh wait, you can't demonstrate that the resurrection happened... Well then, just provide sufficient objectively convincing evidence so that any impartial observer will rationally conclude that the resurrection most probably happened! Oh wait, you can't do that either... Oh dear... so what will you do now? Fall back on "it says so in the Bible" anyway?
@mattr.1887 Says:
If Jesus was God and still alive, I don’t see why he would die for humanity to ensure that personal relationship, only to then go away and never interact with most of humanity. Nothing Frank says in this video proves the resurrection. In fact, he seems to use the very tactic that he warns against using: the Bible says so.
@jamesw4250 Says:
There isn't any way to defend the resurrection anyways. There's zero evidence for it. And quite a bit that contradicts it.
@azophi Says:
Not a Christian, but to me it seems like Matthew spent a lot of time focusing on how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the OT. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? It seems to me Matthew was more interested in connecting the OT prophecies (or things interpreted as prophecies) to Jesus 😊
@Believe_the_Bible Says:
You missed this one, Frank. There is no talk of Jesus and the resurrection w/o the words of God. Though the early believers didn't discuss the inerrancy of scripture they believe it to be so and that is what gave them the info to even talk about Jesus and that was their basis. The OT is the scriptures they believed that foretold of the Messiah. Without the scriptures you could not tell Jesus was the Christ. Shame on you for belittling scripture.
@somerandom3247 Says:
Big rant about not just expecting people to believe the bible, then finishes off by just expecting people to believe the bible....... Christianity at its finest. confused, contradictory, and indefensible.
@somerandom3247 Says:
There is no evidence for the resurrection, and the bible is clearly not inerrent.
@CKD3332 Says:
The thing about the totality of Christianity is that it is far superior than anything else. I mean the Resurrection is way at the end of the story. You have so many amazing things before you even get there, that makes the example of Jesus in a different league to anyone else. My thing about Christianity has been the Sermon on the Mount. It's total Spiritual above genius.
@dux657 Says:
If jesus resurrected then the bible is inerrant.. how do you get to that conclusion? Even if jesus had resurrected, that wouldn't prove that there was a flood..
@gi169 Says:
Awesome CE, thank you... 👍
@stephenkaake7016 Says:
Jesus did not exist Frank, I know because I am God, I know that he didn't live, he did not go to the cross, he did not die for your sins, he is not coming back, he is not my Son, Steve is my son, he should be loved and helped, his life was destroyed, I can have him type a message
@NycAgent47 Says:
The resurrection doesn't need to be defended because even if you don't believe in it, it still happened and there's nothing you can say to change that.
@ayamayamblackwhite3190 Says:
Where is jesus ? Got real evidence frank ?
@williamhutcheson6511 Says:
Interesting how much the prefix re- is involved in Christian thinking. Renew. Reknow. Redeem. Return.Retrieve. Resurrect.

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