When Humans Play God… #Shorts

When Humans Play God… #Shorts


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@MrGuzmanra Says:
So he's saying God and that woman same?
@miguelubieto1957 Says:
so your god is so immoral, that you have to defend his actions with whataboutism? Isn't god supposed to be superior to humans?
@MarkMetternichPhotographyLLC Says:
The answer to that question is that people want to play God. End of story.
@Nex41354 Says:
Right after she said, "oh i am pro-abortion," i would have just rested my head on my hand and said, "next!." ... Self-evident's are self-evidence.
@dga2135 Says:
Boy, you told her! Why is it that when God Most High says not one will be lost, you say that many will be damned? What Gospel are you preaching? Until one is fully corrected and his old mortal body gives way to his New Body, that one will attain Holy knowledge and will Know. This one is coming and is already here. He is at the threshold. While I am still in this mortal human body I know enough to see you are not anywhere close to resembling a true follower of Jesus Christ. This is NOT an insult, it's a call to repentance. For the sake of ALL souls including your own, REPENT IMMEDIATELY!
@truthseeker1532 Says:
I’d love to hear her answer to that question
@lc3507 Says:
@ISkeptic649 Says:
So then god is pro-abortion in that he "aborted" the entire human race. Men, women, children, babies. If the flood story is true it's an expression of god's cruelty.
@darrylrice1446 Says:
Pointing out someone else’s hypocrisy doesn’t answer the question, and I’ve never heard it answered before. why did God command Israelite soldiers to run their swords through infants?
@MelonieG85 Says:
Got em!!! 😎
@perryostrander4648 Says:
She got that mentality from the tree of knowledge of good and evil 🐺
@philipenneper9148 Says:
@Syrin23 Says:
NONE of this matters. If the CREATOR of the universe tells you what the rules are, it DOESN'T matter if you agree or disagree. Play by the rules or face eternal damnation. God doesn't care WHAT your judgment of his rules is.
@Gammapod Says:
Nobody is willing to talk about whether or not they think that fetuses are people, and why. It's really frustrating, because that's the only point that matters.
@maxmaximum-sh4bx Says:
For the algorithm
@monkkeygawd Says:
PLEASE, with an open mind, read about the Advaita Vedantin philosophy! God literally plays everyone. There is no doer, no creation, no individual self. All is God.
@SAM-dm5qg Says:
Thank You For Sharing ❤
@yuliuswijayanto843 Says:
Justice or Grace , you will be given one of them. Thanks to Frank , Jesus bless your work and service
@potatotatoman1145 Says:
If she said Pro-life, you'd be stumped to make a retort 😂
@The-F.R.E.E.-J. Says:
Judging God, the greatest human pastime.
@wojak91 Says:
@kyhunter9682 Says:
Great answer Sir
@Lepetitvache Says:
unfortunately, pro-abortion and pro-choice are not the same thing
@patricksibeko6193 Says:
Double standards
@ToddStaples-BigT Says:
ding ding ding! drop the mic
@geo-pi3zo Says:
Because it's proven that women who have forced pregnancies, they tend to grow poor ,unemployed etc While God committed mass genocide, because he doesn't find them "good"
@floyddorsey3260 Says:
wow god cant be compared to a human STOP
@biblestudy7398 Says:
What an awesome reply.
@djkostya76 Says:
That’s all the hypocrisy of people. They know where’s rights and wrongs , but … yeah… looking for excuses …
@Vinciini83 Says:
What about when god gives a child cancer? Is that justified?
@paulrodgers252 Says:
humans? That the problem: hu man, who, is on the Left of Man, Roman, and Woman in the dictionary and in Life; on a scale of 1 to 10: human is a (-)3 (negative 3); crap is a 5 which means a human is below crap;
@kidkratoski3778 Says:
@TPB129. Says:
God never killed or had anyone kill anyone that was human in the old testament. The ones killed she thinks are humans, were actually demonic human hybrid giants called: Nephilim. They were destroyed in the flood, when Noah built his ark, and were the old worlds vast pagan gods the world has been scathed by. The Egyptians, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Vikings, the English, ect, ALL of the worlds oldest religions make 2 universal facts: the giant cannibal "pagen gods" and the flood that destroyed them.
@mato8494 Says:
He clearly understood nothing…
@refuse2bdcvd324 Says:
People who reject God tend to devalue the things he has created.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
What does the moral decisions (abortion or otherwise) of humans have to do with a gods decisions? It doesn’t excuse a god butchering infant babies if someone is pro choice
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
It’s not as much that this class med hod kills people, it’s that it murders innocent children/babies. Inexcusable
@wolteralkema1211 Says:
Thee God rust kill’s People, is a mind maar God, a false god. God is love. On the otter hand : a human who decides to abort a baby, is denying consciounsness, If you knew God/love you would-be mot kill nor abort
No " god " claim has Ever been demonstrated, Ever. Hey Frank, if your christian " god " is against abortion, it probably shouldn't support abortion by having a woman accused of cheating, drink an " abortion " concoction. Abortion wouldn't even be a subject if your " god " made pregnancy a voluntary/desired choice instead of random chance even if you take precautions. So dumb. Keep those babies you rape victims! " god " said so. " Happy are those who take your babies and dash them against the rocks ",- Psalm. Disgusting christian ignorance at its finest. Hay-men.
@CultOfMajora Says:
Pretty straightforward answer, I don’t claim to be the authority on morality, I’m guessing you guys see God as a parent, a kind of don’t do as I do but do as I say kind of guy? I mean, I would never admire someone like that, but you know whatever floats your boat.
@TayDaley Says:
And she couldn’t provide an answer bc it’s a heart issue
@bryanwu6211 Says:
Leftism is built on heresy and hypocrisy
@Matt_0G Says:
He doesnt kill anyone. He just pressed start
@jeremyringkamp2490 Says:
Then that lady after you say that to her starts raging and screaming at you
@cottagesky Says:
@user-sp6lk8qz2j Says:
Of course they can’t!
@nothing-om6fn Says:
Uh huh, here's the difference. A god should be a just, unbiased being, a creator shouldn't interfere with its creation's life. Humans aren't supposed to be perfect.
@alexsanderlewis8554 Says:
He is 100% lying
@RangerJ602 Says:
Would have said stop deflecting. Doesn’t matter wether I’m pro abortion or not if it’s gods plan to kill innocents. Which yes is immoral and evil. But you’re ok with getting your morals from that. Yikes
@AHoward-pz8xx Says:
Easy your God and baby killers are equally evil. Because he is a baby killer too.

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