Channel Update: i'm retiring. It's over.
Channel Update: i'm retiring. It's over.



@TechLead Says:
Planning to retire early? Ace your coding interviews with ex-Google/ex-Facebook training.
@lucaleung5892 Says:
Admire you, & follow you. The man who understanded you needless to say, don't understanded you, say anything is useless. Godbless you.
@CEA9234 Says:
Lol. Yep I am basically in retirement in my 30s
@soltsdev Says:
Yes I am small rich now
@newchaoz Says:
Burned out millionaire, as an ex-millionaire.
@bosko2592 Says:
Japanese people are very masochistic
@revstevetb Says:
You’re the version of me that actually won the game. Congrats man. Enjoy the view from the top! Hope to join you up there sooner rather than later.
@burtturdison4445 Says:
Retiring as an Ex-Youtuber (as a millionaire)
@KlausKleber-pe2vw Says:
you can also make money streaming video games ( ?!) ! But playing video games also gets boring at some point !
@johndunn5272 Says:
When are you taking up acrobatics ? Commentary while going through the motions...
@TerranceYu Says:
I want to see no editing going forward. Just pure raw footage
@getchertified Says:
1.45M subscribers... you should be happy. You should keep going. Now, you're deciding to stop adding value... TechLead, Is this the result of depression?
@hadishamson393 Says:
Asian sheldon, pls tell me if you are serious or not?
@JackTan-og1om Says:
haha, i love the videos. this one is some what similar to what a lot of young Chinese are doing nowadays, forget about the rat race. They called it 躺平,摆烂 which basically is take it easy, laid back, slacken etc.
@Piliponful Says:
I am sacrificing
@shelleymeyerhoffart Says:
Oh sounds not so bad actually... I’m so sick of value
@shelleymeyerhoffart Says:
Nooooo I just found you. Lol
@richardmahoney4531 Says:
dont go - we love your sarcasms😁 ..
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Czech republic
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Czech republic
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Europe
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Europe 🌍
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Europe
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Europe 😊
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
Retire in Europe
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
@DrJamesWatts Says:
!!!!! Hehehehe
@ConfusedIceCave-ys5bl Says:
I would retire in Europe
@bruceconstuble4603 Says:
I retired 17 years ago. Welcome to anonymity. Its nice here.
@MikeS-7 Says:
Tap out, my friend. You are blessed with the resources to retire, so do it. I am watching because you are interesting. Retirement in 2.5 years, the hard way. In the end, nobody cares. The one you need to focus on is your child. That's your legacy. Chill, my friend.
@stevej9740 Says:
That does it im never watching you again. Hey, when i's your next video? I get so much cake from these.
@igreyshae Says:
Just fount him! How can he retire now?! I just started!
@kazanpadou Says:
Just graduated with my Master's. I found an internship in data analyst but in the end, I decided not to go. In Germany, there's a thing called vocational training Ausbildung. Basically, it's a kind of job training for kids who graduated from high school and don't want to go to the university. And I found there's a training for beekeepers. This is gonna be the next step of my life.
@user-on4km5ju7p Says:
I had no idea who you were an I kick myself for it. And for missing out on the value you delivered before. I still plan to go back and see all your videos on this channel so I hope you keep them up. I don't know if you're sarcastic or not like these people say but I feel like you're telling the truth. That you played the game, did really well, and are totally cool with walking away now since you don't need to prove anything to yourself or anyone. That's like the true purpose of life. To be completely satisfied with it :D
@maxi979 Says:
Man's selling being an enigma
@rootmetoo Says:
He reminds me of the time Sam Hyde gave a TED talk, just the hardened irony blended with a calm sarcasm and never breaking char. What a legend.
@crankfotton Says:
3 mos later, Tech Lead still here.... click bait is conformity of wolves.
@Almormd Says:
All that will change: ex-Google/Meta tech lead, ex-YouTuber
@KashifKhursheed-ng1vk Says:
4:55 Developing the Dhikr and Shukr , the remembrance and praise of God is the true living in the present. Actualize that and you will never look else where God willing.
@user-hk6rc9dw9m Says:
didn't you used to work for Google as The Techlead - *The Techlead*?
@user-hk6rc9dw9m Says:
i deleted my Yahoo account and all of my amazing song videos. and my cover techlead videos. i struggled so hard. now I can only invest in 1 drumstick at a time.
@matthieucneude5761 Says:
"No more value on this channel" So... nothing change, right? Kudo to the mix of Diablo / Weird pimp / Keanu Reeves / Carpe Diem rent. The value of this video: I'm falling asleep now. Thanks.
@ezilmez1 Says:
Love this guy . Good luck ...
@Brigh578 Says:
I began investing at the age of 34, primarily utilizing my hard work and dedication. Now at the age of 42, I am delighted to share that my passive income exceeded $100k for the first time in a single month. This advice is truly valuable, so don't hesitate to take action. Remember, it's not about achieving wealth quickly, but rather about building wealth consistently and persistently.😊
@konradw.4860 Says:
Our colleague underwent a so-called spiritual transformation... that's how I would briefly put it. It happens to many people after the age of 40; they begin to reevaluate what is happening around them and see things they hadn't noticed before. It wouldn't surprise me if he starts talking about meditation and such in his future films. He knew he could do it, and he did. Tech lead rules.
@Arvolve Says:
Nice one
@yuzual9506 Says:
So, YOUR ABSOLUTLY RIGHT . Je viens de te découvrir et j'adore ta manière de voir la vie. J'ai une femme, une fille, une maison, un job (infirmier en addictologie), j'aime le IA et je souhaite aider les chercheurs en santé publique qui n'ont pas beaucoup d'argent(surtout en France) à rendre des tâches laborieuses plus faciles (comme avec whisper ou traitement de textes, analyses des thèmes ect...) C'est un hobby, mais j'aime ma vie, j'ai refusé des promotions, je ne veux rien de plus à part m'amélioré dans la pratique et aider par ma passion de la tech, des soignants, chercheurs, sans vouloir gagner plus, sans vouloir plus... Merci !
@Faiz-Ahmad Says:
Why joma is not uploading, its been a while now Do know anything
@anatolydyatlov963 Says:
Really? Then why are you still uploading?

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