Is Coding still worth it in 2024? (as an ex-Google programmer)
Is Coding still worth it in 2024? (as an ex-Google programmer)



@TechLead Says:
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@zenoran Says:
The perspective offered in this video feels somewhat disconnected from the broader realities of a coding career. Labeling the entire field based on a singular experience at one company—such as Google—might not provide a balanced view. It seems there may still be some unresolved feelings towards a previous employer, which could be coloring the overall message about the coding profession. Referring to oneself as a coder might no longer be fitting if the shift has been made towards content creation and influencing. It's concerning that this might lead the younger audience to form a skewed view of what is a dynamic and rewarding career path. The narrative that "AI is replacing jobs, so coding is futile" simplifies a complex issue. Successful adaptation involves integrating AI to enhance one's skills and output, which is crucial in any tech-driven role. Software engineering, like many intellectually demanding fields, requires continuous learning and evolution to keep up with industry advancements. Encouraging viewers to adopt a passive consumption mindset, akin to that of watching endless streams of content online, might not be the best advice. It's important for influencers to remember the impact of their words, especially when guiding the next generation towards making informed career choices.
@ventus.pd89 Says:
I never did see so many crying b****s like people who are programmers. Your job is nothing like the job of police officers, building workers, warehouses etc. You all just cry!! Just do it fck this crap of arguments!! Imagine is New Years and you work in an ambulance, or as a police officer, or somewhere in the store, restaurant etc. It's not the goal to be Mark.Z its that you do what you love. Sometimes work is good but companies are bad.
@MrJoking4fun Says:
Shitting on 60-80k a year like that’s peasant income is just trash
@1234kingconan Says:
I'm a UX designer forced to learn how to code because UX is too saturated and I have to manage engineers who don't build my designs correctly and I have no way of calling them out on their BS when they don't do things right or take too long because I don't know any better. I think that anyone who CAN'T code will be irrelevant in the future. The fact that OP was so successful because of his programming skills means he was really good at it and coding is really profitable still. Everywhere I look I see programmers making a really good living that they would not have been able to make otherwise because let's face it the people who become programmers were not going to ever be doctors. We would've been working part time jobs and crap. Even electricians and so on are at least brave and physically tough and they make more money and have better job security. A programmer is someone who is uniquely blessed in being able to avoid physical danger from work and make a middle class income. If you should've been a doctor, then you would've been a doctor. But you didn't go to med school did you so here we are.
@spidey677 Says:
ChatGPT is not taking over dev jobs. Anyone that says this I rebuttle with… Have you ever worked with sales and marketing before? 😂😂😂
@thomasterry5864 Says:
Finally someone that tells coders to get a life
@oneRella Says:
I stopped listening when he gave Andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro as positive examples of success. “Don’t waste your time learning to code! Become a huckster and a charlatan instead!”
@AtacamaHumanoid Says:
It's weird how a lot of this is sarcasm, but a lot is true...which makes me second guess the sarcasm parts. It's been a while since I've watched a TechLead video, so maybe this was always the case, but I don't remember ever doubting which parts were sarcasm before. Is TechLead a sort of Rorschach test where you see whatever you already believe? If so, then I guess I've become way more cynical about coding.
@CucumberNipples Says:
Is he still on about being an ex google ex millionaire software engineer lolol
@paytonentrekin96 Says:
I think you’re just tired of seeing more and more unsophisticated people join the industry and make close to the same amount of money.
@bankshot4203 Says:
I think this guy is wrong everyone maybe the field he is on for coding is dead but there are many others
@TylerKennedy-vd6sp Says:
He does not know what he’s talking about
@caps_lock_ Says:
Damn, I just turned 41 and want a total change so I'm looking at coding but this is not saying that I'm looking to be a tech billionaire either
@Roxaro Says:
hey, reader never blindly trust youtubers, nowadays people talk bullshit just for a content, he might be right about 9 5 being bad but it doesn't means he can be trusted just because one thing sounds good.
@jonathanjrod Says:
I recently enrolled in a 24-week full stack web development course, set to begin on June 17th at the University of Miami. Once I secure that entry-level job, I'll come back to share whether programming roles are still thriving or not. In today's tech landscape, a programmer's adaptability is key, especially in integrating AI into their toolkit. Working hand in hand with AI is undoubtedly the future of technology. But hey, I love your dry humor! 😆
@benson1098 Says:
Why can learning PHP and jQuery lead to making a lot of money? Thank you.
@Codingwithlukman Says:
Ai is killing jobs, my advice is to take advantage of AI programming
@VisualRoyal Says:
dumb video. why even discourage people that love doing things. this tells a lot about the life you live and type of person you are lol
@batuhancimen6653 Says:
lol we have same keyboard with same keys everything, I just have developer color set synthwave style, and no F buttons rest same!! kudos the best keyboard confirmed!
@san249 Says:
daymn man, i just about to learn html
@NoelleTL Says:
So college isn’t worth it. Coding isn’t worth it. What’s worth it? AI is taking over everything… wtf is worth it???!!! I’m stressed …
@RodneySim Says:
Weird take…better be sacasm
@settledownman Says:
mark my words. AI is my king.
@Solaar_Punk Says:
AI will not in my lifetime have a chance of writing code for the apps the government maintain. So I'll carry on doing it
@alexpajp123 Says:
Ai might help replace some jobs in smaller companies and smaller tasks but good luck getting ai to work in companies with millions of lines of code and hundreds of databases and the complexity of buying other businesses and integrating their software into yours. Ai would have to understand the business and be able to communicate with the business because no matter how advanced ai is, its often times not an intellectual question but rather a design question and what customers want.
@Allayarova-io1ny Says:
Wasted my time
@baltimoreace Says:
Status is everything?! Maybe to you and a few other shallow people but definitely not to me.
@asi-oquabassey1999 Says:
Sounds like someone is going through an identity/midlife crisis.
@xman7688 Says:
Damn this is the realist talk Ive heard all week... moment of silence for the STEM majors in 6 figure debt
@IagoCech Says:
Thanks so much TechLand
@aatir0009 Says:
Well you told the truth, this is the harsh reality... Most of the people dream of becoming programmer because they think they are very cool or genius or something. But programming not a cool thing anymore it was In past when very few programmers used to exist. but now everyone is Dreaming for becoming a software Engineer... it's really a boring way to become rich There Thousands of much better and easy ways to get rich today... Yet still, You can do programmingi if you want to be a genius Slave.
@elliotalderson9517 Says:
based, coding is dead
@stevenhawk2587 Says:
I'm looking for programmers for a project. Can you help me?
@cheikh2rad-ny5sd Says:
coder in 2024 = genator in 1904
@mahboobalavi4193 Says:
SO what was the fking remedy
@JayD-jn9or Says:
Honestly, this video is just sad. Clearly his is burnt out and unhappy with his successful career path and telling others its a bad choice because HE is burnt out from it. 60k is TWICE what a lot of young ppl earn when they enter the job market, and learning to code can be done in spare time. There are ppl in life whos life would improve by starting to earn that amount.
@michaelpowell1506 Says:
Status is everything when you have no soul or self worth. 👍
@michaelpowell1506 Says:
Not sure Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan are the exemplars you'd like them to be. 🤔
@gr8b8m85 Says:
The worst part is, even if you started learning everything you need to know to be a competitive programmer on the job market today, by the time you're job-ready AI will have completely replaced you or destroyed any opportunity for a junior dev to get their foot in the door for a career again. Many are coping here, but this will be the inevitable reality very soon.
@Thatnerdyfella Says:
Honestly every time I watch any of your videos you make the technology field not as interesting as it used to be for me and it makes me think I’m half way to earning my Bachelors in Computer Science degree and just don’t care to put it to use once I’m done. Don’t get me wrong I’ve noticed all these tech jobs anymore are so scarce and saturated and it’s not just your videos that make me feel this way, but seeing the actual reality of the tech world and the jobs within the field. I still love technology but I do agree with you on everything you’ve said. Just doesn’t feel “it” anymore. I don’t know. All I know is I’m tired of working retail and that’s definitely something I’m not going to stay in me entire life (I’m 30 right now).
@goodlookinouthomie1757 Says:
My advice: Do coding as a hobby if that's what you love. And be a plumber to earn a good living. AI will not take that job from you for a long time.
@genkidama7385 Says:
HAHAHHAHA REACT LANGUAGE OF THE SLAVES. IM DEAD. man you are so true. get blessed.
@justwalking6520 Says:
Let's be honest, this guy is delusional
@KeenAesthetic1 Says:
Why use a mechanical keyboard when codings not worthwhile and everything else can use voice to text?
@josephsmith149 Says:
so your just an advertiser now?
@Ohiostategenerationx Says:
It's all the way worth it because even if I don't get a job at a good company making $100k I'll still be able to do freelance work making great money and also making automation bots to promote affiliate links and products making money from that as well. Plus it'll give me lot's of money to invest into crypto and real estate as well.
@jimmyzhangming Says:
Advice: add chinese subtitle to your video n you ll boost your views to 1 million
@Liight72 Says:
Dont believe this cringelord who advertises every 2 minutes & whose only sources are people in vacations 😂
@JohnSmith-xw6pq Says:
Is this the same argument as learning Maths is not worth it, because we have calculator or computer or HPC? BTW, I like this video, I like TechLead sharing his way of thinking - always slightly controversial, but on point. Personally, I am very disappointed to see Health Care and Justice systems still at very high cost to most people, we have not used AI to replace GPs, dentists, lawyers, legal advisors, bankers, vets, government politicans. These areas are highly inefficient. Instead, we are using chatGPT/any large ML model to replace jobs like content creators, writers, 3D artists, graphic designers, coding developers, receptionists, even cleaners) that are relatively cheap labours and accessible services already. I don't think we are coding in anger for the right applications/use cases to make our world becoming more cost effective for the majority of people. The tool and tech are here, in 2024, we really need to aim at the correct targets to revolutionaise our future.

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