Linux Video Production: No Adobe or Windows for 14 days
Linux Video Production: No Adobe or Windows for 14 days



@monkeymanstones1 Says:
I am paid to edit videos and as most are MP4 I use Avidemux in Ubuntu (but it's available in Windows also). I use it because it can process a vast majority of video file types, can handle a vast majority of audio file types used in video files and can provide an output file in many formats. I can adjust compression rates, can process in most ways necessary, can do nearly everything required to both process video/audio, but combining files I generally use openshot I am a bit surprised that you didn't assess Avidemux in this video.
@animatewithdermot Says:
My brother is in the audio end of things (unlike me, the visual). He swears by Reaper (can't get it to work on my Linux laptop as it's too old), but FYI.
@animatewithdermot Says:
Like you I"m also using CS5.5 (Premiere, AE, PS in CS6). But it's great to know that when the time comes (and it will be WHEN, as my hardware won't last forever), that Linux / FOSS / non-Adobe is good enough for the job. Thanks also for the Photopea reminder! Adobe Delenda Est.
@The_Old_Turtle Says:
9:29 h.265 not h.264
@noam65 Says:
So, let me see if I understand your opening statement. In 2 woods, I will find, LEARN, and use alternatives to programs I've been using for 30 years. That is a recipe for failure, if I've ever heard one.
@jimjenjazz Says:
An excellent video, as always, Chris. I've just rewatched it as I am trying to get my ducks in a row before repurposing on old PC for Linux as I am trying to remove myself from the Adobe world. However, that appears not to be as simple as I had hoped. For instance, I use a Loopdeck+ when editing in Lightroom and Photoshop and rather like the way it works, sadly it won't work in Linux! There are several other niggles, mostly minor in the grand scheme, but I wonder if you had some thoughts on hardware issues we may come across as we try and leave Windows and the main application providers out there? Perhaps a new video for you?? Please?
@TerenceKearns Says:
Tuxideo (limux based laptop vendor) will be selling the new snapdragon chip. It will be the premiere alternative to windows 11 with its recall nonsense. Going full tilt on "not windows" and "not adobe" is congealing into a thing - more now than ever.
@Dutch-linux Says:
you could of used kdenlive as alternative for davinci resolve
@brauliosolano Says:
Hi! Why didn't you consider Kdenlive? It can't replace anything?
@kamekonoha Says:
have you tried shotcut? it is the one i use and it supports a lot of formats
@lumeronswift Says:
With the latest Adobe findings... I'm curious about whether you've extended the experiment.
@MrThurobrand Says:
Is it pronounced foto-pe-ah? Sounds like utopia + Photo = photopea .... Just wondering.
@BrunodeSouzaLino Says:
For compositors, you also have Nuke and Fusion has been integrated into Resolve.
@fordfisher Says:
Give Reaper a chance. It’s closer to Audition
@lanceevans1689 Says:
@Alexander_Sannikov Says:
Amazing video, I love to see proprietary software included in search for what's actually the best that linux has.
@PhillipConroy Says:
If I find an easy to use photo Raw editor (DXO PhotoLab, Lightroom) alternative I'm formatting my hard drive & installing Linux full time, no more dual booting.
@nousquest Says:
Meh, none of this is FOSS anyways which defeats the purpose. I'd rather encrypt linux drive and dual boot into Windows with internet disabled and use cracked AE + Media Encoder to edit. Use a flash drive for importing/exporting media.
@AlucardaPapere Says:
Keep in mind that Lightorks is more of an alternaative to avid and its workflow, ratehr than premiere and Davinci, so it's more focused on film editing rather than video making
@johnthursfield3056 Says:
As a sound designer if I wanted to do audio processing on Linux I'd use Ardour not Audacity
@halko1 Says:
Very interesting experiment. For a content creator the workflow and toolchain is question of getting things done in sensible timeframe. If something doesn’t work, no content gets published and soon the refrigerator is empty. Everything must be familiar and efficient.
@UltimatePerfection Says:
Now try doing it using only free software. Kdenlive for video editing, Blender for special effects.
@GauLB66 Says:
Thank You for this!
@fmphotooffice5513 Says:
You couldn't have expected the timeliness of this upload with the hot water both Adobe and Microsoft fond themselves in. Thanks! Excellent information.
@allkindsofthings673 Says:
Linux still sucks at video editing.
@Maisonier Says:
Now we have stable diffusion and image generations with Krita ( krita-ai-diffusion ) to compare with Photoshop.
@tinymud3324 Says:
I'm Canadian and you are an Amazing Geek ;o)
@FredPilcher Says:
Excellent video - thanks. BTW, I think Photopea is probably pronoinced pho TOE pee ah. 🙂
@jakobw135 Says:
Speaking of Adobe Photoshop and the purchase versus the insane monthly leasing behavior of the parent company - I'm using Photoshop CS5 and along with a bunch of other programs in the Master Collection that work just fine, even in Windows 10 - how much longer do you think this version of Adobe will be supported on a Windows based PC?
@psygreg Says:
DaVinci Resolve is amazing for Linux in its Studio version - and covers for After Effects too with its Fusion compositions - however I find its free version hard to work with since it doesn't accept the most widely used video formats specially if you use OBS Studio a lot. If you need a solid free video editor, I'd rather go for Kdenlive - it has stepped up massively since its early days and accepts nearly any media format known to mankind
@laylasmart Says:
Davincy Resolve Fusion tab is a free replacement for After Effects.
@CCoburn3 Says:
Today, 6 June 2024, Adobe has updated their license agreement to require anyone using their programs to grant them an unrestricted license to everything created using Adobe software -- including allowing them to sublicense the material to anyone they want and to make any changes they want to the material. This video may become EXTREMELY popular as people realize that Adobe now has the right to sell the work they create.
@rectify2003 Says:
Companies are getting greedy Davinci Resolve is the way to go, and come across as honest Free or Paid The Free does 99.9% of what paid does
@electrotsmishar Says:
Just want to point out, you can go very faar in terms of audio and motion graphics in davinci resolve
@slomotrainwreck Says:
Thank you for the video! I've installed the stable version of Debian Linux on my backup machine just to see how Linux runs on bare metal. Debian with the KDE desktop environment has been incredibly stable for me, I've installed all of the work and games apps so that this machine mirrors my main Windows 10 machine that don't have the TPM chip. When MS turns off support for Win 10 I have options now instead of being forced to upgrade my hardware to run software that I didn't want to run in the first place.
@fabricio4794 Says:
A Life Without Adobe is Possible and Without Autodesk,Corel too..
@MichelMorinMontreal Says:
And that's it... you're off the Adobe Christmas card list!
@gigalodon14 Says:
Adding to the Davinci resolve format problem: you can ask chatgpt to write you an ffmpeg script that converts the video and audio into a perfect version to use in Davinci Resolve
@ScreenNameLoretta Says:
Thanks! Wonderful video, even though there was the tiniest little typo in about 9:30 to about 9:50. (In written words: system has neither h.264 nor h.264.) Fortunately, I could hear your voice (neither h.264 nor h.265), and you have a very good teaching voice. Looking forward to your videos.
@rjy8960 Says:
The only reason why I have a Windows partition on my main machine is for video editing (which I rarely do!). I would so love to get rid of it and do it in Mint. This give me hope, thanks Chris!
@AlgoFodder Says:
( 9:15 ) Couldn't ffmpeg (famous FOSS commandline tool) handle the required format conversions (h26x/aac) with ease and without requiring nvidia (though maybe slower without opencl) ?
@KTSpeedruns Says:
I would never pay for Lightworks purely on the basis of it being on the subscription model. Autograph is clearly overpriced compared to DaVinci being 1/3 the price for a permanent license. I really like that you not only sought out alternatives that were native but also as powerful and didn't limit yourself to free software. Most people doing these challenges show that the software alternatives exist and can do basic stuff and leave it at that. You went further and wanted to know what the workflow would be like I terms of ease and/or efficiency. However, given that you won't shift shows that there's more roadblocks than finding alternatives. There's not a few huge things making the switch non viable, it's usually a dozen or ton of tiny reasons. Whether it's their favorite game not working, their preferred apps not working, alternative software not being viable, or Linux not playing nice with some hardware or vice versa. Sure Ubuntu and some alternatives and some scripts worked for this limited scope experiment. And yes, production software for Linux has come a long way since OpenShot was considered good. But it's still miles as a WHOLE from being viable as a daily driver.
@taigachanjp Says:
How about using Krita instead of GIMP?
@zbiromax9228 Says:
A beginner's question on Linux. Drivers for Nvidia graphics card install automatically and CUDA is their component? How to check if drivers and CUDA are installed? If not, how to add them? Thanks for the answers .
@transmitthis Says:
Blender would have been my first choice here, they even have their own movies made with that software, not sure why you missed that rather obvious Linux option.
@Jmcinally94 Says:
100% agree with the UI scaling comment at the end, life would be so much easier
@UniversalDesignz Says:
Have you tried obs or blender (opensource) ?
@paulysguitarjournal Says:
Someone needs to get the Affinity Suite (Photo, Designer, Publisher) working on Linux. There are better than Adobe, Gimp, or any other desktop publishing software. And it’s affordable. For audio, Reaper works well.
@Deathrape2001 Says:
U pretend this is a solution yet U already have a system that works 4 FREE, & 4ever, using Windows 7 (which U can always run from another machine if yours dies, or even buy the same motherboard & run it from a backup of your current boot drive, etc). N E thing very expensive &/or '$ubscription-ba$ed' is a total waste of time & not something U should bother 2 even experiment with. Instead, U should explore ALTERNATIVE TOOLS 2 get the same RESULTS. 4 instance, all the stuff U use 'After Effects' 4 U can get between using Inkscape & other FREEWARE graphics programs & animating the movement & fading of objects within the video editor itself, like hovering transparent PNG images or whatever across objects through various video editors. I use mainly Windows XP 4 instance, & it's ironic that the best 'video' editor is actually Reaper = the 'audio' thing, because after U add in the free VLC stuff 2 it everything is fast & intuitive, pretty much = like cross-fading is a NO step process = just automatically happens depending on overlap, instead of 4 instance the 'Grass Valley Edius' whatever that takes literally 6 steps just 2 blend scenes = LOL!! Literally between Reaper (with VLC bits 4 video editing) & Inkscape (4 'vector graphics) & FSViewer (for image management) U can do everything FREE FOREVER, except if U 'choose' U can $upport Reaper, which is like $35 or something 4 a PERMANENT 'license' = WTF? Yeah, so much better 2 PRETEND Linux is an 'alternative' when it would end up costing THOUSANDS ov dollars in '$ub$cription$ Bull$hit' =)) Dood, GET A GRIP! =D BTW: If U need tips on how 2 make this happen U can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com'. U can literally do everything U want on Windows XP!! iKnow because iUse it as my main thing still! Because everything else compared 2 it is still KRAAAP!! =)
@GameCyborgCh Says:
If you do another "Linux Challenge" then take a look at kdenlive and blender as potential video editing software

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