Musk LITERALLY buys a President!
Musk LITERALLY buys a President!



@georgegonzalez2476 Says:
Just as you might expect, Elon has seemingly backed out of that promise. Just like how he promised a new roadster, convoys of trucks, full self driving, neural implants, starships, colonies on Mars, etc, etc, etc.
@user-kj1od5ed7p Says:
God bless Donald Trump
@user-kj1od5ed7p Says:
no tramp yes trump
@Floofie_boi Says:
God doesn't like crooks or liars. It isn't a divine intervention from God, it is Trump being absurdly lucky that People have extremely lousy shots.
@SuperAd1980 Says:
Still waiting for the Geoffry BeeZeus video for his even larger donations to the demoprats. When will that be out? ... Your bias is showing
@Slimyshix Says:
Oh yeah and since you dont know genetics , any person whos had antibiotics is in actuality a stero receiver for Ai .
@Slimyshix Says:
THuNDer MenTalist the underestimateslist . Musk is an Mk ultrasonic Ai controlled puppet. Why do you think your trash UK government has high altitude top. Secret zeppelin drones over your heads . It's all advertised led zeppelin. Most of these world leaders and business men are not much more than an echo of a speaker linked to a zeppelin.
@CampingWithCats Says:
LegalEagle is a "trial attorney" if he practices at all. Looks great, speaks well, and can charm a courtroom. Other than that he's quite incompetent in most law as his interpretations repeatedly show, especially when it comes to criminal code. Please watch his legal dissertation for "Captain Marvel" for reference. He's done worse, but it's the first one that comes to mind. I've met lawyers like him before. All sizzle and no steak. Without good underpaid paralegals this guy wouldn't be able to find his own bottom with both hands in a courtroom. 🤬
@privateprivate1865 Says:
It goes up goes down
@rogerparker4468 Says:
Felon has the biggest sugar daddy of all..the us tax payer. Little wonder he is the richest apartheid clyde in the world
@ericdutt3582 Says:
Can anyone imagine how Elon will sound when he is 78? I'm just saying.
@ericdutt3582 Says:
The analysis is not entirely correct. The gov't bids are spot on, but he has not been able to deliver anything. His backing Trump is so that no one will start questioning that if Trump wins. But that ball is already rolling. Also Elon has many fraudulent actions of SEC persuasion under his belt. He doesn't want to join the other 3 well known felons, and he is buying Trump's protection.
@iwuvu5940 Says:
How much did the New World order give you to slander Trump, Phil?
@LeTon75 Says:
This is insane the presidentary cannot be brought
@Sleightly945 Says:
Love how you trash Trump……… it’s hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂
@KnowYourVideoGames Says:
Have great vacation!
@Sombreropancake-cakemix Says:
Elon: "I bought twitter, so I can give my Russian allies western propaganda outlet".
@chrisdoc8431 Says:
MICHAEL JACKSON - Man in the Mirror 🪞👀🪞👀🪞👀 Michael Jackson was more Jesus LIKE and FULL of LOVE!!! Jesus (Michael Jackson) taught me to LOVE!!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤‍🩹💔Trump/MAGA (Devil) taught me to HATE!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬 MAGA truly LOVES HATE FULL of LIES & Trump the LORD of FLIES (Baʽal zĕbhūbh) 🪰🦟🪰🦟 34+ Felony Counts!!!💩🤡👹 MICHAEL JACKSON - They Don't Care About Us Cats DESTROY RAT PLAGUES (AkA TRUMP/MAGA!) The Young Strong Beautiful African American Indian Woman with POWER of KNOWLEGE, Kamala Harris is Trump's KARMA & KRYPTONITE!!!! Vote💯💙💙🌊🌊🌊🫂🫂 🗣🗣 TEXAS for Kamala Harris 2024‼🗣🗣🗣 MICHAEL JACKSON - Black or White ⚫⚪ Heal the World 🌍🌎 Earth Song 🌏🌐 Cry 😭🫂 We are the WORLD! 🗺✌✌✌🌎🌍🌏
@chrisdoc8431 Says:
Everyone MUST SELL all their STOCKS that has any TIES to Elon MUSK and BANKRUPT HIM ASAP!!!! VOTE 💯💙💙💙💙💙
@RaulRodriguez-ts5ns Says:
@carloseduardoazevedoaguiar Says:
21:10😂😂😂👌 nice one
@ragnoxis05 Says:
Came back a month later to say the 45 million a month was fake news. He also doesnt mention Zuckerberg donated 400,000,000 to actblue. Funding Biden...
@ichaukan Says:
My final theory is that the mental rot we see today is actual brain damage caused by decades of exposure to advertising and corporate propaganda. When people are trained to speak in mindless buzzwords in slogans, eventually they're only capable of thinking in slogans and buzzwords.
@CMO999 Says:
I don't understand your obsession with Musk, it comes across as pedantic.
@pedroleitao5102 Says:
Musk is much more interested in spreading his own political preferences, overthrow elected governments from other people's countries by the local "Trumps" and dictating his own will, doesn't matter how illegal or dishonest, stepping on anyone or anything just because he has money, a super inflamed ego and some power. It's his new hoby dictating his imbecil political preferences over sovereign countries and exhibit his own power. It is very dangerous when the richest man on the planet gets bored and decides to entertain himself by giving wings to his imperial aspirations and seek to dictate his personal political wills to the whole world. It's Narcissism and Neocolonialism at it’s best! Brazil is not the jungle or a lawless country, the law that Musk refuses to obey exists for many many years in Brazil and in many other countries in the world! I hope Brazil Institutions can put Musk in his own place! This guy believes he is a modern version of Nero and literaly have the power to put everything to burn. Just look at the Tesla models.
@FunnCubes Says:
What I wanna know is how the moon landing is gonna happen.... we can't forget that star ship is planned as a lander for some reason, which can't even make it to orbit without any cargo.... so how will astronauts land on the moon now? Did they plan an alternative (functional, not ridiculess) lander?
@maciej5866 Says:
Is this something new though? This is US system, corporations are founding campaigns and politicians repay the favour by creating laws supporting interests of the companies. The only difference is now it's done by one man not a company
@emagowan55 Says:
Musk spelled sideways is 'skum'
@CatoptricCistula Says:
15:25 *Hits computer monitor*
@albertmagician8613 Says:
Slowly the picture develop that Musk may be as great a stumbler and grifter as Trump is.
@user-hx3pd8zi5l Says:
Main stream media is discusting.elon stands 4 free speach. Destroy woke sickos.and he's rescuing space station people.who u vote n 4 Trump or that drunkerd woman
@w8m4n Says:
At least he cares about freedom of speech, he seems to be fighting for the "normal" people more than anyone else. Grow a pair of bollocks and talk about the real issues
@AvenEngineer Says:
Why is the tree population superior to the pine beetle population, objectively? I suspect the beetles are pretty happy with the abundance of snacks. If humans have a function, it seems to be converting solar energy into CO2. Strikes me as odd that human behaviors en masse are uniquely considered by humans to be unnatural. Earth has been, and will be, hospitable to human existence for a very short time for reasons well beyond our control. One eruption, or impact tomorrow and its over for all of us forever. Have fun while it lasts.
@suryansh70 Says:
very insightful thanks for making this
@lordvonmanor6915 Says:
Yiu could buy Trump for $10 and a joint
@DaxSass Says:
Massive red tsunami... in any republicant dreams. Musk backing trump, lol. They were first opponents, opposite dealer's used car salesmen, but now that they find out that when all you sell is trash, your business model will be tanking sooner than later. They support each other in the hope of pushing each other under the water as they drown.
@handsanitizer2457 Says:
Funny thing is he lied and didnt do it 😂 Trump fell for it
@aaronawoodard Says:
"The lifetime Democrat can't pick a wining republican to save his life" should be the title to this... takes zero balls to call out someone else's wrong predictions, tis a whole other animal to make some predictions and put ones own nads on the line. "Musk will be short on his timeline" is a prediction but it's like people who short stocks, except they make money, not that you don't just probably nowhere near as much. I quit watching ur content altogether because of your hard on for Musk... It's so much more interesting when you are taking down ridiculous claims from kickstart and indygogo so maybe bifurcate and spinoff this 'Musk Hate' into it's own seperate channel and you'll probably have better numbers.... Just a suggestion
@aaronawoodard Says:
hold on thunderf00t, can't you use your fancy chemistry knowledge to prove 'global warming' bullshit? Or have you switched over to the problem is 'climate change' too? If so, what are your ideas for stopping the climate from changing? Or am I missing something?
@jitadeepari6842 Says:
@Thunderf00t one of your points is a huge miss. It is a known tactic for the rich in America to evade taxes by borrowing against their stocks. Here is how this works. If Elon sells 10 billion dollars' worth of shares, then he has to pay taxes. If he borrows 10 billion dollars, he owes "fuck all" because debt is not taxed. It's the idea of paying 30% on 10 billion in taxes (3billion) or get a smooth 2.5% APR loan (250 million on the first year, 256,250,000 on the second year... still nowhere close to 3 billion. As long as the next venture can cover the interest + denting the principle. it's basically free money. If you default, the bank cashes in the collateral. The only thing the rich risks is damaging their company's stock price. Not themselves. Not a cent in taxes paid on the initial start-up funds.
@SK-ki3fq Says:
I have no idea how theist republicans aren’t offended. The media is actually using their faith as a weapon to win over the faithfuls’ hearts. It is disgusting.
@johntaphouse5235 Says:
lol god doesnt want him
@MesmerAloofly Says:
PLEASE STOP saying dumb shit like "Government Subsidies". Elon is on "Government Welfare" ... god damn liberals suck at communicating
@unfortunatebeam Says:
$45 million a month.... Thank you "Citizen's United". Another zinger from the Corporate Court.
@dapperdarlingdm5723 Says:
It's hilarious that he supports the party with voters who are massively less likely to buy an electric car.
@JohnTorres1987 Says:
The worst thing about Musk is how desperately he wants to be famous, well-liked, and funny.
@hilldoggydogg635 Says:
Cringe, don't want to see Britishists like Richard Dawkins.
@Rhombohedral Says:
SBF was very ""generous"" too, bribing both parties
@LarryRichelli Says:
Musk does not know how to have a close, personal relationship. He is just one step removed from the robot class
@kk-rc6dw Says:
Imagine if gold mines pump their stock with lies too???

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