I Visited ALL of Elon Musks FAILED transport projects! (and other fun stuff!!)
I Visited ALL of Elon Musks FAILED transport projects! (and other fun stuff!!)



@alexpkeaton4471 Says:
23:30 "done absolutely nothing to alleviate traffic in LA" Musk was too busy with a successful effort to reduce traffic on Twitter.
@yurcchello Says:
how Musk can solve traffic when he needs sell cars?
@Best420Saarn Says:
U give zero explanation why anything failed... s- hit video.
@Momruoy-v5j Says:
I dont understand why you think everything he touches must turn to gold? You must be the only person ever without failures... i swear i starting watching this channel around 2015 but i stopped a few years ago because it just became crazy. You should get help.
@supergrafxengine4620 Says:
Not a word about Palestine..... I don't get it.
@mightythor444 Says:
Elon Musk affects change in this world. Like so few people do. He created PayPal, then he created Tesla basically on his own. Then he created Space X. What have you done? No seriously how do you affect change in the world? And I'll wait for your answer.
@fransainsbury Says:
Were all of Trumps Tourists there too?
@thesheeplelookup Says:
The hyperLEWP failed for lakc of sMart peeple funding it.
@thesheeplelookup Says:
The tunnel is the best! Genius X10, 2 million cars moving underground! why take a subway, when its so much easier to just drive baby.
I love how he handles uranium and say "that's nothing" while normal people are like OMG DON'T PUT THE PHONE WHILE IT'S CHARGING NEAR YOUR HEAD!
@nikibronson133 Says:
Video really needs to take accountability for this BS they push giving Elon musk credibility just to make everything worse
@Baerchenization Says:
Upon rewatching this, lets call out some BS.... it has been a long time since Lake Mead has overflown, is the message here. In fact, it has only ever actually overflown ONCE, which is the incident 40 years ago refered to here. It is not like it used to overflow on and off, but does not do so anymore because of global warming. It is not supposed to overflow in the first place. 40 million people, extensive agriculture in the desert and electricity generation suck it dry, not global warming.
@NegativeReferral Says:
I have a brilliant, original way to improve the Vegas loop. First, you make the Teslas bigger. Give them higher ceilings, more seats, and places for people to stand. Next, we can create a system of guide rails made of steel, which would both steer the cars for you and keep them in a straight line, a lot more genius than any kind of tesla Autopilot. Then, instead of worrying about batteries that can run out or explode in the middle of the tunnel, you can create a system of extra rails used as conductive traces. It will be genius, like a giant city shaped printed circuit board. You'll send all the power the Teslas will ever need, and save energy you'd use to lug the batteries around. Then, we can link several Teslas together. We can make them into a train. Almost like an electric train. Finally, I think "loop" is a little played out. Sure, it's a loop. But it's an underground tunnel, a subterranean way. I propose calling the new loop a Subway. If that's not a good name for it... consider that it serves a whole metropolitan area. We can call it the Metro. If that doesn't do... let's call it the underground railway. Or we can call it the tube, which I think is cooler than loop. We can keep everything else. Convenient stations accessible by escalator? Genius. Constant circulation of vehicles? Brilliant. Stopping at points of interests? Perfect. Oh, wait. That already exists. And people generally don't call it cutting edge unless they're train buffs – in LA, the metro is stereotyped as a vehicle for homeless people, dui convicts, and stabbings that occur less often than fatal car crashes.
@F8Tributo Says:
Elon's main game is hyping his Tesla stock price, and crushing Twitter's profitability. Let that "sink in"!
@kablamo9999 Says:
It's like he made the subway slow and inefficient
@i.lungsmaras7244 Says:
As a South African... I can tell you...that most of us are surprised that he CONNED the USA Gov (SpaceX, Hyperloop), Sillicon Valley (Tesla), NASA, and Wall Street... Maybe two... No-one does Melo-Drama and selling what isdn't like a white South African man... We could told you that most of what he says is even sounds like it... How could you all believe all of it!???????????
@swilson4632 Says:
Let's see... Elon revolutionized multiple industries, made 200 billion dollars, and honestly if he was born in this country, he could easily become president. Let's check in on what Thunderfoot has accomplished. He made a name for himself with some videos about VenomfangX and after making fun of a complete imbecile, no one has cared about him since. Please show us how much of a clown Elon is by creating your own space program - show us how it's done
@SN-zb7ew Says:
Yet another scam that takes you to the titanic…
@peterkral4660 Says:
When I leaved Pet-Scan I immediatelly used gaiger counter on me : 300 uSv/h....
@mastrtonberry2 Says:
Your neurotic fixation with Elon Musk is weird. Glad I stopped wasting time on this channel years ago. I don't like Elon either but this "content" is a bit excessive and cringe. It's almost every. single. video
@jaja5870 Says:
A random hippy youtuber drives hundreds of miles, complaining about climate change whilst doing pointless high school experiments and collects junk rocks then mocks Elon Musk for a couple of failed projects. Meanwhile Musk is making billions from his successes in SpaceX and Electric cars.
@aaronsnyder8905 Says:
I believe Thunderfoot and Elon Musk should have a one-on-one conversation. They represent opposite ends of the spectrum and often speak in hyperboles. A face-to-face debate could foster mutual respect and allow them to discuss their differing views more directly.
@user-bt2js1yn1s Says:
Keep doing God's work mate
@KaylaGill-en8gf Says:
The comments on this video are hilarious. I'm not a political person but I suppose the reasonings for this hate are? Elon Musk has done 6x what most accomplished people have done. He's obviously brilliant. Like most creatives, he obviously has his little pet projects, and eccentricities, and he's wrong s fair amount, too. But any ONE of his companies has achieved more than everyone in this comment section, and the video creator, combined times 100...
@andrewdunbar828 Says:
I don't know what a rloop is but I know what hype is.
@andrewdunbar828 Says:
This is what SUCCESS looks like.
@xokelis0015 Says:
Man Thunderf00t, you sound like a bitter ex girlfriend. I'm guessing it really makes you fly off the handle with impotent rage that Musk gets to fly things into orbit while you get to just do mundane desk job sigh-unce that bores you to tears. He's not right about everything, he's not the smartest man alive (although his IQ is definitely up there), he hasn't always delivered what he has set out to deliver, but he has done more for humanity in one lifetime, than someone like you can do in 100 lifetimes. If you weren't enraged with envy you'd be able to see that and appreciate the fact that Elon Musk exists, and you would probably cheer him on. Instead you keep doubling and tripling down on "busting" him by showcasing all his failures due to your inability to weigh his failures against his successes, which are immense. Its akin to constantly hating on Henry Ford because he was a wealthy businessman, who was probably a womanizer, and probably made a bunch of predictions that didn't happen, and probably could have paid his workers a bit more, and probably financially supported a politician you didn't like, etc, while failing to notice, that Henry Ford singlehandedly made the automobile accessible to the un-wealthy masses improving the lives of millions of people and changing the course of history. You're blind man... hope you get better some day.
@OscarNorlander Says:
You need to work on your cardio Thunderf00t. Thanks for the video. Good stuff
@gaborrajnai6213 Says:
Some of the people objectively dont understand why Elon Musk and his company actually harmed the combat against climate change. So lets start with the obvious, 60% of all CO2 emissions are coming from public heating. To combat climate change passive houses, net zero heating systems, and better insulation are the absolutely the 0th step. Meanwhile Musk derailed the whole topic towards road transport, which contributes to less than 10% of the overall GHG emissions. Today we are at a point, where governments give tens of thousands of dollars as tax incentives for very rich men to buy electric cars and show off, while they threaten ordinary folks that they will ban their gas heating, who in turn become climate sceptics, because they dont intend to freeze during the winter. This whole topic became a secondary agenda of car manufacturing states who want to get ahead eachother, thatswhy spending billions to build EV infrastructure from taxpayer's money, meanwhile totally abandoning any house renovation projects. Considering that he actually declared war on the most environmentally friendly way of road transport, railways. His cars will never be as efficient and climate friendly as a train is, let it be a passenger train or a cargo train, yet he wanted to crack down on both with Hyperloop and Tesla Semi respectively. By diverting funds towards the EV industry, the charger points and everything which should be solved from his fortune, or from his customer's wallet, instead of government money he is actually draining resources from existing and newly built rail projects, like the San Francisco highspeed rail, but even the ordinary rail infrastructure is in shambles, there are train accidents in the US every single year like East Palestine, entire bridges collapse, there should government money go not to these phantasmagories. I absolutely appreciate early adopters, but its not the duty of the general public to foot the bill of their hobbies. His other project, SpaceX makes even less sense. If we cant solve the climate crysis on Earth how the hell will we ever colonize such a hostile planet as Mars? Nohow. Even if it would be done like ever, it would be a ticket for the superrich to get away from the problems they caused, I again dont see why the community should give funds to such enterprises, superrich are superrich, they should finance their escape plans. And whoever lets this guy to put a chip into his head is certified insane.
@tygerchickchibi Says:
Done by the Boring Company??? Yikes Also Trump is looking to put him in the office... People seriously think this is a good idea? Is being a con artist that much loved in America?
@Etcher Says:
Hey just wanted to say thanks for blowing my speakers apart with that video intro.
@zenjr1004 Says:
Thunder foot what do you think about x being blocked in Brazil after Musk refused to comply to Brazilian law?
@BrunoMontanhez Says:
"But but but he is the richest man alive!" Yeah, also the recordist person on losing the biggest amount of money.😅 Just a kid rocking a GTA Money glitch that will eventually get "patched" and the downfall will be less controlled than Falcon's landings.
@BrunoMontanhez Says:
That Veritasium book recommendations might haunt Derek Muller nowadays...
@MidNiteR32 Says:
Did you see any UFOS? 😆
@HypnoPantsOnline Says:
On that note, I'm glad even Trump accepted global warming is real. Though he'd never agree to anything related to humans, let alone China and it's megaton CFC emissions... BUT! He does accept that it exists, meaning he might actually work towards prevention measures.
@marcm5863 Says:
I just saw an announcement about a Tesla "giga train". But it's battery powered instead of having overhead lines. I'm pretty sure that's not as efficient as overhead lines but I'll let you YouTube experts debunk it 😂
@vertigo2894 Says:
I think the vast majority of people are unintelligent. Thunderfoot must feel that way too cause THERE ARE STILL ELON FANS! People need to start thinking about our modern day snake oil salesman, Mr Musk.
@SturmFlut Says:
I must say I have a bit of respect for Elon at the beginning of his career. He had really ambitious ideas, took on enormous risks and worked as hard as he expected everybody in his companies. SpaceX is actually a really good company and Tesla was off to a good start. If he just stayed calm, stuck to what he's good at and left the rest to competent people everything would have been fine. But then a combination of things started happening and now he hasn't just destroyed his own legacy multiple times over, he's also having increasingly negative effects on the whole planet.
@jimwest63 Says:
You used to make great science videos and doing actual science, but now you seem obsessed by slagging Musk off. Granted the Hyperloop is total BS, the EV Semi sucks etc, but he really has revolutionized rocketry, and remote internet access, and he did really make EVs viable competitors to ICEVs, and spend a fortune on preserving some measure of free speech. I urge you to have a look at the predominance of jealous, self-overrating, under-achieving nobodies who are your most avid supporters now, reflect on if you aren't better than this.
@DanSmaran Says:
Elon Musk, by throwing around fancy ideas like FSD, Hyperloop, and SpaceX Mars, his goal is nothing but to be dominant in the information world. His control over Twitter appears to be part of a broader ambition to influence the flow of information, potentially positioning himself as a central figure in spreading misinformation. With his control of Starlink and Tesla cameras, concerns have arisen that he might be tracking and spying on people, collecting data, and sending live feeds to centralized bases. Additionally, through various methods, he could be gathering personal data, such as IP addresses and even political affiliations.
@outbacktrek Says:
defund magaMuskrat"s grift
@eircification Says:
You should see the mess he made of Solar City in Buffalo NY
@vinny142 Says:
I'm so glad Thunderfoot took the time to pause his Musk bashing tell us how great he himself is. Don't get me wrong, Musk is a waste of space, but Thunderfoot has some SERIOUS ego problems of his own.
@skoy21 Says:
Has anyone thought that even failed projects and research are actually valuable for future knowledge and use? Food for thought... Electric cars is a bright example, a "failed" technology 200 years ago that got replaced by fossil fuel engines, that re-emerged because of technology advancements that enabled this technology to be viable...
@mavrospanayiotis Says:
I wish for Elon Musk that there is no existence in the afterlife, because it would be the highest improvement he could attain.
@csnipper524 Says:
And this clown is angling to be in charge of monitoring government spending? He can't even pay his rent and is responsible for the wasting of billions of taxpayer dollars. What a sick joke.
@philosophyfrog2653 Says:
You seem a bit obsessed.
@peterwilson5875 Says:
This is click bait rubbish.
@droopy_eyes Says:
Guy handling low radiation rocks and handling them without gloves or respiratory protection: this is fine. Me, knowing how long time exposure to low radiation and fine particle dust causes people to die 20-30 years earlier: this is not fine.

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