Making Flat Earthers Cry! Measuring size of the Earth for less than $100!
Making Flat Earthers Cry! Measuring size of the Earth for less than $100!



@k-d-n Says:
Wouldn't it be easier to estimate the Earth's size using a smartphone camera? First, take a picture of the horizon and Polaris from a location near the ocean using the ocean as horizon. Then, travel 400 km north or south and take another picture of Polaris and the horizon. By measuring the change in Polaris' angle above the horizon you can calculate the Earth's circumference using simple geometry.
@jpaulc441 Says:
I've heard people say "flat earthers are stupid but harmless" but that's only broadly true because they don't have power. I've already seen some of them openly discuss taking advantage of Youtube's policies by making false copyright claims against debunking channels to get them taken down - imagine if they had the power to make laws, decide what gets taught in schools or choose which institutions get funding...
@StevenStyczinski-sy8cj Says:
Part of your error is the fact that the North Star scribes out a circle in the sky of about 1.5 degrees in diameter. That is very easy to see in any time lapsed photograph of the northern stars.
@ab-js2gw Says:
Flat earther argument to your demonstration would be "you are paid shill" or "you are working for THEY sellout" 😂
@toolbaggers Says:
Flat Earthers can't do basic trigonometry.
@m.h.6470 Says:
Teaching children how to measure the circumference of the earth or to think for themselves? You might as well call it indoctrination. 🤣🤣🤣
@8Prescott Says:
People have been PLANE land surveying the earth for thousands of years proving the earth is flat! Professions such as PLANE land surveyors, civil engineers, architects, builders, carpenters and pilots don’t take into consideration the curve into their calculations! Tell me how you do PLANE land survey on a sphere with a level, tap measure and a couple of plumb bobs, impossible! Science says that water finds level (horizontal and flat when it comes to rest in a container such as a puddle, pond,lake and ocean! Cut with the bull sh*t!
@bvcdi Says:
So I know why your earth is round and NOT FLAT. You used a round earth map to measure the normally the result will be a round earth. But if you would have used a FLAT earth map then you would have seen that the world is FLAT and not earth! 🤣🤣🤣
@PeerAdder Says:
0:06 - "almost *_all_* of my life" - where the f*ck were you for the rest of it????
@kenlen8029 Says:
Don't listen to him guys! All lies! Elon is God!
@DaHoodedBandit Says:
I cant wait to see his video on how polaris dawn was a massive failure and boeing starliners return was a major success.
@virtualworlds8081 Says:
This is for the non-binary, anti-white American traitors at Google Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there: Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In fully glory reflected now shines in the stream: 'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution! No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust": And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
@section7173 Says:
The problem with the whole globe vs. flat is that the majority of globe people come across as arrogant and nasty. Many say the flat earthers have a mental problem, then proceed to make fun of them while also feigning respect to mental illness. If I was trapped on an island I'd prefer to share it with a flat earther who questions almost everything rather than a globe earther who allows biology to be rewritten and shedding their fifteen fauci shots.
@katogojira7223 Says:
Y y'all self project alot
@oehmmmmmmmmmm Says:
and i thaught you would use 2 sticks in the ground to do the trick :D
@valkhorn Says:
Probably should point out it’s not a good idea to point the laser pointer up at the sky in a populated area. Out there there’s probably no commercial aircraft in the past 100 years though.
@SmithsMobile Says:
Elon Musk would have done a much better job.
@Krzemieniewski1 Says:
What would the calculations show or what would the results be if the earth was not a ball but a disk as flat-earthers assume? I can't imagine that
@EricGray-zr2es Says:
Alright bro!
@EricGray-zr2es Says:
Not cheap, inexpensive!
@Hk7762Tube Says:
SpaceX Polaris Dawn, can't wait!
@breaking-the-fiction-addic4185 Says:
NathanOakley1980 sent me here while I was watching his reveiw/debunking of your video. No debate I'm afraid. Earth's measured flat.
@Jimmy-B- Says:
@kopfimgewitter-lebenohneto9058 Says:
do u have a discord?
@Yamyatos Says:
I can guarantee you that this isnt proving a globe to flat earthers. For one, they wont understand it. Secondly, they will claim that measuring distance and doing math doesnt prove curvature.
@jwatkins672012 Says:
Flat earth conspiracy has zero to do with facts, which is why you can't convince them. Almost all conspiracies are rooted in power, be it social, cultural or political. This is why they're so easy to create and so difficult to root out and convince someone a conspiracy they believe in is false.
@LordZontar Says:
Eratosthenes essentially did this 2200 years ago -- though his two markers were identical obelisks, one in Alexandria which cast no shadow at high noon and one at Syene (Aswan) which cast a slight shadow at the same time of day. He derived his angles from the length of the shadow at Syene compared to the lack of shadow at Alexandria, and then hired somebody to measure out the exact distance between the two obelisks. He got very close with his calculations as well, within 8% of the true value, if memory serves. His maths were off only because of the assumption that the Earth is a perfect sphere.
@minhlu3518 Says:
Now someone go to space and take a real photo of the earth.
@MAcDaTHo Says:
Oh no! Please help! The Musk-fanboy "Tech Chasm" is "back". He even has a channel with 40k subs!
@Pac0Master Says:
The easiest way to prove the Earth isn't flat is a simple sunset. If you don't believe me, just try the following Draw a scale drawing of the Earth where the Sun appears around 90° in the air for one person, but is also down at the horizon for someone else. Aka, timezones. On a globe, this is easy On a plane, this is impossible. especially given the known dimensions of the Earth. Another fun fact, the sun's angular size is the same for both, meaning the distance from each person to the Sun isn't significant enough to make much of a change Which implies the sun is really far away, If the Sun was close, then the person with the sunset would see a very small Sun, but that's not the case, as proven by countless videos of sunset with a solar filter.
@usernameofnobody Says:
So we're spinning at 1667 kph then. (40,000/24_) 1036 mph. We'll round it to 1000 mph.
@TheMegaOne1000 Says:
What I don't understand about this is how you managed to line up a laser pointer with a star.
@albertmagician8613 Says:
A more practical and convincing measurement would be taken at the same time synchronized by telefonic contact. This makes it cheaper, eliminating the fossil fuel and makes it environmentally friendly. Also you use any star including the sun.
@BillyViBritannia Says:
Let me put my flat earth hat on for arguments sake: This also works on a flat plane where the star is NOT infinitely far away which sounds more reasonable to be honest. Let alone that assuming something is too far relative to the size of an object that you have not yet measured is weird. This is not a trivial observation.
@Redspeciality Says:
This brought back old memories of my 10th grade Geometry theorems. Once I understood them it was actually fun.
@bobmarley6970 Says:
Make a video about reflect orbital. Solar roadways of space
@guillaumegirard3627 Says:
I'm pretty sure Eratosthenes' way would have been even cheaper with one stick and measuring the shadow at the same time from a measured disants. 2% error rate in 4th Century AD
@hellstromcarbunkle8857 Says:
Love the way you zeroed out your errors for angle and length on the projection.
You look like every metalhead ever, lol.
@bldtv7038 Says:
So these measurements are measured flat and are level YET there’s a “curve” ….. somewhere ! ! …… and the curve is never factored into the measurements. And nobody sees a problem here ? No wonder flat earth has boomed.
@numbersix1908 Says:
Hi @thunderf00t , have you heard about the kickstarter for Morphy Richards' 'first ductless portable air conditioner'? Where does the heat go?!
@jimboSleeeeiiice Says:
Bro. Flat earth people literally think the sun and the moon are fake. They aren’t buying this science and fact based evidence for a second
@3DisFuntastic Says:
These are the type video's I so enjoyed watching from you! <3
@maxeadon2021 Says:
It's also proof of gravity fields. What's more amazing is that flerfs also deny gravity is a force and say that density is the reason certain objects float and others do not. The very density equation that relies on gravity. Every discovery starting with Newton is thrown away. The moon is also a projection onto the dome (firmament - a watery capsule that keeps the air in). How can you have air next to a vacuum ? is constantly quoted along with "water finds it's own level". Water cannot curve. This is due to a certain book written at a time when you can see all the cities of the Earth from a mountain top in a desert. Phil you are in flerf central by the water. Where the flat earth society have their conference.
@danielreborn4707 Says:
Flat Earthers will remain unfazed as they will not understand whats going on ,or tell You that math is conspiracy and is wrong 1x1=2 😂
@chriswright9096 Says:
But surely a flat earther can argue that Polaris is not an infinite distance away (in fact it is quite close). Hence the difference in angle does not prove the Earth is round. Just playing devil's advocate here.
@michelians1148 Says:
It's so brave of you to debunk flat earthers. Now make another Elon video.
@bluerizlagirl Says:
Once your answer at least has the right number of digits, you can begin designing a better experiment ..... The trouble with measuring very big things by using some sort of proportional technique to convert it into a more human-friendly measurement is always going to be that any give-or-take on the human-scale measurement is inevitably going to affect the real measurement by the same proportion. If you have only about a 5 degree angle in the first place and that measurement could be out by up to 0.5 degrees, that's already ±10%. (Which is what we saw here.) If you were prepared to hang around for the right deal, you probably could have got a cheap flight somewhere -- it wouldn't even matter too much exactly where -- and been able to make two measurements from points which were further apart (so the error of 0.5 degrees is less significant) and still fit within the available budget.
@JackParsons. Says:
Glad you are addressing this, there's been a surge in these people lately.
@QuantumYouth Says:
"I've spent almost all of my life on this spinning rock" - Thunderf00t, 2024

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