Welcome to Overwatch 2

Welcome to Overwatch 2


They really PHONED this one in. donkey store https://dunkeyscastle.com/ donkey twitch https://www.twitch.tv/dunkstream




@TengenToppaSalyur Says:
Hearing donsly say “It’s just like Fortnite!” Made me actually sad
@sinanbozkurt5861 Says:
@WuRuYi Says:
Yes yes yes game bad funny donkey man but WHAT is the credits song? I have to know.
@thekillerdynamo Says:
How about Bonercrotch Poo
@TheBeaz3 Says:
Knowing how the game actually plays, it’s probably best if it stayed as a loading battle Royale/strand type game
@piotrsuracki9470 Says:
Meanwhile "nothing together" on steam.
@Catalyst3DX Says:
Jolly Goood Show
@randomperson-qj1oq Says:
ah yes, my favorite glorified update.
@fyran6453 Says:
*oh god. The junker queen looks gorgeous, ngl*
@HippieHobbity Says:
unbelievable. with little more than a single screen, dunkey has made me laugh almost harder than any other video he's produced. i'm not even that high.
@reepusvanguard Says:
I miss overwatch 1
@Dylan-xx2tk Says:
Why the hell did YouTube tell me you _just_ uploaded this video... busted ass website. 😭
@YolandaPlayne Says:
Imagine having an awesome and popular team based shooter then removing it from the market and replacing it with a mobile game that everyone hates and you can't play the old game anymore.
@KrAkHeN87 Says:
Lmfao "I love you ghost! Burn in hell!!" Hahaha ghost is a meme because that was arguably the best cod without traditional zombies lol
@chrisandwichshop Says:
You know a man is funny if he can make a three minute video of a loading screen be funny.
@anameenter9058 Says:
Wow feeling this one with Payday 3
@SiigmaGunnerOfficial Says:
Payday 3 really outdid Blizzard when they created the first error/title screen-type game. Now once the servers are back up we can finally wait 3 hours again for the singleplayer mode
@XvoseEthereal Says:
bring winston back
@bananaleg82 Says:
It's also funny to think about what it was he was waiting for
@georgiyefimov7287 Says:
i just realised this. dunkey made 2 videos on overwatch 2 and the jokes are mostly identical. he just changed some stuff a little bit in this vid. just like overwatch 2
@augmenautus Says:
Did they like sell all the overwatch 1 servers for drug money or something?
@dragunov815 Says:
@B1G_SM0K3Y Says:
I remember I was stuck at 170 thousand players ahead and waited 12 hours just to have a connection failure
@m7z1z Says:
Dunkey is just him, he can record a video while he’s waiting to join into the game and still get 3.9M views
@bruhgod123 Says:
most high effort blizzard game:
@deeraptor5123 Says:
I wasn't expecting Airforce Delta music!
@moeinmiller2533 Says:
best review of overwatch 2 out there
@gameplayz5174 Says:
@D4ll4s69 Says:
It’s better than the infamous stranded type games.
@mattdamutt5681 Says:
At this point, I'm convinced Blizzard customers are trapped in an abusive relationship.
@huxerxiao6068 Says:
no more blizard just activision (anti civil TV)
@erikwurgler Says:
When's the follow-up review?! We need your spicy, hot, acidic takes on PvE being canceled!!!
@cg_pilot Says:
Can't wait for dunkey to find out about the PvE being canceled
@terranark Says:
Can't wait for the next video 😂😂😂
@avion609 Says:
Just rewatching the classics and remembering the dream
@andresgeo1389 Says:
Had to come back here after todays amazing announcement 😂
@mrahzzz Says:
Gamers just don't get it. It's an intentional reference, multiple layers - too complex for the average person. I'll try to explain. So the game's called overWATCH right. See what I did there? WATCH. So what you do is you watch the queue, and while you're WATCHing the queue, you actually sit there and think about TIME. Get it? Watches? Time? So then also while you're thinking about TIME, TIME passes, so you're experiencing time on multiple levels. WATCHING TIME pass, feeling TIME pass, maybe looking at a CLOCK on your computer (which is just a new age WATCH). You know, I think it's just too difficult to explain. If you get it, you get it, but really brilliant stuff here.
@fortisch Says:
The first screen having two buttons in different colors to tell you to press gamepass, is like ads online. If you use this lame ass strat, I instantly uninstall. I can and will not handle alot of disrespect.
@TheSandkastenverbot Says:
This makes you appreciate old computer games where you had to change floppy disks 700 times 🤣
@pdsmart Says:
You SHOULD be providing commentary for the NFL!! You would ROCK!!
@SlaughterOW Says:
i miss this patch, better than season 2 imo
@xeno9423 Says:
@TheJackster-tl8oi Says:
I know these videos are funny. But seeing how battle passes are added to every new game genuinely saddens me
@ghostrideronthestorm Says:
Even Kojima wouldn't be able to innovate the gameplay like that, this is genius
@javianbrown8627 Says:
Since you have a May video on Guilty Gear you have to make a Mei video for Overwatch 2
@rachaellonge8305 Says:
LOL I feel yeah! I did the same thing, but instead said to myself fuck it. Weeks later, I hated of how there is no more loot boxes.
@johyunbyung7676 Says:
"OverWatch 2 is a battle royale where the objective is to be the player who's had the game on the longest" I couldn't even laugh at that statement that shit was just too factual.
@ahmadmilad1419 Says:
zbzb man
@kraposucker Says:
Took me 30 seconds to get the bit
@Persontheguyman Says:
Tf2 dunk view when

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