Our Global warming legacy!

Our Global warming legacy!


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@JiffyCakes Says:
underrated video
@pbnaj Says:
Hahahahhaha alarmist nonsense
@csnipper524 Says:
I find it ironic that people like Ted Cruz negatively compare climate science to religion. Meanwhile they claim to be following the direction of an entity whose only proof of existence is some book that no one really knows who wrote it.
@csnipper524 Says:
Yes, don't listen to the highly educated scientists, listen to the uneducated idiots that have no clue what is going on, or would loss money if people actually started caring.
@szangala Says:
I would normally skip the comment but just to add the balance... https://youtu.be/XYrTvjCYqQ8?si=aMI9pfOt4ECCJ-CF
@chrissermoon4156 Says:
Right. Because stopping fossil fuels will will make no one poor, and even so poverty certainly does not cause death. Never has, and never will. That is why we can end the ud of fossil fuels tomorrow.
@KoRntech Says:
19:58 I think thats probably the most poignant statement about us today. While were digging we wont blame the fossil fuel capitalist, we'll blame China, India and Mexico. Kind of like we just did for 2020.
@ignore_for_your_sanity Says:
Giant meteor 2050!
@AutoFirePad Says:
We should make a global government to address the problem. I'm sure it won't turn into a tyranny because global warming is not a way to keep us worried like a herd of sheep like for example when some virus appeared only to fill the pockets of pharmacy industries with a cure that now causes an excess of death never seen before. Sometimes the "smart" guys are stupid or simply evil. You choose.
@randomperson9282 Says:
It would take approximate to 10,230 years to mitigate climate change back to normal without human interference (industrialization etc etc)
@niolss Says:
What is “the only viable option”?
@niolss Says:
Haha, you can’t lay of Elon for a single video. You need a psychiatrist dude.
@mohr4less Says:
I don’t inherently trust anyone with kids to ultimately do what’s right for society. Pretty quick they’re gonna realize that their best option is to secure a lifeboat for their kids, not to prevent the ship from sinking. This instinct will continue to sink the ship. People without kids thinking about these issues are the more likely people who can save humanity. They don’t have their heart and soul tied to a handful of children, but instead the future of humanity.
@reenlux7985 Says:
Sneaky Madcat hiding in the back. Damned Claners are everywhere.
@Dr.Cosmar Says:
0:57 I don't normally hard disagree with someone who has degrees. You should get outside more, see how big the planet is. That shit is nonsense... I'm actually super sick of the small scale analogues. PROVE IT. Don't just show me a few movie clips and expect me to entertain the bullshit you huff.
@212025510 Says:
I don't agree on this one. And logically, you haven't offered any irrefutable evidence of man-made global warming. Any of your "recored history" arguments is either wrong or doesn't prove anything. It's all speculation and a big money-making scheme. And it's funny this scheme was introduced (or revived) by a proven scam artist Al Gore. 😂
@droppeddogs Says:
Elon Musk is gonna save us
@thomasdonovan3580 Says:
So human generated co2 will prevent another ice age.
@DailyCorvid Says:
"Give me solutions Ryker, not problems!"
@robinhood5627 Says:
Amazing, thank you Thunder, this video made me resub to your channel. I came to these conclusions a few decades ago.
@jack504 Says:
Where are the other two parts of this series? I've seen the video about geo engineering (we stopped CC for x years) video but not sure which one I'm missing?
@chrisidema Says:
Climate alarmism has been debunked. There is no climate emergency. Is the earth warming? Of course it is. Are humans contributing? Of course. But the problem has been exaggerated way too much. Take for instance sea level rise. There is no acceleration in see level rise. It has been rising at the same rate for over a century. The recent rise in temperature is partly caused by an effect called brightening. Many temperature records have been manipulated.
@Joe-Przybranowski Says:
I love how religious people will falsely equate science with religion- In order to make it look ridiculous. Self awareness is not their forte.
@jonnymoney1071 Says:
I don‘t buy this crap 💩
@typicalsomeone5073 Says:
So let's keep the third world where they are the first world population is in decline , it will be fine ........... maybe😂
@AdmiralFace Says:
I think a big problem with the current crowd of deniers is that they don't know about the actual empirical evidence for climate change, such as fingerprinting, which show that only CO2 could cause stratospheric temperatures at the levels currently seen, where as solar activity could only account for rising surface temperatures. There is quite a bit of misrepresentation of the argument on both sides; deniers claim that temperatures are rising, and CO2 is rising, but that CO2, while mostly man-made and more thermally conductive compared to traditional air, doesn't have a significant enough impact on global temperatures and that all contrary data is simply correlative. Where the typical argument from the other side is to look at lots of correlative data, ice cores, ect. It helps the argument so much more by including true empirical evidence, less you prey folly to casual fallacy. Trying to show a bunch of blow torches kind of makes sense toward your argument as far as CO2 quantity in the atmosphere, but it fails to get at true intentions and true arguments on the side against your claims. They are wrong, provably so, but showing them how much CO2 there is and how hot things are isn't enough to convince skeptics of these claims and for good reason. You should make a video about fingerprinting, as it really is the true smoking gun to the entire argument.
@jmr1920 Says:
this is the dumbest thing i ever watched to about global warming LOL... no wonder people today are even more stupid than ever
@phonkphonk Says:
What's the cliff notes of this video?
@andy-the-gardener Says:
humans are intelligent tool using primates, but mostly fairly irrational, operating mainly in an unconscious auto pilot state. thinking requires energy. like exercise. humans are happiest when focusing on simple, mundane but rewarding daily tasks like acquiring resources, feeding, socializing and breeding more humans. they generally become denialistic or even violent when their basic assumptions and need to fulfil 'the mandates' are challenged by reality. however even their modest individual critical thinking skills vanish entirely when agglomerated by the million into the collective hive mind of civilization. the resulting super entity operates entirely on the lowest common denominator. civilization is a mindless but powerful idiot basically. any information that would contravene the live and grow mandates of individuals and the jostling hive mind of the masses will be nullified. it will be either made taboo like overpopulation, or if possible like global warming twisted and perverted so as to permit the fulfilment of biological mandates and more cancerous growth. there are 3 options. 1. bau. total loss. almost inevitable. 2. sterilize humans with some virus or other means. the humane solution. almost zero likelihood. 3. the elites terminate civ/kill eveone with emps or virus. its in their interests, but not likely they could organise even if they could grasp its urgent necessity
@timkitchen692 Says:
The problem with that claim is that it is fundamentally false, the claims for global warming. To show you clearly based on the actual government statistics in my country of Canada it was estimated that the counties population and everything within that released 670 Metric tons of CO2. So roughly 67 Megatons of CO2. Converted to kg's that is 67 Billion. The average tree consumes roughly 21 kg's/year and Canada has an estimated 318 Billion trees. This does not also factor in all the other plants or the CO2 absorbed by other sources like the Ocean. So Canada is a net negative already for what it pumps into the atmosphere per year compared to what is pulled out of the atmosphere per year. Yet people have to struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies in the name of fighting man made climate change. It is a complete and utter scam. If that can't be seen then it is simply willful ignorance as all the CO2 that goes up every year doesn't simply stay there for decades. It has also never been proven that CO2 drives climate, feel free to show proof of that to me. Since till the industrial revolution at least CO2 levels always followed changes in climate proven by ice core data.
@southvibez Says:
"We're under some gross misconception that we're a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we'll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It's delusion." ( Farley Mowat ) 🔥🎤✊
@PainandSorrow Says:
Why does it take longer for for carbon to be absorbed from the atmosphere as more gets absorbed?
@Nick-io9uk Says:
I mean I dont like England being dependent on foreign fuel imports so I would generally support initiatives to get us off of them, but i just dont find the current level of scientific arguments persausive beyond a correlation = causation type observation & conclusion.
@torstenkruger7372 Says:
@goat5480 Says:
Kinda was expecting to read in the thumbnail: Your future?!... BUSTED!
@Jamlord2061 Says:
the only (temporary) escape from global warming possible is gonna be something so out of reach like interstellar colonisation isn't it?
@davidwilliams7552 Says:
6200 comments and only 5 likes to this video. Doesn't make sense.
@alexhubble Says:
Well, this is the problem. You point out to people what would be required. Now, I write this from a heated house, with electrical supply and gas heating, a good supply of food, a car for transport and a worldwide network of supply. I write it on a tablet from the other side of the world and all this writing and video is kept alive forever in some server centre. If you want to go back to pre-fossil fuel carbon use, let's say 1000AD - I think people would rather be dead. This may or may not be Right but you look at what would be involved, can you make them Wrong?
@mickomoo Says:
I learned about Rio Verde Arizona. It’s a municipality outside of Scottsdale that for a few months this year ran out of water. I shit you not they had to defecate in their yards. I think they got water restored now but just shocked that was only picked up by local news.
@noneofyourbusiness6269 Says:
Very depressing. You're a treasure Phil, thanks for the content.
@savoteemu2739 Says:
uuf im gonna be 46 when yall run out of water. ech doubt ill be alive fro that long. futures looking bleak
@joeisawesome540 Says:
Did Ted cruse just admit religion is bullshit when he called climate change religion? I am so confused
@icantthinkofaname4265 Says:
Can i get the vwrsion of this video with less memes plzzz
@christophercharles3169 Says:
Using recorded history during which the entire time we've been coming out of an ice age, to show that the earth is warming is rather disingenuous don't you think? It's called cherry picking. Something I wouldn't have given you credit for. Simply showing a chart that shows the temperatures for last 140 of the past 4.5 billion years proves precious little. It's extremely myopic as is most of what passes as proof of AGW. "9 out of the 9 last years have been the hottest on record" is a statement that is simply not true and multiple individuals, some you show in your video and label deniers, have shown this to be the case and done a far better job supporting their arguments than you have. Considering carbon dioxide levels were as high as 4,000 ppm during the Cambrian period, 10 times what they are today and we didn't get runaway global warming then, kindly explain why you believe carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is such a threat to us. Unless you do that, the rest of the video is, for the most part, filled with manipulative imagery and is just a waste of time. There are plenty of credible individuals that can prove that the earth was much hotter and carbon dioxide levels greater in the past when life flourished. The same evidence also shows that a relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide is open to debate but, if anything, its the reverse of what you would have us believe. And by the way, there is no such thing as a climate change denier or an anthropogenic global warming denier for that matter. Just because you label them as such doesn't make it so. No one denies that climate change has been happening for some 4.5 billion years or that man has some influence on it. The debate has always been how significant that influence is. This is actually one of the worst videos I've come across promoting the idea of significant AGW and even if I was a proponent of it, I would be hard pressed to share it. Your presentation contains a lot of imagery but very little, if any credible substance and your condescending attitude towards opposing opinions and viewpoints is typical.
@scorchedearth1451 Says:
It's not really about saving the environment. It's about power and money. Bill Gates wants to bury trees and block the sun. And we cut down trees to burn them in bio power plants, and to make room for wind turbines and solar panels as far as you can see. The banks laugh at the thousands birds which get chopped to bits, and the whales that wash up the shore because wind turbines at sea make so much noise underwater they whales kill themselves.
@Rvlion79 Says:
The world is not dying... The parasite called humanity does, it is just a shame that we will take so many other animal species with us.
@mrpicky1868 Says:
so you made bunch of repetitive claims walking in circles and in the end no conclusion or proposals? "just great". and one more thing: at the start you claiming that all energy production in the world is burning hydrocarbons.... France has 62.6% of electricity from nuclear power. maybe research the things you claim as a fact and on topic of the video, not the beetles
@mrpicky1868 Says:
i would recommend to abstain from using particular landmarks as somehow global weather condition indicator.
@mrpicky1868 Says:
i hope you opened the window when you lit all those burners .
@mrpicky1868 Says:
so I do have some kind of legacy? it's an inspirational video ! XD

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