The Myth of Elon Musk: Busted
The Myth of Elon Musk: Busted



@NovaPrincess Says:
At 10:25 The fact that the city put a trail rail over the hyperloop is hilarious. Yet the fact that people still believe anything Elon says is disturbing!
@stevendai5212 Says:
still, most ppl i knew liked their tesla cars.. so still a good product seems
@shaunhuxley3275 Says:
hes a conman like trump
@leemills6825 Says:
same act as trump does right? im the 'best' at this in the world, no one knows more than me about bla-bla, no one can teach me anything about bla-bla, how can you take people serously who listen to that kind of bs, "you can be more convenient" =D yet more gibberish,
@1stFoxmovie Says:
Musk promised vrrm speed but delivered vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdrrrfrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm
@Badge1122 Says:
Tired of the video.
@sugardippedtitz Says:
Love how much musk triggers u brainrot libs. IN MUSK WE TRUST!!
@BrandonFuller-kw3gv Says:
He's so innovative he named his robot after... a cartoon robot that everyone already knows..,
@numinous123 Says:
Bricks made out of dirt? Someone should tell Musk humans have been doing that for several thousand years. Elon is what a really dumb person imagines a really smart person is like.
@markdebeer1252 Says:
You are a DORK, seeking a means to justify your "YouTube" channel, by slating the the only person who is not Self Indulgent, Greedy nor Egotistical. Sure tunnels, trains, wheels, existed, . . . what you fail to see is that before Elon, they were NOT efficient. Compare the before and after costs, Space travel, Internet, Electric vehicles, not to mention the convenience of secure on-line payments. What have you accomplished to improve humanity ? ? ? ?
@kagamichikara2201 Says:
Bref. He is the real world Fukubei.
@thegreatujo Says:
You were right about Elon. I commented on your original HyperLoop video and accused you of being a hater that stifles innovation back when I liked Musk. In the meantime he's done so much shit I can no longer stand by his side. He's an idiot.
@wilmergimenez Says:
I was one of the people who fall for all this modern Nikola Tesla myth, until the tunnel thing go viral, and I stopped just reading what the media and fanboys say about him and start to check out for myself I was really well predisposed in his favor and really want to believe in the likeable super smart guy who want to change transportation and is giving the first step to make travel to the moon accessible for civilians and maybe one day a reality for regular people, but after just a small analysis that myth start to crumble you see things don't add up and others are just invention and is impossible to not end looking him for the pompous and arrogant idiot he really is From his weird obsession with the letter X his stupid decision of rebranding Twitter which I think at this point is the worst rebranding strategy in all history, to his constant stupid lies, the obsession with presenting wishes as viable plans for the near future, this guy a real modern snake oil salesman, unfortunately the tech world is full of those I don't know if he is just lucky, or he is really talented at crafting this image of inventor and man of the people
@ThatsCrazyBro3752 Says:
I think Elon might be a crab person or a mole man with his unhealthy obsession with tunnels
@paikiah77 Says:
Long story short: he's a marketer
@stefanniemiec8727 Says:
Unfortunately Elon is the most horrible public speaker. Everything he says sounds like he has just pulled it out of his arse. He clearly just says stuff because he thinks it sounds cool at the time.
@unclebuck5051 Says:
Musk is a weirdo. So is his mother and brother. Like really weird. The way he speaks is weird, his mannerisms are weird.
@User-ef4pgm3dre33bdsrd Says:
Big Fraud Musk
Elon is a CON MAN BRO!
@h.barkas1571 Says:
Elon is my favorite moron.
@kryts27 Says:
Giving a perpetually mental age 8 year old with ADHD billions of dollars, you get Elon Musk. Amazing that i didn't rumble this earlier, but i didn't listen much to Musk before. I thought he was capable, then i saw the Cyber Truck.
@destero8853 Says:
We have this kind of wormhole for over 10 -15 years now, where I live, I am sure that's not unique to us, but it maybe rare in deed!
@thanchan1217 Says:
although i agree with this guy, why do i think that he's the type of guy to go to the doctor who attended to his mom while giving birth to him 30 years later and get mad at him, and demand he be put back and undo the operation
@mikekarwandy6977 Says:
Sell tesla stock now its going to zero
@stevemiller6766 Says:
He sounds like a young version of Biden.
@FoxyCAMTV Says:
Yeah,my whole family is into trucking businesses and self driving truck is a fantasy.
@jacekmarczyk4436 Says:
If only he had an engineering degree.....
@JLJhippotype Says:
musk talks in an autistic manner and people think he is smart because of it. the only thing genius about him is his ability to bullshit his way through life.
@Michael-fb3gt Says:
I think elon is on a permanent acid trip
@Michael-fb3gt Says:
@soyouknow8207 Says:
LOL, check all these guys salty vids though. He is just a hater. Without Elon this bro doesn't have any content, the irony. Bet this guy worked for twitter before getting fired XD
@Chrissurfs Says:
The best at anything never tells you, you notice. Like in politics, lots of peeps around them getting paid to idolize them.
@zoltancsikos5604 Says:
Elon Musk is a Glow-ball-ist. That's already enough reason not to support the billionaire who wants to chip us all. The EV scam artist who wants to venture into space to save his fellow scum whilst we perish due to any kind of mass extinction. Yeah, Elon is so cool and based. Super charming as one channel stated...LoL
@yep_2431 Says:
I love that it was literally split apart by actual functioning rail systems That's awesome
@willismartin9196 Says:
Modern P.T. Barnum 👶 😊
@user-sg6ce3tx7s Says:
Will anyone be surprise if elin musk is hiding a nuclear bomb
@jakajakman Says:
I was just asking myself why vloggers never use Data from Star Trek to produce comedy scenes. And right after that thought, there was a scene from Star Trek with Data. Bravo
@NimLeeGuy Says:
Its going to be an age of abundance. 😏
@mik99D Says:
I can't understand why you don't have 10 million subcribers. Get other sites to mention your work. Which is the most accurate (not precise) of all you tube sites. " I'm not saying he's infallable, but he is always correct". 'nuff said.
@pedrosura Says:
I know more about manufacturing rust buckets, than anyone on this sector of the Galaxy
@6YJI9 Says:
When FSD was first announced, you could have pre-ordered it for like what, $7,000? Then progressively became more expensive as Elon mentioned due to its advancements and because ppl weren't early-adopters. The max I saw FSD get priced at was $15,000 few years later which I just checked is a whopping 141% increase. Now imagine getting that kind of YoY growth returns if you could've refunded the FSD package these days at market value... Instead, I'm guessing that because Elon Musk constantly pumped up the price of the FSD, along with other vehicles, etc roughly 10+% YoY, that's he get gets the revenue (on paper) that makes Tesla attractive to the retail investors, wallstreet, and SP500.
@PsychoticEwok Says:
The one good thing about the hyperloop is, it was a great way for students to gain some practical experience on a project shame it was such a stupid project but silver lining and all that
@kelcastle7645 Says:
Elon was born in the wrong century! Should've been born on 17th century, would bring all his revolucionary ideas to life!
@MonadNomad1988 Says:
make bricks from the tunnel and sell them and it will pay for bulding tunnel 😂thats magic
@User-rm9cw Says:
Only zelensky would have been a relevant competitor in narcisism and delusionsfor Musk
@ivanramirez4652 Says:
Maybe I’m miss understood thunder about the fake roof tile , because it is a Tesla solar roof and look nice and look very real , I don’t know about the energy efficiency against solar panel , but my guest that will videos comparing both .
@nrjfriestad Says:
@kurtbecker3827 Says:
I think I have some insight about this psychological phenomena expressed in a person like Elon Musk. I am a retired EE and I have worked for several companies during my 50 years. In most cases my bosses had a personality attribute, I could not match. So they became managers and I remained a lowly engineer. These managers had the ability to make up lies without even being aware of it. So they could lie with a straight face. Being ignorant about the business is mandatory, because this is the only way to make project proposals which infringe on the laws of nature. Most engineers kept their mouth shut, because embarrassing the boss in a meeting will result that you will not be invited to the next meeting. Elon took this to a new level which almost implies, that any dumb idea of his must ultimately change reality. All he needs to do is to say it with total conviction and the rubes will celebrate him as a genius. Retired now, I am doing ok... having the time of my life watching all these BS ideas come down in a big crash. Every company I worked for during my 50 years is long since gone bankrupt. Tesla and SpaceX are going down as well. Elon Musk is an extraordinary idiot and people around the world are celebrating him like a god.
@dun0790 Says:
There is just something that's really fake and disingenuous about him and most of his Fields i had minor knowledge so couldn't challenge him but hearing him talk about AI 😂 yeah he's a tit
@ashleyobrien4937 Says:
1:50 He just said "re-valued" the company when he really meant de-value ....

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