The Dude from Yakuza Who Forgot His Own Name
The Dude from Yakuza Who Forgot His Own Name



@hardleftturn7274 Says:
10:31 that lady and that sweater make an appearance in both Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2. You can actually recruit her to be a hostess in your cabaret club. Her nickname is the Obatarian.
@Zir0h_Music Says:
I need to play angry birds 🤣 8:31
@Fuzzycuffsqt Says:
idk what's going on with this laser gex gameplay but the level of detail they put into that world is awesome
@MrMJE13 Says:
0:56 Markiplier?!?!
@supremophantom187 Says:
1:10-1:26 FACTS 😂
@Dr_Andesite Says:
Don't worry your secret is safe with us dunkey
@JohnnyInJapan Says:
You used the English dub... what the fuck dude...
@RayceARoni Says:
Oh man what's that tune at the end?! I can't place it
@cobypoole3839 Says:
No way they put kson in the game lollllll
@Humannbeing Says:
JID x Dunkey triple album release date?
@coreycasciano3255 Says:
The way he was laying down on the bench at the end of the video
@jazzgioo Says:
Can’t believe Dunkey got JID to do a feature on this video.
@pneumacegaming2377 Says:
ending music name?
@noisegl_dx6633 Says:
Who would have known that man with no name was Suzuki Taichi all along.
@coinslots3360 Says:
Fucking dunkey, the late had vanilla in it. thats why the cost was higher ffs. dunkey peaked at ballan wonderwo
@Bababoi. Says:
Like a Dunkey : the man who changed his roblox password
@SilverCorked Says:
I looked up what this game was actually called thinking "Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name" was a joke from Dunkey. Nope. That's actually the game's name. Yakuza is crazy lol
@Karurosu99 Says:
1:11 we need a full version to him singing on this song
@hayleygerbil3109 Says:
Even Hannah Montana had a more convincing disguise than Kiryu.
@sugreev2001 Says:
Yong Yea’s voice is so incredibly lame sounding, especially for someone like Kiry … uh, Joryu.
@Orion695 Says:
serpent go bssshhhhh
@brosephh7130 Says:
8:04 It’s crazy how similar the collision was to Dale Earnhardt, and the car just spins back into place 😂
@williamdeeg3305 Says:
Also kei is the vtuber Kson…
@mistprowen3157 Says:
0:55 He killed 2016 Markiplier!
@pakaton1711 Says:
1:20 anyone know the name of this song ?
@immatheloser2401 Says:
As someone who never played any yakuza games, the struggle to understand if everything I'm seeing is trying it's absolute hardest to look serious but is a goofy funny memes game, or it's a serious game with highly doses of comedy is real. And also, how tf does he have spiderman web shooters? This universe is indeed interesting...
@BobDoleStyle Says:
Idk if I can handle a little Randal.
@derpedfox Says:
Finally Kson and Dunkey collab
@Cryogenical Says:
The IKON clan callback... wow im old
@Varooooooom Says:
13:15 are those insanely good graphics or is she just real??
@davek8488 Says:
Yong yea voice 🤮🤮🤮
@andyetstillmore Says:
"can you handle a little Randall"
@garretreichenbach7777 Says:
@hovant6666 Says:
0:44 the way these dorks look and move reminds me of those weird old CD-I (I think?) games that had cropped pictures of people as game sprites, usually as a fighter game or crap dating sim
@Snailimp Says:
13:05 They just filmed a real person at this pert didnt they?
@everydaychemistry6231 Says:
I can't wait to watch this in a year when I've finally finished all the yakuza games
@noparkingnoparking Says:
NO! i don't want that reference in 2024. amazing
@taro7870 Says:
@taro7870 Says:
@RancorousSea Says:
Kiryu making more money with one spiderman whip move than Kaguya makes in like 5000 hours of gameplay/cutscenes FeelsBadMan
@marcelhidalgo1076 Says:
Another great work by The Funny Guy Who Makes Videos on YouTube
@JamMastaJew Says:
What is the outro music from??? I recognize it but can't place it
@HibariSama Says:
J.I.D has a song in a Yakuza game??? That's dope!
@zakthegamergoose3771 Says:
Dunkey went bar for bar with JID, insanity.
@gormanls Says:
Kiryu's English voice just sounds so wrong to me.
@Burrito585 Says:
I played that sonic battle game at an arcade in the vancouver area as a kid ~2001. I think it was Granby Island? I moved in 2002. Wow thats nostalgic
@scrolloftownportal Says:
The woman was so excited to receive Mountain Dew from dunkey 😂😂😂
@Coolio_Ash Says:
Im sorry seeing these characters speak english is so fucking weird
@big_bird8597 Says:
guys im only on yakuza 5 did they really dub this game again im so confused
why is this dubbed? ×_×

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