Bulletproof Cybertruck- BUSTED!! (and SpaceX Rocket Roadster)
Bulletproof Cybertruck- BUSTED!! (and SpaceX Rocket Roadster)



@abdulmismail Says:
Why hasn't the US Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges against Musk yet, for artificially inflating his shares? He's done that for years yet no one seems to care.
@dreadfullconscience7282 Says:
I mean... "bullet proof vests" aren't completely bulletproof either... the truck is a hell of alot more bullet proof than any other production vehicle.. and if i'm not mistaken, most of the gun deaths in usa, esp the sort that would happen in traffic *are* from low caliber guns, and if someone is shooting at you, you are gonna drive away, making the chance of hitting the same spot 2 or 3 times unlikely... I feel like thunderfoot would have alot more cred if he wasn't the same guy who had dozens of videos before saying its impossible to land rockets and "debunking the falcon 9", and who then deleted all those videos when spaceX started landing f9 rockets every week..... we get it dude, you hate elon... I think elon is an idiot, but it is also clear that thunderfoot is just a huge hater and doesnt really have any real input, based on your videos mostly just being based on your feelings of hate for elon, rather than any actual useful or insightful content..
@one_smooth_operator Says:
I'm a crane operator and our headquarters is close to space x in Florida..we do work there..all there trucks are f350 diesels..
@JustaGuy_Gaming Says:
I am not a gun nut but that "Gun" they shot the cyber truck with honestly looked and sounded like an air rifle...
@andybaldman Says:
Dude, if you don’t want a Tesla, just don’t buy one. Those of us who have them are happy with them.
@andybaldman Says:
This channel is just a guy who thinks he’s smarter than he is.
@Chris-pn2iy Says:
That baseball bounced at such a high angle though. It had to have hit the metal.
@liampritchett1779 Says:
Are you
@jeffhunt367 Says:
The twitter twits seem so self eliminating, if looking at the long range general survival capabilities. If you own one, "I" feel for your neighbors. Be well
@fourtycents Says:
Omg omg 🤮
@realmchat6665 Says:
These simps are literally disgusting.
@Hedning1390 Says:
The difference between what Elon promises and delivers can be well quantified by Nuclear explosion vs weakly thrown baseball. Promise: 42GJ* Deliver: 5J** About 10 orders of magnitude difference. *Based on W54. **Mass of 149g thrown at 8m/s.
@AdLockhorst-bf8pz Says:
Elon Oh my God Musk 🤔 weird religion.
@NexterB Says:
24:10 LOL!
@NexterB Says:
Most bulletproof things cannot take repeated shots at the same spot. So you are getting ahead of yourself.
@svr5423 Says:
Why didn't they test it with the A10's 30mm cannon?
@DangerB0ne Says:
The thermonuclear thing really bothers me. Ivy Mike was the first functional thermonuclear device and it vaporized the island of Elugelab on which it was built when it went off. Not damaged, not blasted apart, but vaporized. There is nothing left of Elugelab except for a scar in Enewetak Atoll visible from space. With that in mind, I don't care how thick you make the stainless steel panels or whatever baseball repellant glass you employ, no truck - cyber or otherwise - will withstand that.
@MotoGuzziMoto Says:
This roasting needs a rotisserie to avoid burning.
@lmkejame22 Says:
Hi I'm Elon " within a year" Musk. (At this point he is a joke)
@sethberry9185 Says:
0-60 in less than a second? I feel like thats gonna kill some customers.
@gordonzar992 Says:
@typical_tupolev3924 Says:
Adin Ross is both cringey and sad at the same time
@SneakyBeakySpy Says:
I love how they panic whenever one of them fires off more than like 3 bullets. Really shows their confidence in how bulletproof this car is.
@34959 Says:
Why didn't they finish the roadster, instead of the cheaper, crappier, cybertruck that does the same thing?
@richardbambenek2601 Says:
Who gives a flip weather a car is bulletproof or not unless you are a drug kingpin. Musk has a screw loose. And who shoots a gun at their car intentionally.
@kallekas8551 Says:
@medicinemouse7647 Says:
I would not stand that close to anything im shooting that I expect the bullet not to go through. Ricocheting bullets are no joke
@hellcrow539 Says:
7:06 imagine if it had broken the glass 😅
@angeloRiv Says:
What a MAGA loser Musk is - on top of making up shit as he goes....He is such a liar! Tesla should be at $50 a share. It will get there and then be bought out..
@mchambers4376 Says:
2:37 You can also see just how shoddy his thumbnail as it's obviously Photoshopped (poorly) and has a mirror image of an AR15 (everything is reversed) while the actual gun they're shooting in the video is GSG .22 target rifle designed to look like an MP5 submachinegun with a suppressor. I've shot these and they're OK for fun.
@mchambers4376 Says:
They're firing a .22LR!!! So this "space age" vehicle can't stop the least powerful bullet. This is actually what I would expect from any vehicle!
@TomNimmo Says:
He wastes a lot of government money while doing all this crap. much less he got NASA defunded during the Berry Hussein Obama term so he could waste it on these useless projects elon would never complete. This being the most damaging project islam musk ever bestowed on America and this one alone should have a lengthy prison sentence attached or we should deport him back to south Africa because basically these are all projects to steel money from the tax payers. Getting NASA defunded caused major security risks we still have not overcome, he stifled our entire space project. ending the technology completely. no more GPS advancements we enjoy and flying drones are limited now. Our military uses 140 of these satellites we can't even access now. it goes on and on.
@TomNimmo Says:
Elon has never done anything in his life but bring government money in vain to the American tax payer. I can debate all of it in depth. The most successful thing he's done is buy a bankrupt company, Tesla, some very smart people had developed the best electric car to date and couldn't market it economically. islam musk brought the government money to sell them. we don't know what it cost to make a tesla car. we know what we can buy one for but what they cost we don't know. With the influx of government money no company could fail. He has politicians in his back pocket making him an American enemy.
@per-torereiniurfjell5424 Says:
You need to update about the acceleration pedal issue.
@antonioribeiro6800 Says:
Pretty sure you could buy a BTR for $100000 which is a freakin armoured apc
@lerk. Says:
If I could hire as many professionals to do my bidding as Musk can, I'd be able to multitask about as well as he can.
@fortissears5388 Says:
Elon Musk: "I'm an engineer." Since f*cking when?!
@drewlovelyhell4892 Says:
13:50 Since when was he an "engineer"? Software Engineer doesn't count.
@b00nz0r Says:
it's dumb to charge over 90% on a super charger but what gives Elon the right to know how much my car is charged? It's supposed to be like gas.
@daveb9445 Says:
If you run the Cyberturd through a car wash it voids the warranty, this truck is a piece of crap 💩
@Kuijk_ENQ Says:
They are recalling all cybertrucks (today is 20 April 2024). Wonder how Elons fans will spin that.
@donaldnewell4868 Says:
You’re taking chances if you’re willing to be around these guys when they have loaded guns.
@Perqd Says:
I always thought how do make people so much progress in so little time with so few people, when other major companies take years. Now some years older and I know from personal experience, they don't. They just make shitty engineering decisions, take shortcuts, steal ideas just like in china. Here in germany I learned software engineering, I knew programming before and could do stuff fast, but learned over time how slow good code is and how it needs to be thought through. If you dont do that it may work somehow, may look pretty and you may be fast, but it will fail.
@DS-nv2ni Says:
"Back" to the moon... We've never been there, and Musk is definitely not the person that will make it possible.
@sakuraturbo3364 Says:
Elon you build a truck for practice shooting no need to go shoot at the range just find a cyber truck what a piece of s****
@Wings_of_foam Says:
Imagine being like these "influencers". This is why i hate this world and the times we live in.
@MakooWallinen Says:
The submarine thing annoys me to no end. PEOPLE can barely fit through that cave, and he wants an entire submarine down there, okay, sure a small one, but if it is going to fit a human inside it, guess how big it is going to be? Bigger than a human! And that is only one of the issues.
@livelovelaugh2130 Says:
I'm convinced now that all of this fever dream tech bullshit will come to be seen for what it is, a meme. God help all the pension funds that are invested in these idiotic companies. Billion dollar valuations, litrally based on teenage hype.
@saturnomega768 Says:
Elon has a secret plan... you all will see...
@tftsheepcup Says:
“I’m an engineer. I do engineering” - engineer

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