Elons latest Starship …HAT-TRICK of FAIL!
Elons latest Starship …HAT-TRICK of FAIL!



@paleopteryx Says:
NASA didn't even exist before 1959 yet in 1969 they were "landing" people on the Moon like crazy... Give me a break! NASA is full of sh1t just like Musk. Everything related to space (and especially "Moon landing" missions) is just some tax money stealing scheme. Billions of tax $$$. No man EVER landed on the Moon nor it will do so in the forseeable future, because it is dauntingly risky and difficult, even with the current technology (let alone with the technology of the '60s, ffs!!!!)
@roughcut2Lock Says:
Man boy. And full of unanswered promises to keep stock prices high.
@ultrapandora4550 Says:
im so tired of elon musk riders in the space community
@leemills6825 Says:
using kids as presenters that look like these panels of flids prattling on about films & video games =D almost as amusing as calling the thing starship, probably so the hard of thinking can keep up i suppose, the robot was faked & that was just the arms the car battery switch was faked & im supposed to believe this is real =D c'mon now its long past time for ppl to grow the f up
@user-eg2yn3dx9e Says:
Please go and debunk the plastic to fuel bs a black dude is doing, its all over youtube shorts now
@adhael4996 Says:
I'm starting to wonder whether Elon is doing this on purpose for another country to create chaos in the US economy, and by extension the West
@artem64 Says:
As always, more information than you probably should have explained. I honestly hope you stay safe my friend. We need more people like you around but not the many people with money would like it too much. I always hope to get move content from you. You are the voice of reason and your voice is what everyone needs to hear. I hope you stay around for years to come.
@Dalroc Says:
Hat-trick of fail lol... Please Phil, tell us what your accomplishments are? A semi-successful YouTube channel that has lost 90% of its momentum because you've turned it into nothing but an Elon hate parade? Impressive. Meanwhile SpaceX has now launched 12 successful crewed missions. Such a failure they are! Please tell us more Mr Mason! 😂
@StevieAF Says:
I'm not on team Elon therefore...🙄
@TerribleFire Says:
The millennial positivity in the face of disaster infuriates me. Just tell it like it is.
@mikeyerian2562 Says:
Everything Musk does is weaponize most people's cartoonish views of science and technology. Notice how fucking serious the flight engineers were in 1967. They were serious men, who were chain smokers, nervous, had ulcers, and no sleep. They were heroes, and Musk is the world's biggest con man.
@unclebuck5051 Says:
Once a fraud always a fraud.
@doclewis8927 Says:
Okay...I'm not a astrophysicist BUT I do know that you cannot have a "floating" platform on Mars...NOT the size of a "spaceport"! You need more atmosphere for that than Mars has.
@doclewis8927 Says:
The FACT that NASA managed to do what they promised and SpaceX hasn't...says it all.
@realmchat6665 Says:
The spacex simps cheering for failure borders on eerie.
@ChimpFromSpace Says:
"Rapid unscheduled disassembly"
@eoin1959 Says:
NASA and SpaceX make perfect bedfellows... you can fool most of the people most of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. NASA was (apparently) operating a manned shuttle service to the moon's surface and back 55 years ago, but no human has left the earth's orbit since... WTF?
@aria8928 Says:
We have to wait for launch alliance huh.
@michaelnoble2432 Says:
The undisciplined hollering of the SpaceX clowns is quite telling...
@brett9308 Says:
SpaceXplode is a roaring dumpster fire, barreling it's way downhill toward bankruptcy. Elon "Next Year" Musk and Gwynn "Oh it's definitely going to happen" Shotwell must have finally, FINALLY gotten the memo that you can't shoehorn 100 people into StarShip (hint: after you add cargo, food and water, ship systems, equipment, bulkheads and fixtures, you're left with about 3.34 m3 habitable volume per crew member), so what did they do? They fucking pivoted, of course, JUST LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO, by announcing StarShip II, StarShip III and Raptor III. Seriously? Raptor III when Raptor II is already inherently defective? Fuck off. No self-respecting aerospace engineer works for SpaceX, which is why their output is a disaster-ridden, unreliable, unstable hack. I pity you if you reside in their reality distortion field.
@kain4892 Says:
Whats the problem with testing a space craft to point of failure? Havent fully watched the full video yet, but I can already tell I disagree with it when I usually enjoy Thunderfoots content. Also if were going to complain about taxes going to this, why not complain about the military industrial complex and the ammount of money they waste. I much rather my money go towards SpaceX and know what they're testing then to something shadowy like Lockheed Martin
@roxter299roxter7 Says:
Maybe thunderfart would be more appropriate. Nothing but loud hot air.
@roxter299roxter7 Says:
A little optimistic. But it’s happening. I thought you said that they would never make money landing rockets.
@ashleymoore9063 Says:
He should just mock up the flights like his partner's did .
@ashleymoore9063 Says:
NASA and elon belong together they both like telling porkie pies
@ashleymoore9063 Says:
Elon tells more BS about space x then Tesla
@NickJaime Says:
They use far less processing power than what's in a smartwatch. So you figure with the amount of technological jump in processing power rockets would be better.
@jeffhunt367 Says:
He needs to work on his cgi coordinator... flames don't have shadows...not nice try, Do Better Fun show brother
@unfixablegop Says:
@b.7944 Says:
Too much Trial and error shows they are not good engineers tbh.
@oliw5963 Says:
Stop this guy now, he is delusional, his "ideas" are gonna ruin human society by their sheer stupidity!
@machinegunsally1874 Says:
All those tax dollars could be used for the mars sample return mission. But no, it’s all being eaten up by the big rocket yeeting program.
@mpwilso Says:
Cabins, lol
@mrlume9475 Says:
Cult Space X, drones jumping and cheering, petrified that their leader will terminate them should he view the vid and they aren't showing the correct amount of enthusiasm. Sad, just sad. Musk is a carpet bagger and a clown.
@darkoz1692 Says:
There was a time that if a rocket blew up people were devastated but now we cheer, that's progress.
@lesmotley6839 Says:
Never before in human history has one man over promised so much but under delivered everything.
@johntaphouse5235 Says:
also the lander musk plans will be using the same rockets to land as it will use to take off... lots of rock and debris on landing.. cant be good.. we already know his track record for rocks and rockets
@anonanon5146 Says:
Looks like Elon lives in your head rent-free, man-child
@jacekmarczyk4436 Says:
That woke kid's voice is so annoying ...... Reminds me of Jack King.
@jacekmarczyk4436 Says:
This is what happens when children build rockets.
@jonathanmills3256 Says:
I think mr Musk will be in prison for fraud before he lands on the moon
@rovert1284 Says:
Having so many almost mass produced engines seems to be a problem. Like racing in Le Mans with a custom built Porsche against a dozen Hyundais, where if 1 Hyundai fails the lot fail.......
@philmccracken2012 Says:
Regardless if starship has not sent people into orbit Elon Musk and his other rockets have been sending people into space up to the ISS. Do you know of any other person who has been able to accomplish what he has? I DIDN'T THINK SO!
@immunity4soul Says:
Its odd because we have a good planet that is going to waste for billionaires to play out their fantasy at the cost of all life as we know it. Nice
@NordicProspecting Says:
yes lets trust the guy that cant even clean his home or put socks on
@nealkonneker6084 Says:
You haters are the epitome of emotional blind rage. You gleefully mock the "failures" of the starship while conveniently ignoring the incredible track record of the falcon 9. Is it so farfetched that SpaceX, which has launched and landed falcon 9s almost 300 times will similarly succeed with starship eventually?
@rovert1284 Says:
Can't see how this helps the environment. Mars is just a pointless goal at this stage. I think Space X has achieved quite a lot, but do not see in any way that it is for the betterment of the average human. But Elon can milk this for decades.
@kryts27 Says:
Moon's surface? Won't ever get there I guess. There's a reason why the Saturn V was mega huge: Pushing the Lunar lander, control module and re-entry vehicle to the moon and back. Up to 80% of the rocket fuel (first stage) was used just getting the thing into Earth's orbit. What does Musk have to get to the moon that Apollo missions didn't have? Fairy dust? 😂
@paulanderson2963 Says:
The fact that we are in the age of social media with huge amounts of mass communication and these types of fraudsters are thriving more than ever says more about these masses of people than the fraudsters themselves.
@william_chidube Says:
One year for Enron Must is 60 months

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