Fake Invisible Catastrophes | Dr. Patrick Moore | EP 439
Fake Invisible Catastrophes | Dr. Patrick Moore | EP 439



@LezlyBeetz Says:
Anyone have any more information on the 'global greening' which Peterson described 'as the amount of the earth thats green since the year 2000 is equivalent to the total land area of the united states'. Can't wrap my head around what he meant by that.
@FelixBernardo Says:
To old...
@backyardthinker5996 Says:
i am very disappointed in you Jordan . i thought your mind worked better than this! 1 degree is the difference a piece of ice melting or remaining ice.. in a system where that water turns ice and water in cycle, 1 degree means more ice melting and less ice forming back again.. what is the result considering gigantic sizes? humans exhale co2 equal to the amount they consume carbon, and the fact that now we can consume a lot more carbon from what we consume, (say back in history when you consume a lamb, only a particular amount digested by humans rest went back in soil decomposed, now with technology we convert nearly entire animal back to atmosphere, hence supplying equal amounts of co2 back to the plants) a tree consumes a lot less co2 than most think, as it is a slow animal! not panting like us. human exhaling co2 is only a fraction of what we produced in the last century, what is the consequence? plants need more than co2 to flourish, and there had been abundance of it in the last century, why is the greening now? is it because excess co2? or is it because global warming is real, and unfertile areas became warm enough for plants to grow? what is the composed effect of damaged ozone layer combined with increased co2? i dont give a sh..t.. about news or claims or theories, i watch what i see, and what i experience. sun was a lot more kind on my skin when i was a kid. a century ago we couldnt have had any reliable information about global climate, now orbit has more satellites than elephants on earth, that measure data in multiple reliable ways. what can they not measure? warming of the globe out of its cycle is possible.. speaking of a million years is irrelevant, as there has never been industry or technology nor amount of humans living on the planet ever before. what is the result of this never seen before ? again 1 degree change of maxes is a point where a rock stays melt or not, a piece of wood combusts or not, what is the effect of this heating on tectonic plates? why are we seeing floods where we usually dont? tornadoes more than ever? earthquakes more than before? do you say that unprecedented human activity has zero effect? how do we know its beneficial when it has never been seen before? if you are freezing, a fire will make you warm and happy, for a little while... we destroy more than we create, till we realize we effed up
@jiminaiser Says:
Microplastics doesn't concern me. It passes through the digestive system of fish, animals and humans. Nanoplastics, however, is something we need to keep an eye on.
@mannyhex9502 Says:
This podcast was eye opening
@pansnuravalik2271 Says:
I can't help it. I have to disagree on the plastics. Tere are studies that show that plastic is toxic. That it affects endocrine system. It causes drops in testosterone levels, infertility. So it makes me sad that these facts make it harder to believ dr. Patrick Moore. He made strong case for the CO2 and global warming lying campaign and i believe him. But I feel like hist stance on plastics makes me question everything he said. Plastic is beneficial to oceans? Like for whales? Hm.. I don't think so.
@FlowWithTheBhutaneseExpat Says:
Jordan B Peterson is genius 😮. Free flow of speech and a wiseman with head full of wisdoms . I started to like watching his podcast and videos.
@Appleblade Says:
'How to stop a runaway funding crisis'. That's the book we need.
@bobettepage4440 Says:
I respectfully disagree with this man on GMOs. Something has changed in Americans food that makes us sick. They have in fact modified wheat and make many people sick. Bread is no longer the staff of life but actually became the vehicle of death. I stopped eating it years before the word gluten or celiac was a thing. My daughter, granddaughter and great grandson also.
@jakeobrien809 Says:
Plastic is good for the ocean Is this guy serious
@imallin971 Says:
So let me summarize the beginning....we have no good data for 3.5billion years, then suddenly we have GREAT data for 500million years to present. Absolutely makes sense. Then you ask how the data is collected and get "I don't know" and just assume he is correct?
@jeffshof5108 Says:
Thank you both for telling and talking facts about our planets climate .
@badadviceforfree Says:
I wonder what this guy thinks of Autism etc
@badadviceforfree Says:
This was great and plenty of GOOD news 👍 thank you
@badadviceforfree Says:
Ok this is weird: Mellen Thomas Benedict who apparently channeled 'Gaia' said that the increase in carbon monoxide was by Her design, it's exactly what she wanted 'Her children' to do, to save themselves....
@PiOfficial Says:
Isn’t Moore a confirmed shill?
@andyg5059 Says:
I'd not heard this idea before. CO2 is supposed to be a greenhouse gas because of its absorbtion at 15 um of the OLR from the earth's surface, but CO2 also absorbs at 4.3 um. More CO2 in the atmosphere means the 15 um absorbtion causes the air near the surface to warm, but increased absorbtion of incoming solar radiation at 4.3 um presumably causes the upper atmosphere to warm, which would cause the surface to cool. Do these effects cancel? Or is one dominant?
@ryanhollenbeck5617 Says:
Anyone ever notice that talks like this on youtube always have the little information box that has the mainstream government establishment narrative in it. I dont ever see that on shows like The View or any CNN interview. Hmm i cant imagine why these things are so.
@garethmarshall7724 Says:
Thank you gentlemen, this was incredibly insightful. What a wonderfully meaningful and varied life Dr Moore has lived, he’s a fascinating man.
@brianthesnail3815 Says:
The majority of the plastic in the oceans comes from the worlds most polluted rivers that flow into them or from the global fishing fleet that loses or discards fishing gear. The vast majority of both sources are Asia. The West puts a tiny amount of plastic in the ocean by comparison. Dumping waste into rivers is how Asia makes things more cheaply that we in the West can.
@djija9993 Says:
@allsortsgifts6202 Says:
Dr Patrick Moore has held his ground through the crazy climate change fiasco of recent years. Incredibly knowledgeable
Great show!! 2 Great Canadians promoting Common Sense!!!
@istand4truth Says:
In conclusion, we should be subsidized for producing/emitting CO2, rather than being taxed. Carbon taxes are actually the opposite of what we need to help the planet and humanity.
@sergirakhmania4410 Says:
It’s sad to see how quickly Peterson devolved into a conspiracy theorist bro science channel
@markdavidson9743 Says:
Ask him about weather cloud seeding
@judithtaylor4799 Says:
And now the same activists have decided that plastic is toxic. Geez.
@zacet Says:
Tragedy of the commons was shown to be wrong years ago, by Elinor Ostrom, you really need to stop this outdated idea that has been proven to be wrong long ago and challenge your guests who still belive this please. Also, you have had experts explaining how plastic is toxic, e.g. oestrogenic, reducing sperm, increasing cancer same with GMO, so his denial of that is a bit sceptical... which then makes me question the rest of the conversation..
@jennifers7048 Says:
So ironic that YouTube places the UN webpage about climate change in a “context” box between the video and the comments. Its truly pathetic that the left cannot tolerate dissent from their platform.
@mayetamayo7954 Says:
Thank you dr Peterson for having dr Patrick Moore!!!!
@michaellunger7415 Says:
Excellent as always Dr. Peterson!
@gerturstoger2960 Says:
Climat change is a perpetuam mobile. Humans don't have any impact.
@gerturstoger2960 Says:
My english is not good enough. But, the lower the co2 content should be, below 0.02 percent,the more people and plants will disapear and die. There will be no living any more. It's all a big lie.
@OldDocSilver Says:
I wouldn’t be surprised if the driving force behind the original “Green Peace” group was Dr. Moore. Once it became an oxymoron and turned on itself, Dr. Moore saw that the political left was politicizing it …. he jumped ship…literally and fought against it….to this day.
@OldDocSilver Says:
One of the most beneficial aspects of humans living on earth is THEIR ABILITY TO RELEASE EXCESS CARBON DIOXIDE FROM DORMANT CARBON…..like trees and coal, oil and natural gas, and the burning of garbage as well as fires for home heating. To me that is the reason that coal is laying on the surface “screaming” for man to use it for home heating. Animals cannot control fire. Nature has to create extra vast amounts of CO2 by lightening strikes in prairie grass or dry forests when the decay of carbonaceous plants is not making enough CO2 . But that is very destructive. Also volcanoes create volumes of CO2 as well as other gasses they are very destructive as well. So…along comes man with the ability to make and control fire for useful purposes. Voila …. You have a source of life saving CO2 without destruction. In fact it’s the exact opposite. It is life saving both ways. Life saving for humans, animals, climate and plants which in turn give us Oxygen.
@konyecstrength4life Says:
The issue is the complexity of Earth as a system cannot be reduced to few easy to understand components. So those screaming for concrete proof to support certain scientific assertions are barking up a tree that will never bear fruit in terms of absolute certainty over the short-term time evolution of Earth. However probabilistic-statistical scientific assertions are still valid and the best we got.
@boxybox100 Says:
such bullshit
@user-uq4vc6ef8e Says:
So what do they do with all that carbon tax money,as a plumber I was enlightened to the fact that we can and should have two drains for every home or building separating rain water from waste water, the latter of witch can be channeled right back into rivers without treatment, water is prescious but taken for granted!
@paulschofield5452 Says:
Ban Geo Engineering...
@cr-iv1el Says:
There are cultural traditions of burning wood in spring which cleans the forest floor.
@duanewirth273 Says:
Microplastics are ANCIENT. Can be found deep in the oceans. Tom Nelson is also a great channel to follow, and he’s had so many guests who’ve schooled me about ALL things climate and beyond.
@freyfaust6218 Says:
Gmo food... hmm. Glyphosate... hmm. Suicide seeds. Hmmm. The evidence disproving the warming catastrophy theory is crystal clear. But i see patterns of novel diseases that are correlated to manmade chemicals and other tinkering. Correlation is not causation, but it is an evidentiary point. Something to consider.
@Imstarshine Says:
Is he seriously saying a global mean temperature rise of 1.5 C doesnt matter because there is a temperature difference between dawn and lunch? That difference would be added to by 1.5 C. Also, it doesn't matter that there will be less ice at the poles (an admission that there will be) because tens of thousands of years ago there was less ice? We dont live tens of thousands of years ago. We live in 2024 in cities that didnt exist tens of thousands of years ago. Cities and villages which are vulnerable to current changes. Is this for real? I'm having a massive problem respecting Dr Petersons viewpoints recently. I'm quite disappointed.
@pliashmuldba Says:
I am no spring chick. I do remember the old days where happy go lucky people concerned by the environment, just did what they could do, where as now it seem the game are more along what can you get other people to do to cater to what you think is the right plan for the environment.
@thomasjeffersoncry Says:
"go door to door take peoples money and burn it in the back yard" Too funny, that is exactly what Gov's do with the tax money they take from you at the barrel of a gun! They waste it!
@thomasjeffersoncry Says:
Occam's Razor suggests that TPTB want total control over us and want to tax us by means of a carbon tax!
@susanwaycaster4095 Says:
How can intelligent people be so ignorant. They have not sought the counsel of God
@ACharbonneau911 Says:
G M Os My thoughts on GMO … there is a place for them because they have fed the world because they were invented to be heartier thus feeding humans- … It’s against humanity that MONSANTO & politicians forced farmers to buy seeds each & every year …
@masonwelty8058 Says:
This is the coldest time ever? How does one explain the massive ice sheets that once completely covered Canada?
@MrJoJoCole Says:
Why do I feel John Carter of Mars and Dune are more than cautionary tales... 😂😅

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