JBP Reacts to Court Decision

JBP Reacts to Court Decision


If you would like to comment on this situation feel free: The College of Psychologists of Ontario: https://twitter.com/CPOntario Website link: https://cpo.on.ca/public/complaints-reports-to-the-college/ Full Court Decision linked here: https://t.co/nKO09kPIys Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8 // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jordanbpeterson.com/youtubesignup Donations: https://jordanbpeterson.com/donate // COURSES // Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com // BOOKS // Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning // LINKS // Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog // SOCIAL // Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson Instagram: https://instagram.com/jordan.b.peterson Facebook: https://facebook.com/drjordanpeterson Telegram: https://t.me/DrJordanPeterson All socials: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus




@astrobuddsy6230 Says:
Surely we should be able to submit a complaint to the college about their treatment of you and insist they be investigated for their infringement of your rights?
@Jayellbird Says:
Boomer cranky old man says. POKE THE BEAR HARD.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Says:
@PaulineMcGuinness-id9kj Says:
I want my money. Thanks for nearly slapping the bastard.
@leonardblignaut665 Says:
@leonardblignaut665 Says:
The free world needs to be reminded that "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke#) I would think that if anyone is qualified to dissect the psyche of politicians it's you! Perhaps therein lays the problem, because ....
@GraceGonzalezMelbourne Says:
whatever happens, guard self from resentment, anger and revenge
@Rp-pc1rl Says:
Fight, Fight, Fight, Jordan Peterson. Don't give in to the coo coos.
@steveupton313 Says:
The thesis by the Club of Rome - Limits to Growth (world view) l read in early 70's gave a quantitative and qualitative analysis of many trends. Your father is so, so very right. It is so sad you have to leave your country because of afraid, myopic bigots.
@steveupton313 Says:
Your father is an illuminary along with G. Orwell and S. Fry. It is a damn abomination what the political structure, intellectual community (so-called) and judicial system in Canada. I applaud your father to be a clear, authentic orator for causes to language culture and psychological abuse. I support his views wholeheartedly.
@stephenkinley4274 Says:
I’m sure very few if anyone will see my other comment, but it was very therapeutic for me to get it off my chest. Thanks Dr. P.!
@stephenkinley4274 Says:
Where to start… the only man more disingenuous than Trudeau. Your case has absolutely nothing to do with the general state of free speech in Canada. First, “you have freedom of speech, but…”. It is not a “bad place to start,” it is simply the truth, everyone has some limits on their freedom of speech. That is so basic that it should be written up in cursive, framed and sold beside the “Live, Laugh, Love” art in Walmart. For most people that “but” infringes very little. You are a voluntary member of a college with standards that makes your “but” bigger, your free speech is more limited by the profession you chose. Your colleagues, through your college have decided that you have behaved unprofessionally, a court has agreed that they can make that determination and an appeal court has upheld that. What you are saying it’s that, “I want my license, but don’t want to abide by the rules the college has set to make that license worthwhile.” Second, the college is not “a government agency” and adding a weasel word like “fundamentally” does not make it so. I’m sure you know and agree that self regulation is the best case scenario, or would you prefer actual and direct government supervision of your profession? Third, it is dishonest to suggest that the college is holding to task simply for your views rather than how you expressed them, and that that is why you require retraining. But I’m guessing your supposed victimhood is better for getting clicks and donations. You like to give advice so I’ll use suggest some of your own. Get politically involved, support a candidate or run yourself for a position within your college and perhaps you can argue for lowering the college’s standards, I’m sure getting elected would only require a few hundred votes for a college the size of yours. Or, “You’re free to leave at any point” (a fine example of you thinking carefully about everything you say… seems rather flippant and unbecoming of a psychologist in a discussion of overpopulation). At least you leaving your college with your tail between your legs will only be fatal to your oversized ego. Maybe being an internet celebrity is simply incompatible with being a licensed psychologist. Broadcast your retraining, it will have nothing informative in it for most Canadians, but maybe some members of your college and members other provincial colleges might find it interesting. Maybe you could do us a small favour; the next time you say, “They can bloody well try,” could you stick out your bottom lip, cross your arms and stomp your foot? .
@PolarVortex888 Says:
Poor baby - get some therapy!
@merilleola Says:
You are are a warrior Jordan I hope one day common sense will prevail
@krillr_prawn Says:
An honourable man.
@angelamancy7237 Says:
Im not canadian. Im Australian. Why is Justin Trudeu such a pussy??? If ur a politician or anyone expect that people will disagree with you. Its not a bad thing. Poor Jordan, honestly the bloke is so agreeable that hes probably exhausted by the whole thing. I cant believe they lied and made up clients, i would be more concerned about that, i would be taking licenses away for that because thats just plain lying.
@raveenperera9027 Says:
I wish JP the best.... from Sri Lanka
@tomasrubioelia6912 Says:
I would love to see the debates with the reeducators streamed. Unluckily, we won't be able to see Peterson educate the re-educators of the state
@juliantorres8720 Says:
All respect to you sir and sorry for the bad news.... but this world is full of all lies and bs... but keep speaking truth and behind you 💯 💯
@DreadedHol Says:
If you don’t voice your opinion, then you become a puppet of society. In reality, people are flexing their perceived power/ hierarchy muscles because they feel intimidated. I’m so glad that people like Jordan stand up to this-otherwise, we would all just become mindless zombies led by people with less educated opinions.
@johanviljoen8675 Says:
I would rather have unprofessional and truthful than professional and a lie.
@solveigdiriksdottir2689 Says:
Love the jacket😍
@SidMartin-er1jt Says:
Take heed of the double-edged sword. The "security" the public gains from government licensure is also used not just to insure competency, but the enforcement of politically correct views. If Dr. Peterson was accused of actual professional clinical malpractice, one might accept an investigation. But that is not what is happening. Has he harmed a patient? I don't think Trudeau is his patient. EVEN IF the good doctor held unorthodox clinical views, but never utilized them in his practice, then no penalty should be instituted against him. How could any new or improved ideas come into being if we are not free to express them and have them vetted?
@kolethchannel4000 Says:
No criticism on Jordan Peterson at all but how can his daughter wear revealing clothing in front of her highly respected father. It seems like she would have much more dignity than that. I would be embarrassed to wear that in front of my father and he is far less dignified than the great Jordan Peterson. Not to mention she is representing him.
@smailspace2624 Says:
Totally agree Jordan! It is not good when a professional takes an oath and follows rules of conduct but then gets repremanded for doing so! Where is the spirit of truth in this matter? PB Ontario
@bobwallace1276 Says:
Many people are terrified when they encounter an intellectual getting angry at wrongs promoted by those in power. I'm comforted by it. I'm an intellectual myself, and I see the membership in that group dwindling most pitiably. Thanks for standing up for truth, which has become rarer than I ever thought it would. Oh, for the 50s when we slept with our doors not only unlocked but standing open with only a screen door to keep out the odd fly or mosquito...
@joelgulick393 Says:
What happened to Jordan? He’s turning into this political commentary person. Does everybody remember when he used to wear the crappy suits and provided such great knowledge that it just dragged you to listen more but here we are listening to this man complain about what the courts decision this beards no fruit is no used to any of us and quite honestly is a personal matter Jordan you turn into a political guy who never was a political guy your political thoughts have no bearing on the world nor anyone’s lives we want the old Jordan back not this hack of a narcissist complaining.😊
@tigadirt Says:
Honestly, screw the psychology board. You could still practice your therapy in private. Who cares whether your licensed or not. "Clients" could "pay" you via donations. Literally millions of people wish they could have therapy sessions with you. The government can't stop you from meeting with random people nor them gifting you money.
@kennethvincent6608 Says:
Freedom of speech is a right. we are not robots and programmed to be one dimensional in our thinking.
@backfromtheash5882 Says:
I'm someone who doesn't agree with this guy a lot being a trans person but i think this is just wrong dude. like this is just basically them saying we own you and so you must have our opinion. like if your threatened by someone else's opinion of something especially over the internet then clearly your dont have full strength in your own beliefs. thats a YOU issue and forcing someone to change that opinion to make you happy is just actively taking away free speech. its daft and i think everyone on the left and right just need to learn how to sit down and talk with open ears like this dude dose.
@blueyon Says:
Are u sure u were in a court and not a fake one. Did u check if a fee has been paid?😊
@AsemSaleh Says:
hhhhhhhhh bitter loser
@mathieubdk9146 Says:
I love and respect Jordan Peterson but as a teacher, searcher, writer, public speaker and podcaster he is accountable and responsable for his own words. Must have work and life ethic with all the privileges he as a profesional clinician. But, what kind of punishmentis this. Train by who? And how? What type of program, educational material? This doesn't look good for this committee.
@remcovisser7927 Says:
I thought Canada was an example in the field of prosperity and good governance until 2 years ago I saw a few documentaries about housing problems, costs of living and how large groups of people live in poverty despite their full-time jobs. I was quite shocked.
@AlastairFraser-h1g Says:
The Ontario Courts (three eminent judges panel) decision in the Jordan Peterson case is not surprising although sadly somewhat predictable. In paraphrase the decision is that Canadians have Free Speech except when a Canadian Citizen attempts to exercise it. The three judges have outlined a reasonably good display for the world to see of the exceptionally poor judgement which Canadians have come to expect from the Canadian judiciary as it fumbles and trips over its inane logic to empower “woke “ concepts in Canadian jurisprudence and our present day society.
@user-gd6rp5cqp Says:
The courts do not have the qualifications nor the credentials to make such judgement.
@tunctoker856 Says:
How can the Canadians not see what's happening here? I am shocked how sheepishly they let go of their existential rights.
@conchobautista700 Says:
Is. Like cartoon ,no
@conchobautista700 Says:
@michaelotto8696 Says:
Charm school...
@donatotomas Says:
All animals are equal. But… some are more equal than others others.
@Susie2346 Says:
The College of Psychologists Ontario seem to be modeling themselves after the Spanish Inquisition. At least they haven’t gotten their thumbscrews out yet, so maybe Dr Peterson should feel lucky.
@ThuyNguyen-lf2sm Says:
Leave Canada, come to US. You’re a gem here.
@Mkyfas Says:
"social media sensitivity training" 😂 this is the stupidest thing I have heard in my life 😂 Court should also consider "court ruling sensitivity training", "book writing sensitivity training", "movies making sensitivity training", "songs writing sensitivity training", "facebook posting sensitivity training" and many many others sensitivity trainings 😅
@dblacktenn Says:
Love the clothing on Jordan!!!!!
@saintdenis3238 Says:
Interesting coincidences 1 Alex jones gets sued for a billion dollars 2 Andrew Tate is arrested 3 Julian Assange is in jail 4 David Icke gets banned from 30 countries 5 and now JBP is on the list and these are the ones i know lol
@bobbyj11080 Says:
Please never stop posting your one of the free people who really think at all.
@elibrown8539 Says:
Mr. Peterson come stand your ground as an American. Where you can do and say what you believe is true. And bring your daughter with you I would like to marry her she is so beautiful. Like probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen what a smile.❤
@formicawilliam Says:
Stand tall and fight just as you are doing. You have more support than you know.

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