The 10 Year Wait for GTA 6
The 10 Year Wait for GTA 6



@luhswagga2932 Says:
Wonder how many people who passed away that we use to play with on gta5 .. 11 years along time ago
@Sabbalab92 Says:
I like that the first "easter egg' is just the Gruppe Sechs logo.
@Dipsxi Says:
This feels like a crowbcat video
@tuxedoduck4242 Says:
@konstantinpospelov951 Says:
Lol this is the funniest sh*t ever. The announcement to the announcement to the trailer to the release date to the upcoming trailer date
@kiwo579 Says:
@zoro4661WasTaken Says:
Can't wait for this shitshow to start right back up the millisecond GTA6 actually releases
@lucasblekeberg6648 Says:
What game is shown at 3:19?
@giglyboy3216 Says:
Analysing the moon is crazy
@thongquehanoi Says:
No deaf subtitles at all, you call and ask rockstar games right titles will all english with only 1 or 2 other characters Speaking different languages depending for where there are, The New grand theft auto vi will have japanese dub and stop transnational or variation of voice lines about npcs grand theft auto 6 trailer
@justinking4468 Says:
Prepare to be disappointed. If it ever comes out lol
@joseyfinee4611 Says:
At this rate, they're just going to continue to add and add more content and DLC's to GTA 5. What's even the point? When they launch GTA 6, everyone will just move on. GTA 5 will die, they'll shut down the servers and all those long hard gaming-hours you spent will be in vain. All the time and effort on GTA 5 will be wasted for nothing. This is the problem I have with big rich online game companies. All I'm saying is, is for the amount of time we've been waiting for this grand GTA 6, it better be damn-well worth the wait, and 30 times better and unique than GTA 5. Otherwise... Wtf is the point?
@EvostarSC Says:
There is so much hopium in this video lol.
@J3W4N Says:
we were really coping for 10 years straight LMFAO
@wck Says:
Skipped an entire console generation like it's no biggie.
@puneetkvo Says:
now make one for silk song
@FlameMike101 Says:
This video really makes you FEEL like GTA 6 is coming out soon
@GiantMechanicalFist Says:
Shows how absolutely stupid a lot of game journalists are and how people will believe anything.
@LoboTheLoneWolf Says:
Rockstar saw this video and said fine we will release it
@batron1184 Says:
I actually forgot I was watching a dunkey video
@lucas.1488 Says:
Noah’s is down bad for that
@drakep271 Says:
Watching this video feels like how people have been predicting the apocalypse for thousands of years
@rathfoks5051 Says:
an emotional roller coaster for the ages
@redalien8499 Says:
This is the closest we are for a Rubius/Dunkey collab😢
@nikkiwallace2263 Says:
i pray to god for the children
@Brotection_ Says:
Skyrim fans sympathize.
@sadamoneal1816 Says:
I liked the video before I even watched it
@mizuko6132 Says:
I’m so happy I just wait for games instead of watching 20 min videos of assumptions and stupid conspiracies.
@drorian Says:
cool. maybe i'll play one of my 2 copies of gta V.. one day.. naaaah
@abc123youandme18 Says:
This aged like sour milk
@bigbossnass9240 Says:
I don't understand why people care so much about this game. It's really boring. NO one ever plays the actual story. You fuck around for a while until you get bored because there's very little to do. You just shoot people and then shoot cops until you die. It's nothing spectacular. It's extremely overrated. Is there going to be anything different about gta6 that 5 doesn't already have? A new map, oh cool... now I can shoot people and then shoot cops until I die in a new map... GTA 5 was massively worse than GTA 4. 5 had a massive amount of missing features and detail compared to 4. Crowbcat did a fantastic video comparing the two. This feels a lot like the massive overhype for Starfield, and then it came out and everyone realized that the game sucked ass and was over 10 years out of date. I guarantee that is what GTA 6 is going to be like. It's a nothing franchise. They sell you the illusion of a game. Online is a different story, but that's a whole different can of worms. Is 6 even going to have online at launch? 5 didn't. Temper your expectations. There are so many better games out there. The market is saturated with extremely good titles these days. I highly doubt 6 will do anything to make it live up to the hype. It's not even taking place in a city new to the franchise. Another fucking subtropical city, that's what they just did. How about Chicago or Boston? A Euro GTA, now that would be sick. London and Paris. A Theft of Two Cities lol. How about some unique and creative ideas, Rockstar? No?? Oh lets just remake GTA Vice City... FFS!
@oldschooldamnawesome Says:
Please do a Half Life 3 wait
@kevinok4510 Says:
The gaslighting is real
@GiovanyTheWanderer Says:
it will eventually come out and it will be shit but, "gamers" will love it anyway because why not
@unmorcipan Says:
It turned out GTA V was a GTA VI easter egg
@Kaizer_88 Says:
how long will we wait for GTA VII
@TheNatos Says:
its been a funny time. love watching gamers huff copium for a decade lol
@fgemizar Says:
Maybe ex-soldier?
@Magst3r1 Says:
3:26 "Looking at how popular this person is on the internet, I doubt he would be making jokes on us" This seems like something Dunkey would say ironically.
@angryfish8394 Says:
2:13 i love how this kid out of all of them was right
@Nldalie2772 Says:
I’m okay with the wait, I think they maybe had to perfect the ai they are using for police in the new game, and we got rdr2 which was pretty badass. I’m really looking forward to see how the physics will be, I hope they go back to a style similar to IV, if not improved. 5 felt like they went backward and forward at the same time. I really liked being able to go first person
@milquetoastqt Says:
Most YouTubers are cringe.
@thatrandomredengine9430 Says:
Between that time. Was the announcement for Zelda Breath of the Wild, the actual game, AND THEN ITS SEQUEL! 😂
@phantomunleashed3289 Says:
Wow! Thanks dunkey!
@someguy1883 Says:
1:15 The most tormented number 6 I have ever witnessed.
@weskertambemjoga8261 Says:
Gruppe sechs logo= gta 6 easter egg, i guess back in the old days we were not so smart
@adaada7318 Says:
why people say 10 year wait? 10 years ago gta 5 came yes.But who the f would expect the next game in the next year or something? Guys usually it takes a few years to let the hype die for the game and devs make the new one(avarage I would say 3-4-5 years) so what are you all talking about? It's all your,aka players fault that gta 5 was hyped so much so it was still active in the past 10 years,most games get dead over a year. I don't get it at all
@accelerei7619 Says:
The noahj video 😂😂
@TrulyMarcy Says:
this game is never coming out
@TNZZ_650 Says:
And let’s now forget the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard about GTA5 The song of the first trailer was released on the same day as Sam Houser’s birthday, so GTA V will be released on Sam Houser’s birthday

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