Elon Musk "We dug our own grave with STARSHIP!"
Elon Musk "We dug our own grave with STARSHIP!"



@darksars3622 Says:
Nasa right now: Should of gone with the Alpaca
@darksars3622 Says:
I dont think there idiots i think there slaves
@kenboulder212 Says:
Musk is a clown.
@jacekmarczyk4436 Says:
That woke kid's voice is so appropriate.
@billymanilli Says:
26:56 Thank you! Gotta have "Elon Stan" in the vid!! lmao
@MeiziVu Says:
This is what my friend is arguing with me Can you clear this up? Is any of this true? Thank you!!! Friend: Space ex has slammed dunked reusability in it's most important metric. Cost Because they can reuse so much (even if they can only reuse it once), there cost is wildly lower The Falcon rocket series cost a FIFTH of other rockets per kilogram. Cheaper than risky Chinese and Indian rockets
@shadow_spark8788 Says:
I don't want to sound like a Musk fanboy, but if you don't now the shit about rockets, do your research properly. First, why didn't the command center know the rocket exploded a minute ago. Because explosion happened during re-entry. The footage shows a layer of plasma forming around the Starship as it enters the atmosphere. Plasma is not just hot and shiny gas, it's also completely blocks radio waves, so there's 10 min communication blackout. This happens every time with any spaceship, cause, you know, physics. Starship is larger than a Space Shuttle, therefore has a larger kelvic footprint, and in combination with Starlink it can reduce blackout period to 5-7 minutes. And I think it's already clear what happened. Command center waited that communication would be restored in certain time, and than that didn't happen, It became clear that the rocket was lost. And I think they knew even before the blackout that this was going to happen, just look this thing spins, that's not normal. Second, Starship is expendeble, it's designed to be one. There's a calculation on Reddit based on work force in Boca Chica which estimates the cost at 33 mil per prototype, excluding engines, each one of these costs about 1 mil, so let's add 40 mil + 7 mil to be sure. One SLS costs 1,6 bil, which means SpaceX can blow up 10 prototypes and it would 2 times cheaper then one SLS launch. So to my understanding every test which provides useful data is a success.
@shadow_spark8788 Says:
I think "Right on the money" is the last thing you would say about SLS, considering it's horrific budget overruns and 11 years of development.
@b00nz0r Says:
'there is no market for going to Mars' Do you people just not think there's not gold, minerals, and diamonds on Mars? Elon is tricking you while he wants the story of his Emerald mine wiped from knowledge.
@renetr6771 Says:
This man needs no prove of his abilities or his achievements - he just needs to open his mouth and speak the words "we will ... " and the crowd becomes ecstatic and some people start throwing money in his pockets. The world deserves people like Musk.
@aprilcalhoun8984 Says:
My key takeaway is that he is not clever enough to keep the number of chainsaws in the air that he is trying to juggle.
@chicken_grease_salt Says:
It's May 1, 2024... 😢 Not good news😂
@ThatsCrazyBro3752 Says:
I cannot stand that stuttering, jeezus effing Christ, tttttoday junior!
@thomasriopelle5384 Says:
Selling carbon credits while burning 30 thousand gallons of jet fuel a pop
@What_do_I_Think Says:
I can not understand, how this person even became in this position (besides having his fathers money). He is not even able to speak a complete sentence without interruptions -- does THAT qualify being a "genius" as many portray him?
@NeroDefogger Says:
gooood this guy is actually dumb looool what the? how even does such a "human" being thingy even come to exist?
@Zelinator1 Says:
Thank god the rocket is made more pointy.
@enigmaticunknown2862 Says:
8 minutes for 2,000 million dollars. He will be known to history as the most successful conman ever. Just don't get why I was able to see all these problems but investors weren't. It's like talking to some that believes in a God. They just believe despite all the evidence. We will never live on different planets. We can barely live on this one.
@borusa32 Says:
Credit to the woman presenter at 6.09 onwards who is going to smile serenely no matter what.
@neil5877 Says:
I have been saying for many years that Elon Musk is nothing but a snake oil salesperson. It got me banned from Twitter, but i stand by my comment he's the world's best grifter
@allzeenamesaretaken Says:
When you compare the nasa footage and accomplishments to the starship it really does make spacex look like amateurs. Especially when it took them 3 minutes to know their rocket had already blown up…
@ivanivonovich9863 Says:
Mars is a fools folly. You have to deal with the gravity of the planet, and the resources are very sparse. Better to go to the asteroid belt just beyond the orbit of Mars, where the resources are right there in orbit! And as such, the ore extraction is so much easier.
@mrtomdorn Says:
@spyr0guy Says:
Now, y'see, if you look at the shape of the rocket, you can clearly intuit that exploding at 8 minutes was the intended function. See, it was a giant, long, deliberately-shaped object that rocketed into the air and blew its load. Isn't that all Elon cares about?
@margaretash9706 Says:
Used to be you locked the doors, secured data and started an investigation when a rocket blow up.
@lerk. Says:
Imagine being a survivor in the post apocalyptic wasteland of texas/mexico and you have to collect star cores in order to get star control back online, LMAO
@ascherlafayette8572 Says:
It's interesting that just last year this group was saying starship would never leave the ground, then they said SpaceX could never fly with 33 engines functional, then you claim they cant reach orbit, now you claim they cant get back down. Crazy how you keep being actively proven wrong and still persist.
@chrismueller8861 Says:
Elon is not only great at Capitalism he evolved to Capitalidiotism 😁
@jerry2357 Says:
You need to introduce a new measurement: Musk TTB (Time To Bullsh*t). This is the time between Musk being asked a question, and him starting to spout his bullsh*t answer.
@jankodjordjevic897 Says:
You explained it very well, we use the same motions in Uechi Ryu front kicks (sokusen geri). A good drill to not swing the leg up or let it fall down after a kick is to practice these kicks over a stool. You learn to lift that leg up real quick when you kick the stool barefoot by mistake 😂
@fortissears5388 Says:
Even brightest minds give shitty results if constrained by an idiot higher-up.
@TheJaxMG Says:
@thunderf00t I'm curious if you've ever heard from anyone at Elon's companies and what their positions are on your videos. Do they defend him or agree? Have you received any pushback or has anyone tried to refute your findings? I can't imagine how they could question your clear facts over Elon's lies but I wonder.
@sirtalkalotdoolittle Says:
Losing both parents through carelessness. That's deep, Earnest.
@willpolr Says:
I fuckin love your videos mate. They are brilliantly produced and genuinely make me laugh more than anything. The fact that you call Musk and Rogan morons in the same breath is just awesome. You’re like the people’s Hitchens 🤣
@sanc6284 Says:
I'm worried that SpaceX will be responsible for delays in the Artemis plan.
@honzarubes2103 Says:
I lose 1% of my brain cells every time you say "taxpayer money". 3 billion dollars is literally nothing. It's like 0.1% of your taxes. bruh. Total taxpayer money per year in America is almost 2 TRILLION dollars. and yet you're complaining about this. smh
@Andrewdrs2WilliamsonYT Says:
I'm here in 2024 and guess what starships are still blowing up 😂. Thunderfoot rules 😊
@CouchesCoroner Says:
Picks up his baby and screams - "you better not become trans... or date Grimes when you're older"
@lordmontymord8701 Says:
As far as we know Elon never said that line, but there's a good chance he said it. Only to turn immediately around and claim how great Starship is. That's the way he operates now. And yet there will be enough people to throw money at him, because he's the brilliant mastermind. Who cares that even if he was so brilliant - and no, he isn't - he's barely functioning today. And he constantly causes more harm to the companies he's associated with, simply because his ideas must be implemented at any cost.
@mongrelxman6774 Says:
And I can tell ya now in mid 24 there still been no star ships to Mars
@Attilakiralyart Says:
You are keeping suspiciously quiet about the 3rd, March 14th integrated flight test 😂 What's the matter got debunked, so you try to brush your bruised narcissistic cynicism filled ego under the rug with other Elon hating videos? Can't make money if you are Wrong? 😂 Must be a hard life.
@csnipper524 Says:
I wonder just how far Elon can take these simps? I think if he said in the next year he could create a wormhole or could teleport people, the majority of his simp army would sing his praises to the death.
@AaravKarna Says:
"Starlink is poorly equipped to do this type of mission" Well that aged well
@chrischangfong3873 Says:
I can't WAAAIIIIT to come back to this vid in a few years and just revel in how wrong and shortsighted you all were 🤣
@balrog_687 Says:
thonderfoot is live example what doning-Kruger effect is.
@kream770 Says:
I agree with many arguments you've given over many videos, what I need clarification over is that, starship is the only project of his many failed ones that has past proof of working (falcon 9), so why keep on highlighting the explosions even tho these exact same events occurred before, and they did make falcon 9 work, if the base of your arguments is purely that it costs too much then we can pretty much discard this entire subject cause the space shuttle was just as expensive and people loved it
@signalrecieved Says:
When you claim to be in the business of safely moving people around the solar system, cheering the public explosion of your rockets seems counter productive to me?
@RocketPipeTV Says:
7:09 2 billion ist just 5 Bucks for every man, woman, child and baby in the us. No big deal. Sarcasm off
@zorbageekman2761 Says:
So after the huge success of yesterdays launch, Thinderf00t another useless youtuber who will soon to be replaced by AI, shows he knows jack. The US pretty much now has a rocket that can launch upward of 200 Tons if they expend the rocket, and compare this to the previous largest rocket Satrun V or even SLS or any other competitor! Truly this guy is a fucking clown how he has 1 million subscribers is beyond me. There is a reason Americans have Biden and Trump as front runners in the next election, 300 million people and a lot of great people, but a massive number of idiots too!
@GertKlimanschewski Says:
If we, whole humanity, would be HONEST...... Making ELON MUSK dreams come TRUE..... Whole mankind with all our manpower and efforts would work together, SPENDING NO MONEY FOR WEAPONS ANYMORE, MAYBE THEN we could reach MARS and BUILD A STATION MAYBE IN 2080 to 2100 😊

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