The Cost of Mass Poverty - It's Not Good
The Cost of Mass Poverty - It's Not Good



@sirtickleshitz Says:
Well the leftists have to create the issue so they can make people poor to get more voters by blaming the opposition for issues they created. Look at Gavin Newsome, dudes been campaigning against homelessness since 08. Has it gotten better? That answers all you need to know, then look at every major city that does the same thinf and ask youself, has it gotten better in the past 3-4 decades? Not a chance.
@lorraineraymond1844 Says:
I live in Utah. We call ourselves Utahns.
@PhamVans Says:
Been in poverty for most of my life, so much so that I really don't mind it any more. We like to think that money somehow liberates people, but it actually does the opposite. It's really nothing more than just a number that is controlled by the central banks... A slave is a better slave when they don't know that they are a slave.
@josephgriffin2388 Says:
Leftists historically have been anti-human in their policies. The more it decreases births...the more they like it. BECAUSE THEY CARE!!
@stevenelson25 Says:
If you do not bring up the weak, you will spend the next 2 generations burning coal, and creating jobs to deal with the consequences. That is if the weak doesn't just eat itself first. That's pretty much it imo.
@PoliticalConservative Says:
I had to look it up.... theyre called Utahns😂😂
@marcov7256 Says:
It's all an illusion and only stimulates emotional satisfaction. Like many other drugs and narcotics, they get there fix and disregarded the actual effects from their actions. There moral crusade labels non-believers as genitals and have no value in their delusion.
@YvonneHoerde Says:
Dr. Peterson, do you ever think about nuclear waste? There is no solution on where to store the nuclear waste securely. But it is going to be radioactive for the next 500 years.This stuff IS dangerous. And no one knows what to do with it. Would you love to live close to a place where this stuff is stored?
@MarathonMann Says:
Please stop posting clips on the main channel, keep them separate. I watch all of the podcasts and it just clutters the subscription page
@Satoshi.Nakamoto Says:
The green party in Germany is left fascist
@brad.james. Says:
Here’s my 2 cents. If those of us who have access to more than we need, only consume what we need, when we need it then there is more than enough to go around. There is a bible verse that reminds me that to blessed is not to have material wealth but to have heavenly wealth. James 2:5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? Our lives on earth are but a vapour in the light of eternity. Jeshua was not materially rich. He chose a life of material lack in order to demonstrate his faith and Father Gods faithfulness to provide just as he provides for the birds of the air. As we enter the world so we leave. Let us learn to live by faith and generosity so that we may store up treasures in heaven. Those who have no faith in Christ are the ones who are truly poor.
@ewpoirier Says:
“Utahns” are what people from Utah called.
@Jon-hx7pe Says:
becoming wealthier makes people care more about environment as survival is no longer an issue. but that caring more about the environment doesn't translate into reduced impacts and resource consumption. infinite growth on a finite planet is insane. poor have different environmental problems like getting sick from burning fuel indoors to cook with and for light. both extreme poverty and over-consumption are bad for the planet and human health.
@andreacravinhos9603 Says:
@JordanBPeterson We are called "Utahns." 😅
@Banshee22068 Says:
Poverty is relative. As everyone does better those in poverty have a better standard of living but are still considered "in poverty." People in poverty today live a better life than the rich in biblical times. This is why the poor will always be with us. No matter how good their life is they will always be considered poor.
@campbellseamon5076 Says:
Middle class in America is drowning, let’s put it that way.
@futures2247 Says:
The greens in the UK were started by conservatives.
@jaysmith378 Says:
REALLY??? No $#!& Sherlock...
@mikep9690 Says:
We keep dismantling hydroelectric dams in the states.
@jimwinokur4144 Says:
Utahns, lol. Don't know how many follow you
@user-he8ri4rk1q Says:
You do not know everything Jordan. Go away
@braxxian Says:
Indeed. Germany loved to boast about being a “green” and “renewable ” nation while they shipped in most of the energy from third party fossil fuel power nations. Hypocrites.
@PleiadesChannel Says:
Liberals are evil. The left aren't good people. They are monsters waiting for the power to hurt you.
@jeremypetch7006 Says:
It's a joke, right? If anyone believes passionately in lies, they end up in politics. If they're not good at lying, they vote for lies, and if they tell the truth, they're persecuted. I'm just like, WTF?? And if tell the truth, people are like " I know" and then they do the dead opposite. Far out.
@jachyra4 Says:
Side note: a person from Utah is a Utahn.
@TeH.j0keR Says:
Reminder: the same people who got away with killing out the majority of the population by keeping the poor circling the dust bowl got away with it and the current ruling class are direct descendants of the same people and they know that people aren't even educated about it at all.
@joedkb Says:
While I agree with dr petersons sentiments about much of the environmental movement, I think its importsnt tovremsin aware that a very large portion of people who are environmentally concious are actually 'doing the work' in ways which are genuinly and often sucessfully aiming upwards. The activists who use the movement and the politics only to stroke their own ego and snipe at the rich are a loud minority. A significant minority but still a minority in my opinion.
@erickaufmancustomguitars1351 Says:
You guys just reminded of one of my favorite saying from the contract business world. " I work 3 ways. Fast good and cheap. You can only pick two." If they had a good moral compass, they'd instinctively know this. Why do we elect people with a poor moral compass ?
@jsielk Says:
German Greens have got a "solution" for that poverty problem. It´s called "Bürgergeld" (the title means something like "people´s money", and in their eyes is of course not welfare, although in fact it is), which you only need to pump up enough, so that for many people going to work doesn´t pay anymore. Many get more on welfare than if they were working. Greens are true socialists: in the end nobody will possess a thing anymore, everybody will depend on the almighty state. Anybody who is against it, is labeled a "Nazi".You couldn´t make things like that up, but that´s how things are in Germany today.
@HistoricalFootageRestored Says:
"Germany is in the throes of deindustrialization"... sorry, but that's just not true. Industrial output by value is stagnant, and that is certainly not good, but deindustrialization is something else entirely. Dr. Peterson, I used to admire you, but I have to say, you became just another Youtuber hustling for attention with sensationalist claims that lack substance.
@77142957 Says:
Get the greeners away from every policy table. The state of the environment will improve drastically. Grifting Greeners, follow the money.
@mariavani8839 Says:
Green Parties are fascists ..all of em
@dylaninnes8541 Says:
Germany wiped out a wind farm to mine coal (lignite)
Meanwhile in Canada, the dangerously radical left social Marxist/Maoist Trudeau/Liberals/NDP/Greens continuing waging the most insanely ‘progressive’ anything goes woke agendas on earth.
@KristelViljoen Says:
It's a two edge sword. The four laws of ecology explain this conundrum. 1. There is no such thing as away, everything must go somewhere. 2. There is no such thing as a free meal. Whatever your choice is there is always a price to pay.. 3. Nature knows best. Whatever you do will bring imbalances and then you have to end up fixing just another problem, that then in return creates another problem( example using pesticides to stop the locust plague recently. It was the best option even though the pesticides used had an negative impact on human well-being) There is always an drawback 4. Everything is connected to everything else. Whatever your decision is, impact everything and everyone on this planet. No matter what you do someone or something is going to suffer for the decision that you make. The trick is to choose the least negative consequences and hope for the best. There in lies the endless debate. Who is right and who is wrong.
@glenrobinson916 Says:
@carlT1986 Says:
Someone said “ they don’t love the poor. They hate the rich!” . Oh, that was the guy who wrote the Road to Wigan Pier” , animal farm and 1984.
@rjay7019 Says:
He must have been visiting Price, Utah. It's Utahns people from Utah. Utah ns I live in West Texas now, lots of windmills. I hear they sell it all off.
@dakota-rt8kd Says:
It's totally disgraceful.🤨 There's, ENOUGH FOOD in this WORLD to feed, EVERYONE.😓 However, there's Not, ENOUGH, Money in, This World, to SATISFIED ALL of the GREEDY, ONE'S 😢🖤😱💯🤑🔥👁️🙏
@jakobbrantlundin5699 Says:
The poor cause more direct environmental damage. The rich emits much more c02 per capita. The climate debate is heavily focused on preventing c02, not environmental damage
@davet7509 Says:
Politicians use all thier long term vision and planning for their own wealth and power. They use none on public policy.
@chissstardestroyer Says:
Well, here's the thing: the "greens" are NOT in any way in favor of the poor; if they were: they'd be totally supportive of industrialism: as that's the *only* way any of us will improve our situations; what they are really is nature-worshippers of the *worst* sort imaginable!
@jimmyzhao2673 Says:
Meanwhile, Canada said *No* to exporting its LNG.
@AndreasKurz Says:
As someone living in Austria I have a deep resentment for every green party. This comes from the fact that during THE HIGHEST INFLATION - which we had because of COVID policies - the green party (which was governing alongside the Christian conservatives) introduced a CO2 tax on fuel. Now Austria belongs to those countries which still have an inflation above 3.5 percent. And they say they don't understand why...
@letstalk4368 Says:
Very good guest
@letstalk4368 Says:
Was die merkel kann das kann ich auch🎉
@JWnFlorida Says:
Hydro is better than solar and wind combined. How about that fact?
@dawnstephenson8403 Says:
It's like premeditated malicious intent to harm and hurt the humans... Thank you for all you do to keep the low man on the totem pole aware...❤
@kevinmitchell8453 Says:
Would it bother you if your audience stared intently the entire time you spoke. More than verbal speech happening. Some people talk with hands, attaching spacial reality to mental concepts, And to an extent you do as well. Rather minimally. Like pointing out an object at a certain place and state. bound with words, I suppose, contextual. Your eyes Mr Peterson , communicate when you are there. And when you aren't. When there's a wall up to block the stupid shit, and the patience to endure and attempt a redirection. But your eyes, Mr. Peterson. Move around a mental landscape and toss you navigational vocabulary. A window or portal to where you are speaking from.
@jojje3000-1 Says:
Tax money, that is the focus of the left.

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