Why Feminists Are Wrong About Eve
Why Feminists Are Wrong About Eve



@sultana630 Says:
You shouldnt portray them in a picture, especially that they are not wearing anythiny
@RachelCouchman Says:
Do you ever think the seeds of the fruit went down into the earth....
@ashnatiwari Says:
This is exactly why modern western society hates abrhamic religions
@christiansteele7386 Says:
3:55 Dr Peterson really started cooking
@tttdrr2293 Says:
For a marriage to be happy, it must be not be built on the principle of trying-it-out. Crowns are placed upon the heads of those being married in the Church, and these crowns symbolize martyrdom. Martyrdom, because someone decides to live for the other, transcending his egotism, and abandoning a life lived only for himself. And not just for a day, or for' two years, but for your whole life. This is a real martyrdom and podvig, when a person rises to the full measure of his human dignity
@ian_ford Says:
Satan turned Eve against Adam thousands of years ago, and he's turning women against men once again.
@tedyoung7715 Says:
This comedian is not very funny
@maddscientist1050 Says:
That's not what really mean.... It is inner description of human mind, not external shit.
@SuperZippyzippy Says:
Their not just wrong about eve 😅
@gkdaniels1 Says:
Feminist get everything wrong, that’s why our society is falling apart. We listen to them.
@WilliamTheDestroyer. Says:
As usual, he is completely off base.
@jeffreykalb9752 Says:
Many of us would find that jacket sacrilegious, treating the most sacred subjects with flippancy.
@kerosin_konsument Says:
Reading books doesn't make you necessarily smart as it seems
That picture of Adam and Eve with the apple. Nonsense!! Adam got her fruit in-between her thighs and that's what truly transpired.
@achyuthan90 Says:
Feminists are wrong about everything.
@jimwilliamson5594 Says:
This guy had some great ideas until he became another religious zelot. So sad.
@hugobenjamim Says:
"If you can get people to swallow the lie that there is no difference between men and women, there is no lie they will not swallow!" Dr Jordan Peterson
@AggieC819 Says:
Fairytale. Eve didn't exist. How can he call himself intelligent. Fool to believe in fairytales.
@Photography_World_Channe-cd3zw Says:
There is one thing that I want to know, and it would be nice if he or anyone else of that caliber could do a video one day that answers it: The Atra-Hasis-epic The Gilgamesh epic I want to know how to look at that stuff from a biblical point of view. What is Awila, the Igigi-leader that got sacrificed and out of whose blood the first humans were created and whose will and spirit resides in every human beeing? What is Uta-Napishti/Atra-Hasis? What is Enlil? What are the Igigi? What is that flood-story of Uta-Napishti/Atrahasis in the role of Noah and his ark? How to look at Gilgamesh and Enkidu? Would Gilgamesh be basically "A son of a fallen son of god", so thus a nephilim? That would be interesting stuff to analize professionally and I would look fowards to see if someone ever does that.
@Jonathan-yg7qf Says:
You shouldn't say "feminist are wrong about" but that "feminists are wrong", one can't be a feminist and be right about something.
@Dr4co2023 Says:
God created women to cause problems for men. Eve was the snake, she just blamed a talking snake for her betrayal. Ruined Adam's life and the lives of every man since. Eve was just a rib. A rib caused all the chaos in the world today.
@shill700 Says:
why does he wear such daft suits and jackets?
@mikeciappetta300 Says:
Jordan, It's time to come home to the Holy Catholic Church. We need men like you!
@lydipie Says:
A little off topic, but this reminded me of how Adam's spontaneous speech upon waking up beside Eve for the first time meets all the normal qualifications of poetry. "This, at last, is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man."
@keltecshooter Says:
When he created Adam, after he had rested on the 7 th day , because he realized he had no tiller of the soil .
@crazysquirrel9425 Says:
God made man in their image. FROM MAN, God created woman. Her job was to SERVE the man in all things.
@secretweapon8367 Says:
there are 2.16 million known species for Adam to name. if he named one every second it would have taken him 4 years.
@toodlepop Says:
i'm looking forward to your video on "why feminists are wrong about almost everything."
@jordanbrancato7026 Says:
3rd wave feminists are just wrong period. they are a joke and I laugh at them daily.
@andrewrivera4046 Says:
I really want Jordan to do a series on Ecclesiastes.
@Choosafunga777 Says:
I want my Rib back.
@SamBrockmann Says:
Woman wasn't under the rule of man until after the eating of the fruit.
@jsbrads1 Says:
Walls aren’t culture, walls are artifice which is a direct contrast to nature.
@johnhazlett3711 Says:
At first, his speaking was high and lofty, and requires you to think. Then near the end, he speaks the truth bluntly. "Sexually reproducing creatures without nervous systems can tell the difference between male and female",,,,,,,,,, talk about zeroing on the confusing lies in society.
@MichaelKlineJr Says:
Personally, I believe chapter 1 and chapter 2 of Genesis speak of two separate events. All of creation, except the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, took place in chapter one. This is the creation for which science proves to be much older and Adam and Eve, and rightfully so. After some time had passed, we come to chapter two. In chapter two, God creates Adam and Eve and the Garden in which he places them. This is the start and creation of the Messianic line, not the beginning of all men. Men existed outside the Garden of Eden. They had possibly existed for a very very long time. Even the flood did not wipe the whole world clean, however, there is this: "Anthropologists have discovered flood myths in nearly every society on Earth including but not limited to Greeks, Native Americans, Polynesians, Aboriginals, Celtics, Norse, Irish, and Mesoamericans. Nearly every one of these myths is the same"
@FaustoChavez-gi8lx Says:
@Saint_Eben Says:
'Sexually reproducing creatures without nervous system can tell the difference between male and female.' That was epic
@donhenley2089 Says:
My domain? like a expansion of my domain?
@indianahoneybee8852 Says:
Haha! I dont even need to listen. I know the truth already. Feminism is an evil manipulation to destroy men. Period.
@Nathan-vt1jz Says:
I read a novel recently from a truly atheistic perspective - not preaching atheism, but the underlying logos of the world and narrative was truly naturalistic. It was shockingly depressive, even when the ‘protagonist’ succeeded it was ultimately empty of meaning. It had some superficial trappings of meaning thrown in with other characters, but the underlying view and conclusion was naturalistic. It stripped the meaning from the story - ‘The tree fell in the forest, but no one saw, no one cared, no one remembered - it was but a shout into the wind. All we do and are is just a shout into the wind.’ It’s good to hear a reminder from Jordan that there is real meaning and purpose in life.
@stoneyascension7250 Says:
A charming former head of an English institution nearly pushed me into a servile corner on the topic of Biblical patriarchy a few years ago. In the end, I excused myself from the unpleasant discussion, recognizing that both of our tempers would only cause family strife and that I still had a lot to learn about the matter. Our family relationship is still strong because I've known her since she was a tiny flower girl, along with her sister, at my wife's wedding. I understand her feminist views are powerful, but I hope and pray that one day she will see through her indoctrinated beliefs. Thank you again, Jordan; you are a shining, intelligent light in these sad times.
@talongreenlee7704 Says:
His little speech on walls makes me realize that humans are no different than cats that think they’re stuck when you put a square of tape on the ground around them.
@pandapower3076 Says:
The Bible says that women have periods and give dangerous painful birth because Eve ate the apple. By my estimation its been a good while sense that happened. Then there was that whole thing with Jesus that was supposed to square us in the sin department. So why do women still go through that stuff? Is God really that vindictive over something that one chick did eons ago? I'm not saying God doesn't exist but he/she/it sure as shit didnt write that book.
@Linktothepast83 Says:
Women are amazing and have more love in their hearts than men. Nevertheless as we see in Genesis Satan who loves to warp human hearts saw what is actually the greatest strength of women and tried to taint it and make it their greatest weakness. How? He saw the great love of Eve to her husband and tried to make that love more important than her love towards God. There is a good reason we should love God first and above all, he is the father of us all and most of all the source of love and justice and everything that is good so we basically put everything that is good below of someone or something else at that point. And unfortunately you can see that influence up until today, a lot of people accepting in the name of love towards someone or something unethical deeds as acceptable or justifiable. And so you end up justifing evil and Satan, all in the name of love. Brilliant evil plan i must say, so never forget that god is justice and lot more not just love, and without aiming your love first towards God you will fall from everything that is good and holy.
@geoffreyforbes9568 Says:
Is this guy a preacher now?
@ppumpkin3282 Says:
How can anyone be anti women when we don't know what a women is anymore.
@siddharth_89 Says:
from psychologist to religious preacher
@supremegodemperorpalpatine4872 Says:
Considering what present day women have become under feminism, I'd like a refund on that rib.
@michaelrains64295 Says:
I’m eagerly awaiting the assessment of the Easter bunny, tooth fairy and Santa Claus next. Let’s keep the greatest hits of fictional characters going!
@lymanblakeman4381 Says:
Men and women are not equal. God doesn't say that nor does the Bible. You lost on that analogy buddy. Each has their place, and their place may overlap but it is never to be superseded by the other.

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