The Signs of a Dangerous Person
The Signs of a Dangerous Person



@leonadrian7257 Says:
Lotta psychologists in these comments😂
@Rizu-kc3ze Says:
This reminded me : Tywin Lannister laughed 3 times in his life.
@gotistgro9167 Says:
"hating" cars or comedians? its funny that hes criticizing people constructing enemy images while doing exactly that himself. informing about the objective fact that cars are bad for the environment and/or being offended (purely personally) by certain jokes doesn't equal to "hating" cars or jokes, my god how immature that sounds. if you're angry about hearing those things because they in fact touch your conscience, then that's on you. sounds as if you really just suppress unpleasant information like a spoiled child.
@penguingirl7566 Says:
I had this exact thought the other day, my parents hated when I got my first car, none of my narcissistic boyfriends could ever drive and I have an extremely lazy controlling friend that doesn’t drive either 🤣
@tabithatate6215 Says:
They can't handle unrestricted freedom.
@midnightdew Says:
The car is not freedom if you live in a country full of cars and no good infrastructure. 😅
@G-Blockster Says:
"Dangerous" as in totalitarians.
@jamielake-boyd3600 Says:
There comes a love from people that can make you laugh. Ask a women if she loves a man who is funny. If you can make someone laugh you can steal there heart. Kat Williams makes me laugh. I love that nigga.
@leslielandberg5620 Says:
We should bring back really inappropriate comedy anything that is politically incorrect or that actively makes fun of all people's ethnicities and disabilities just make it really obnoxious and hilarious. That would probably fix things..
@lilianawojciechowski2828 Says:
I always said cars are very freeing, it's like having wings. I don't care how much it cost, I will NEVER give up my vehicle!
@user-oz3yw8pp5f Says:
@claudianreyn4529 Says:
They also hate cats. Wait. Is he saying, cars or cats?
@Servo1616 Says:
My person litmus test of dangerous people: I watch how they treat people who they meet who can do nothing for them. Youll notice sooner rather than later if they put people in "useful" vs. "Not useful" boxes and it effects their behavior.
@sinivlogzz Says:
@markpappas9858 Says:
There's no freedom in this world of illusion where politics are unscientific, creating perpetual separation. Automobiles create separation as well.
@whonahgan5868 Says:
Do you think when he say "dangerous" he is referring to what we should all become ? Being dangerous is a virtue when you can hold back when it's necessary and unleash it when the situation goes into trouble ? (that's what he said in a conference) I'm confused.. I also dont like car... x'D
@gracegwozdz8185 Says:
My 2 most favorite people.
@FB.RocksannROUW Says:
Inlove this duo both are out there with their verbal expression .. love it 😘😊
@ni3kyYT Says:
be VERY CAREFUL about your "as long as it's funny" prerequisite. its very silly and shows that you know very little about comedy.
@evelynbare1975 Says:
Hate cars? Cars are amazing... So are Harleys. And trucks. M1 tanks too, absolutely glorious. What was the other thing? 😅 Oh, yeah. Love Roseanne. Glad to see her again!
@skywalker9770 Says:
Great insight again JP
@lati_da Says:
I love my car. There is no way I could switch to public transport
@realleftover Says:
Dangerous people are those who both shine when you’re down and hate to see you happy.
@sinandeger72 Says:
And they love sugar
@derekboyt3383 Says:
Well, I was always looking out for violence, guns, and general mayhem. Guess I was wrong.
@user-rn6bk6hq4g Says:
Unfortunately, I read recently that people are now 60 times safer using public transportation that driving a car.
@bswogger4656 Says:
@lonewolf2072 Says:
Demiurge archetypes are dangerous
@Ivanhoe52 Says:
Very well put.
@snakeofsolid Says:
Such freedom. Car lien, traffic, insurance, maintenance, gas. Maybe parking costs. And then cities also get gutted for a bunch of people to flood into a city and park there for work or dinner, and then after the leave! Wonderful for all those small businesses that got cemented over for a parking complex. Absolute freedom. Suburbanites are unhinged.
@Supreme176 Says:
EVs suck!
@oLii96x Says:
Ah yes, the freedom to be stuck in traffic, have your cities ruined because everything was buildt for cars, having to spend hundreds of dollars for gas and maintenance. Just wonderful!
@Blaze6108 Says:
Freedom is being stuck in a permanent traffic jam on a government-funded motorway on your government-licensed vehicle with your government-issued driving license; working class culture is defining yourself around products that start at 25k new and cost thousands and thousands yearly in recurrent expenses.
@robertburatt5981 Says:
There's a million restrictions driving cars; speed limits, car condition and inspections, regulation of spaces, seat belts, window tinting, exhaust regs,.... Not to mention the abuse of cars--such as replacing simple walking, etc.
@justsomenamelesssoul8097 Says:
My ex hated both, jokes and cars.. And intimacy.. Funny, right?
@lulumoon6942 Says:
Rage on, dear man! 👍🙏😎
@youtubelisk Says:
Who doesn't love the freedom of being stuck in car traffic. Cars are great but we cant have humane conditions in cities when everyone has or wants a car. It's inneficient and stupid. Cars are meant to be driven and not be parked 99% of the time and looking for a parking spot 50% of the driven time. It is shameful that we fail to transition out of this. Is this really the end game, is this the best we can do?
@fridrik6 Says:
Have americans (or canadians in this case) never heard of bicycles? You don't need a licence, you don't get stuck in traffic, you get free excercise and can park it almost anywhere. Far more free than being stuck in a metal box surrounded by other metal boxes.
@estiwon18 Says:
General Motors didn't sponsored this!!!
@Duckminster Says:
Yes because people driving cars are always more dangerous than pedestrians. This man is stupid.
@user-ie4tt1xp7j Says:
>car culture was a working-class culture No, it's not? Maybe in the USA and retarded little USA (Canada)? >you can go anywhere you want, whenever you want, with no restrictions Except you need roads, traffic lights, a driver's license, your vehicle should pass technical inspections, you need to drive under certain conditions and rules, you need to pay insurance, etc - that's a load of restrictions, fellow "professor". Bicycle is a freedom. Walking is a freedom. Car is not a freedom, it's bowing before consumerism and authority.
@BungieStudios Says:
I get frustrated by urban planners who strive to make everything look like lower Manhattan. They annoy me.
@mle9852 Says:
Ive never had a drivers license :( Anxiety, Im from LA😂
@Malthus Says:
Seinfeld's "Comedians in cars getting coffee" would be the perfect show to single out evil doers.
@joshgrlnd Says:
Thank you. I had to get my permit at 15 on my birthday, at 16 its a classic old 5 speed ranger. Your 100% correct it was about having that freedom and personal space.
@cecilegibbs3539 Says:
Have no on star or anything else in my classic 1949 truck🥰🥰
@HopelessAutistic Says:
Car culture is such a hyper narc attitude. Not trashing cars but rails are cool too.
@zcalex7660 Says:
Fuck I'm not dangerous I love cars and comedians 😂
@marygarcia456 Says:
When someone is dying they Grant them a wish usually!! My wish would be to meet Jordan Peterson after Jesus that is!!!!
@LoganAnthony-IAmWhoYouSayIAm Says:
I dont hate comedians but automobiles is because they are obselete. We have stuff that's way more advanced then those vehicles everyone is driving right now ❤

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