People Need To Know This About Marx
People Need To Know This About Marx



@Fireman-shorts-fire Says:
Im sorry who do we blame for this derogatory word? I know its the devils organization. So the government brought that term the people of that era and they used it. My granny ( if she was still alive she would be 125 this year) said in the store to a black kid (18 or better) little _ _ _ _ _ _ boy you got you a good job didnt you? I was horrified. That beautiful little human told me "Maam its ok im not offended. Its the era in which she was raised. I promise it is ok. Im ok."! Put the blame where the blame lies. The government portrayed them in a bad light. They are responsible. My grandma never heard her speak ill of black folks neither did granny. But racism was passed down to my mom to me. Its awful. My daughter dated a black kid. Something i thought i would never be able to deal with ( it came out in that way). I love LOVE this kid. I will always love him. He is beautiful. So now I here beliefs Jesus was black. Could have been lose your life for your hatred.
@NubalanceDNAcDc Says:
@NubalanceDNAcDc Says:
@anthonyrowland9072 Says:
Conservatives worried about the N-word popping up huh?
@leoverran311 Says:
Draw the line at 1/12, human race
@DavidWinterbottom-n7d Says:
Its horrible. That word between n and r. Its called neighbour.
@Baghuul Says:
Or Che Guevara
@christopherharmon2433 Says:
Che was the same way. He was a racist and a homophobe.
@jakezywek6852 Says:
Weaponized behavioural psychology designed to hobble countries that were too impractical to invade or where invasion had failed previously.
@Mr.Ambrose_Dyer_Armitage_Esq. Says:
Maybe Marx wasn't such a bad guy.
@omglabel Says:
Marx was right , thats why people listen to him
@tinahale9252 Says:
He was in league with satan and many of his ideas came out of the occultist life he lived. Rasputin, marx weren't very different
@floralcouture3763 Says:
Ok.. IT’S TIME to USE Karl’s REAL NAME.. he was born Chaim Hirschel Mordechai ok. So.. get it right. He was born in to a family, a long line of Talmudic, fundamentalist jewish rabbis, (in Trier, Poland) WHOM DESPISED Christianity.. it is said, had he lived long enough to witness the grotesque, brutality upon the white, Russian Christians in the streets in Russia from 1917 onwards.. “ he would have cackled with glee”…🤬😶😶😶.. TENS OF MILLIONS ( 60 odd) of Russian Christians were slaughtered where they stood!.. sent to their early graves.. UNMOURNED 😓 WHY??.. because Russia was viewed as the LAST bastion of Christianity. The US.. has already had their Protestant Christians turned into Zio Christians. 😉😏
@sdivine13 Says:
Nah, marx is still right
@almazblanco6676 Says:
Pablo Lafargue Armagnac(Santiago de Cuba, January 15, 1842 - Paris, November 25, 1911) was a Cuban doctor and socialist thinker. Disciple, comrade in struggle and son-in-law of Karl Marx. As a teenager he moved to France with his family. At the founding of the First International he met Karl Marx and upon finishing his medical studies he married his daughter Laura. He embraced the ideas of his father-in-law and for this he suffered persecution and imprisonment. Only son of a French settler of Jewish origin. His genealogy portrays miscegenation: grandson on his father's side of a Haitian mulatto(brown) grandmother and on his mother's side of a Cuban aboriginal; his grandparents, Jean Lafargue and Abraham Armanagc, French. He had an excellent education in Cuba. He completed it when the family settled in France, where he completed high school. At the University of Paris he began his studies in Medicine and outlined his political training. He came across the positivism of Compte, the texts of Kant, Feuerbach and Charles Darwin and the socialist thinkers Fourier and Proudhon. His attendance at a student conference in Belgium caused French higher education institutions to prohibit him from accessing their classrooms. Lafargue had to go to London, United Kingdom, to finish his university studies.
@facubeitches1144 Says:
Yeah, that mass murder stuff is one thing, but did you know he used THE word that no one can ever say ever? It is hilarious to watch society collapse.
@Yotaciv Says:
Karl Marx was possessed by the devil himself….
@glitchscribe Says:
Huh, so he was actually right on something.
@patriciakimball8150 Says:
See his essay concerning minorities. He thought all “minorities” should be subsumed into the “greater” peoples. Although his ancestors were Jews there was nothing Jewish about him.
@eliharman Says:
Yeah, let's cancel Marx because he said the n-word. Not the hundreds of millions of deaths, not the dozens of ruined nations, not the bullshit, dishonest, parasitic, malignant, envy, entitlement, and resentment driven ideology concocted by a lifelong sponger who never held a productive job. All of that would have been OK. But he said the n-word, so I guess it's over. Pack it all up.
@Jchillerkriller Says:
So George Washington has to go but Marx gets a pass !? Ahh leftist insanity; there is nothing quite like the unhinged mania of academic communists.
@Jchillerkriller Says:
Oh wow !? Shocker !😮 no way !? Karl Marx was a disgusting racist and eugenics supporter!? I guess we have to cancel him now.
@PaulArtman Says:
The left embraces the totalitarian part of Marxism because they are totalitarian. Few if any know how athiest/anti (any belief in a god) these people are. This makes much sense as their embracing Islamist/shariah ideology. The see the totalitarian part and love it believing "they" will forever be in the ruling part. Not understanding that once they are no longer useful these groups, they will be controlled as well.
@retroman252 Says:
Amazing how after all of these years we are still dealing with problems by stupid Marx and stupid socialists… just sad
@hoonhwang4778 Says:
These two men Thomas Sowell and Jordan Peterson, my god, two greatest minds in human history I really don't want to listen, why does this YouTube algorithm think I may like it?😮
@woodshed_moments Says:
This isn't new, but it would be new to those that just have their head stuck in the ground, this is the DNA of the left... Bigotry is interwoven into their modus operandi
@Chris-hq7nl Says:
Thanks for discussing this.
@3TNT3 Says:
You people on the right thing juuuust because youuuu worship an extreeeemely abhorant, despicable, disgusting, flawed, pathetic, and eeeeeevil human being, that that means everyone else does too. But you couldn't be more wrong. There are a lot of people who are instead just about political philosophy and policies, rather than a flawed person.
@3TNT3 Says:
Well, about 98% of the left doesn't wanna have annnnnything to do with communism, so that's pretty irrelevant to The Left. And, hypothetically, eewven ifffff they did want communism, that wouldn't mean that they wanted to laud, admire, lift up, revere, and worship marx like the right does with ConAll Dump. Juuuuust because the right is a cult of personality that is alllllllllllllll about ooooone **person**, and worships an extraorrrrrdinarily pathetic and flawed human being, doesn't mean The Left does so too. Insteaddddd, The Left are about political philosophy and policies.
@Westyrulz Says:
Race is real and is not a social construct.
@ricfax Says:
Che hated black people and killed many of them.
@DrEric-kp8tf Says:
There was a fight between control of the left between Marx (centralized authority) and Mikhail Bakunin (decentralized authority) and sadly the wrong man won.
@garrettstephens91 Says:
How does "N*****" sounf like the German word for "black" when the German word is schwartze?
@cedyanlee666 Says:
That is
@user-rv4go7ry3v Says:
Circa 150 years ago in Germany. Most ethnicities were racist against other ethnicities at that time. Plenty of reasons to dismiss Marx but we don't need this one.
@lugo_9969 Says:
Marx wrote on behalf of 'the working man'. A subject Marx had zero knowledge or experience of.
@1337fraggzb00N Says:
Marx also wrote about "inferior peoples" like the Scottish Highlanders or the Slavs and that he wants them to get eradicated. Marx created the argumentative base for the Holocaust. Seems like modern day leftists never heard of that or they just lie.
@WinkLinkletter Says:
They just ignore those parts, like they seem to ignore the parts about their own inevitable expendability as 'useful fools' in the big plan.
@clownphabetstrongwoman7305 Says:
so this is again “the other side are the real -ists”. I guess one has to reach to the stupid people too, with a little bit of attack of character.
@tomwilko7841 Says:
Being against cancellation but also in favour of judging historical figures by today's standards is just stoopid beyond words, this guy is a walking contradiction
@JohnCorti Says:
This is very enlightening and disturbing, especially when Marxism is taught in universities
@grouchygrundle Says:
I gotta look into this Marx fella
@HollyDutton-wz8fe Says:
While Marx was a writer, he was a total failure in supporting his family.
@fergusfitzgerald977 Says:
Most people in the 19th century were inherently racist in their outlook - this goes for intellectuals of the period as well. We should be able to acknowledge this obvious deficiency in their thinking and not excuse it! However we also need to understand that we are all products of our environment and the outlooks that prevailed in our upbringing ! Intellectuals are equally susceptible to these influences despite how they may transcend their realities in other ways ! So it's no big deal taking the above into account !
@shaneashby5890 Says:
They worship a man who hated them. Ohh the irony….
@timotheeeful Says:
@johnboggs8765 Says:
Marx was an (((eskimo))). (((Eskimos))) hate all non- (((eskimos))). (((They))) manipulate blacks in order to weaponize them against Christians, (((their))) most hated enemy.
@willthompson9073 Says:
But the two black lesbians who founded blm are willing to overlook that because they're so open minded that their brains fell out sometimes im ashamed to be American because of how stupid we are
@ncondeg Says:
When you have nothing to say about Marx, an intelectual giant, you come up with stupidities and lies.
@asdfxyz_randomname2133 Says:
That doesn't really matter when judging his proposed economic and political system. His ideas were mostly bad regardless of is racism.

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