Is Diabetes Underdiagnosed?
Is Diabetes Underdiagnosed?



@mthoodstyle Says:
My mom said she had a brain disease in her 50s. In her mid 60s she said she had type 3 diabetes. She’s in memory care now. Age 72. I eat carnivore. I don’t want that life.
@DaddyCool88 Says:
This blew my mind,
@ballinout92 Says:
Wrong, its not age adjusted
@YO3A007 Says:
People over 60 stop excercising. Gain weight. Avoid going out and getting sunshine. They also tend to be under a lot of stress. And then there is heredity. The body was not designed to be 100 years old.
@OnePieceWonPeace Says:
Right. And Narcissistic Personality Disorder is evaluated relative to one's culture. So you take a raging narcissist from small town USA and put them in NYC or Mumbai and all of the sudden they're not a narcissist? Doesn't make any sense!
@chriskimsey7071 Says:
I thought type 3 was when you have type 1 and you still manage to become a type 2 diabetic (insulin resistance).
@TheMartinwild Says:
Noting the clinicians comments, let's move on to testosterone levels. Which reduce by 2% annually from the age of 30. If you have a test at 60 you are compared with the average for all men. And be higher than average so no HRT. But if you had been tested at the age of 30 you could be compared at 60 to men with the level at 30. And that is a better measure of whether you need HRT. Ironically I am echoing my favorite rule for life, compare yourself with who you were not to other people now. Thanks Jordan.
@ds_7 Says:
*Type 2 diabetes, not diabetes generally. Type 2 is the fat one - 2 is the bigger number, like the bigger weight. Type 1 is the autoimmune disease.
@juanpena7827 Says:
Explain your life when you came in
@sammyspaniel6054 Says:
THE MAIN CAUSE of diabetes is the eating of meat. Allow me to explain. Meat has saturated fat. This fat clogs insulin ports on cells. If enough of these cells get gummed up you become a type two diabetic. Then when you eat a sugary substance your blood sugar skyrockets. So people naturally think their diabetes is due to eating too many honeybuns. So what do they do? They keep eating meat while avoiding honeybuns and their diabetes never gets cured. If your type two diabetes is not too far along yet (and most aren't) you can reverse it. But you must adopt a plant based diet and avoid all junk food. I've seen MANY type two diabetics ditch their medications once they made this change.
Why does a psychiatrist try to claim to be an expert in medicine? We already know Jordan Peterson just talk a lot without really saying anything.
@CursedCommentaries Says:
Diabetes and auto immune disease are both vastly underdiagnosed :/
@calumcookson740 Says:
Up next: Chiropractors discussing Cancer diagnoses followed by Oncologists discussing Sports Injury Physiotherapy
@tinaahl4597 Says:
I worked in a nursing home for years...m9st people w/dementia are not diabetic.
@Gumbatron01 Says:
Thanks to Ancel Keys and the erroneous lipid heart hypothesis for allowing the introduction and promulgation of a diet high in complex carbohydrates and low in saturated fats and cholesterol. They've been screwing with the diet for decades, it's a wonder anyone is actually healthy. Basically everything that you were told about a healthy diet growing up is not only wrong, it's anti-right. I struggle to maintain that this was done through sheer negligence. Many fortunes were made on the introduction of low fat, high carb, highly processed foods. There has been and continues to be massive financial and political interests in keeping people sick. The "food" itself is highly profitable, and the consequent requirement for "health care" in the form of pharmaceuticals is a market worth hundreds of billions of dollars. This also keeps a sizeable portion of the population just struggling to stay alive and healthy enough to go to work and earn enough money to treat the symptoms caused by their horrible diets. These people will cause the governing bureaucrats no troubles at all. They are effectively under control.
@LeifBerg262 Says:
Known Fact. No disease including cancer can survive in an alkaline environment...simply Vitamin K 2 and Zero sugar creates and alkaline environment. Otto Warburg discovered this and Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for this Discovery..,
@alaididnalid7660 Says:
Is he doing comedy now wtf
@grandmagrace9453 Says:
My doctor says you're either diabetic- or you're not- "Prediabetic" it's just Another bullshit diagnosis to boost pharmaceutical sales
@robertamorrison3462 Says:
What a sneaky way to get people on to diabetes drugs. But then a lot of my doctors are trying to sneak new drugs in to my medications. Not a good way to regain my trust after the Covid debacle. I didn't think I could trust them less, but they always find new ways to break the trust, they need to rebuild.
@paulrhodes3094 Says:
US-based primary care physician here. I have no idea what Jordan is talking about. There is no age adjustment however there may be treatment adjustment depending on age.
@mason6315 Says:
Sorry in the USA i have never heard of an age adjusted DM scale. Maybe on “ socialize medicine” does this. Haaaaa Killing off the non tax payers ?????
@d.l4055 Says:
Pure Logic doesn't stand a chance of long term survival inside the box.
@mikeottersole Says:
Dementia as type 3 diabetes? Why have I not heard this before? It sounds rather important. This should be talked about much more!!
@icarusjumped2719 Says:
So... if its another form of it, can it be treated in the same way?
@ilonabeaard9680 Says:
Let alone the impact of abuse of drugs ans strong medication on the body. We are going to have a diabetic epedemic in about 40 years.
@briangman3 Says:
Haven’t eating much of anything for 5 days due to tonsillectomy. The fasting was really not too hard, all my sugar levels came down and normalize so quick. I will do this again feel just fine.
@rwwilson75 Says:
Glucose and Insulin levels are not age adjusted. Its a shame that Jordan has become disingenuous so he can make points he would like to place on society. Coming form a professional is malpractice.
@ton73z28 Says:
Oh so he's a doctor now. As far as I can tell
@acquanellaogbemudia9930 Says:
Very informative thanks
@jinimurray4090 Says:
AND THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL DIABETES IS THYROID. GO SEE NATUROPATHIC who does complete testing Treats CAUSE not just symptoms
@dalin6275 Says:
Sorry, but he is incorrect. I've practiced actual medicine for 20 years and there is NO age adjusted criteria for diabetes. IF your A1c is is 6.5 or higher and/or fasting glucose above 126 you have any age.
@justifiedreasoning Says:
Lets talk about testosterone levels in young men compared to older men and the testing NOT being adjusted for age.
@romellinsleven6983 Says:
Ya'll need to exercise like atleast bmq or rcmp level fitness in your 20s for sure !
@ThoughtsOnNews Says:
The is such a good point. ❤️
@victorhauk5973 Says:
Why look at glucose? By the time it shows a problem it’s very late in the progress of the disease. Check fasting insulin instead.
@greglinfield7760 Says:
Who is going to take anything Peterson says seriously, blokes a shit stirrer no matter what word salad he manufactures.
@bryangriffin3139 Says:
My wife’s gonna type one diabetic her entire life. Her body stopped producing insulin. I’ve been diagnosed type two and my doctors caught it fast and I’m getting adjusted and lowered and now knowledge is power so we live it. I now live it with her not to her extreme. She’s been on a pump since our first child was born 25 years and she’s healthy 54. Her cholesterol is better than mine. Sugar levels are always constantly changing why I feel so bad for not only this food emotions activity. Everything plays apart to the swings with the blood sugar.
@donenewright9912 Says:
B12 deficiency from diabetes 2 (metformin)is linked to dementia
@jbraymick1602 Says:
I wonder how much artificial sweeteners add to the insulin resistance inability to breakdown the spiny glucose molecule
@Xn0VV7hj31ph Says:
Type 2 diabetes is a certainty (if you dont die first). Insulin production and insulin tolerance are on a collision course. Everyone will end up with type 2 diabetes IF you live long enough (~110 years if you are lucky/very healthy).
@maciamay1393 Says:
This guy is talking utter nonsense (again).
@Baghuul Says:
Hes such a bozo
@kaldob6592 Says:
But the saddest thing is we're not using every natural or other abilities to change type 2 diabetes and really focusing on what's in our food that we're being poisoned by they just want to give us drugs created by pharmaceutical industry if diabetes is so serious why aren't we serious about coming up with better Alternatives than pharmaceutical drugs
@OmarZein-yb5cm Says:
You look young peterson
@JoeBrown-u5g Says:
Red49 bad ummkay
@marshallrobinson1019 Says:
They're also only compared to those who request testing. This often means extensive testing is useless as a diagnostic tool (because healthy people aren't tested).
@floralcouture3763 Says:
Not me.. eat grass fed meat AND butter❗️.. along with coconut oil & olive oil.. in that order.. KEEP UP your potassium intake.. GET OFF STATINS.. & high blood-pressure scripts.. it’s worsening your condition.. wake up??!!!
@williamsohveymah5550 Says:
I have never worry about diabetes. I stay super active. I don't drink nor smoke, nor drugs. I even refuse myself pain pills as much as i can endure pain until i can't. I refuse to take medication at the start of a cold, etc., asap. I eat good foods, wild natural foodstuff is a great part of my diet. I sleep good exercise good, not just body, but mind and spirit. I refuse to be lazy. Everyone else from my immediately family are diabetic. Parents were. I refuse to. I'm older, as well, but i can still out hike, sometimes out run 18 yr olds.😂
@Jules-yb1ng Says:
@laraoneal7284 Says:
Ty so much Jordan for this upload. I did not know this which confirms I have to be tested. I’m not obese but I’m 20 lbs overweight.

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