The Issue With Ultra-Processed Foods
The Issue With Ultra-Processed Foods



@mtnbkr5478 Says:
"I can't believe it's not food!"
@Ripen3 Says:
Cool whip isnt edible?
@kdccmb Says:
Cheese food product. Hahaha. I eat nothing frm a can, jar, bottle or box.
@SparkTheGenius Says:
Except they ARE edible. They’re just not good for you.
@danedi2951 Says:
Why would JP upload this
@robbyb6380 Says:
"It's not what's in the food its what's been done to the food."Dr.Robert Lustig
@sayitsjose Says:
Ultra-processed protein powder is actually good for you.
@nobodiez Says:
Edible❌ Digestible✅
@NoESanity Says:
How is whipped vegetable oil not something you can make at home? It takes a fork, a brick, and a vegetable.
@BallardBaller Says:
Bill Hicks bit on Orange drink
@Filtiarin Says:
Bro is talking about processed meat😂
@corrysmith Says:
@rosehavenfarm2969 Says:
"Cheese food"
@rebeuhsin6410 Says:
70% ? Ny grocery stotes sell camned vegatables fruit, frozen vegatables and fruit. Fresh too, accept meat and fresh diary (yogart fresh cheese milk). Mot to mentoon oatmeal, pasta, pita bread, flour. Dried fruit, baked goods (not including womder bread hostes). All these things are procesded. But I can make them at home. Source for the 70% number?
@a.wilkins1708 Says:
Milk is ultraprocessed nowadays. Your body doesnt recognise it as milk anymore. Seed and nutmilk is worse.
@deen2dam Says:
But still the scientists & vegans are so hyped about lab grown meat.
@nathanyoung1947 Says:
You're all complaining about that and I think about king to the highest servants chew their food for them.That's even worse
@electricalarachnid Says:
I understand and agree on the topic they're talking about to an extent, but damn if cool whip is a terrible example. You can make cool whip with heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, and an adequate mixer. With that said conceptually I think everyone's fine with Olive oil but I damn sure do not own the equipment to make it myself.
@2909dk Says:
BLESSED to be in EU where ingredients need to prove they wont kill you or harm. In USA its prove it will kill you with the FDA. The amount of americans that come here and autatically lose weight without diet chamge is funny and sad
@markushildebrand7990 Says:
But why is it bad?
@davidl.2496 Says:
Fireeee suit. Pls tell us who your tailor issss
@Crown-and-Down Says:
Stewie and Brian - Cool Whhqip
@dbozzi52 Says:
Lost me at RFK
@jtorp6777 Says:
“Cool whip” My first thought was vegan meat
Talk about seed oils.
Yes finally someone who understands
@john_snow9435 Says:
Did you know it is illegal to import American bread to Europe because they don't consider it edible?
@nothosaur Says:
If I pick an apple off a tree, am I thereby processing it?
@dawnchattin5935 Says:
non food created from salt, starch, fat and sugar.
@backflipsaresweet Says:
Ok what if I used a $30k stainless steel mixer to make an "ultra-whipped" cream. It's ultra-processed, but the machine is stainless steel and very clean and I'm not adding any ingredients. Is it now no longer food or edible? Is it worse than using an electric blender at home with cheap plastic parts?
@thomaschristopherwhite9043 Says:
When JP said cool whip I went "Sh*t, what is it even?"
@cautioncrazy Says:
Cool hwip
@goomby3941 Says:
I can definitely make cool whip very easily
@dungotaaja Says:
Please but the subtitles higher! Cant read them
@markuslang1869 Says:
Europe is different
@sergioguerra2060 Says:
Get off the "processed food" hype. Physical changes tobthe food do nothing. Its the added ingredients that chemically change things in food or your gut.
@Palozon Says:
"What's the difference?" "Good question. I made that shit up."
@the1whokill518 Says:
I hate the "ultra processed" buzz word. Like protien powder is ultra processed. But is a body builder unhealthy? Yes, but thats because of steroids not "ultra processed" foods. Anyone who says all ultra processed foods are bad are not research based and are majority of the time snake oil salesman.
@dennishanton3181 Says:
Apple smoothie?
@kimlorraine369 Says:
Put a container of margarine in a shed on a hot day and you'll see no ant no fly no bug go anywhere near it do the same with butter and they're all over that shitt
@kimlorraine369 Says:
Remember people using and consuming those ultra processed products are the lab rats
@shellythie6227 Says:
In other words, it's not even food at all!
@Pughhead Says:
This is the type of person to complain about "chemicals" in food
@paulcolman6722 Says:
JP... They're edible but ideally or fa those who KNOW You DON'T EAT EM...!!! THERE'S A RELEVANT DIFFERENCE THERE RIGHT...!!
@walterlangkowski4723 Says:
Because ultra processed jumbo steak breakfast burrito is 1.99 the ingredients to make said burrito your self at home steak cheese eggs tortillas peppers onions whatever sauce is 35 dollars… what are people that are not wealthy going to choose?
@giuseppeb397 Says:
You couldn't make it in your kitchen starting from what and with what equipment? I couldn't make most foods in my kitchen, even fairly healthy ones, unless I start from something that's already a bit processed, or cut, or killed.
@jgprice9990 Says:
Theres been further research surrounding UPF’s proving that nutrition plays a less part in living a healthy life as much as the consumption of UPF foods. In essence, if you had 2 groups of 100 people and one was on UPF and the other on non-UPF, same calories… unlimited on the amount of food they could have…. It would show that those on UPF had an increased appetite and gained weight along with higher risks to their health… whereas non-upf had normal appetites, lost weight and decrease risk of health issues. Oh and when you take the nutrients out of food.. they no longer become nutritious. Like brocolli has a lot of iron which is beneficial for us… but if you just take iron supplements… they do literally nothing.
@HappyCorporation Says:
Uhhh, you can make cool whip. It’s called whipped cream, and it’s the easiest thing you can make. So nah, not an example of ultra processed food.
@foodandhomeprep8425 Says:
Shopping is easy when you don't buy anything processed. Just buy in season fruits and vegetables and meat. You will not starve.
@spicyhummus6266 Says:
Man I was stunned that today or yesterday (these mind melting shorts are making my memory trash) that things like Flour have more than just grounded grains. How tf could you put more things into a plain flour other than just wheat or whatever grain ect it might be. There is a reason why its dried & then ground to a fine powder, it preserves for a long time but somehow in America you guys have way way more ingredients in your All Purpose flour (I think thats the same as Plain Flour) that should NOT be in it!

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