Marx's View of Capitalism
Marx's View of Capitalism



@andyc9902 Says:
Karl Marx was one bitter man . Because he didn't own any company
@greyngreyer5 Says:
Jokes tell themselves. My fav one is people who are for communism tend to be anti-semitic. Except the problem is that Karl Marx was Jewish.
@loririlling2538 Says:
Marxs and his "Theories " from hell. Ironically guys like Marxs demand to have a nice lunch and a soft bed daily. Usually did not feel empathy for the working class but total manipulation of poor minds facing adversity. Look what Castro did to Cuba. Now we have Venezuela and on the past East Germany, The oppressed people by their dictators.
@3-6-9-6-3 Says:
Those who covet are as wicked as those who hoard. Same coin.
@l.z.2315 Says:
Peterson nema pojma o komunizmu.Oligarhija na vrhu(robovlasnici,feudalci ,kapitalisti) oduvjek zivi bogato na grbaci radnicke klase . Komuniza je teznja ka besklasnom drustvu u ekonomskom pogledu.
@sbolfing Says:
Marx was a moron. The best compliment that be given was everything he wrote was based on his narrow world view, based solely on 19th Century Europe
@johnvoices4087 Says:
Carl Marx lived his entire life with another man, a very rich man, in that man's house. He never had a job his entire life. He was a manchild that was coddled, very privileged, most likely gay, and also the bottom of the gay relationship. It's quite clear where he got his ideas.
@nathanielknight1838 Says:
yeah, then they send a bunch of kids to be reeducated by the peasantry, killed the intellectuals or anyone wearing glasses and communism just has never been tried the right way you know? Because obviously the same exact consequence every single time is just a coincidence
@BillSettles Says:
Thank you for what you do
@BillSettles Says:
I used to say that YouTube can be a tool for the fatherless
@beebell7288 Says:
Absolutely 💯
@malcolmthorne9779 Says:
Oppressor and oppresser. Pure and sinner. Whether it's religion or political ideology, the ones who traffic in simplistic black and white notions of virtue are unrealistic and doomed to fail. Marx did get more things right than christianity did, I'll give him that much. Still a deeply flawed and technically incomplete ideology that doesn't work in its pureform. There's a reason why the most succesful nations on the planet use som kind of fragmented, hybridized version of socialism. And treats it and other ideologies and -isms as tools to be used as they are useful and dismissed or disposed of when they are not. A true statesman, a true leader, serves his people and nation first and above all else. Even if he has to defy gods and prophets to do so. Partial socialism has use. Pureform socialism does not work. Religion had use, but we've far outgrown its usefulness. And its drawbacks and unforgivable barbarity are now intolerable and a threat to our very future. Anyone who clings to religion is a traitor to humanity at this point. And in religion I include the woke cult and its sects. They too are a threat against humanity itself.
@r4_in_space Says:
As he's explaining Marxism, the thing just keeps getting worse by each sentence.
@Not_Sure-2020 Says:
And the communist government then took control of all economic power and created a country where nobody except the government had anything so none of the people could be envious of each other. And they all lived happily ever after (well, the ones that lived maybe). ;)
@prostoname5338 Says:
lol, haven’t seen a worse take on Marx for while. Peterson is such an L dude, I cannot believe that someone with PHD has such a low reading comprehension.
@darrennelson3459 Says:
Marx saw the workers suffering during the industrial revolution when hygiene, education, and food were in short supply. He thought that the "robber barons" that owned the gigantic factories were to blame. When in fact, the aristocrats that owned the companies provided a better income to the workers than they would have had as a peasant farmer growing just enough food to survive. Marxism is a half-baked philosophy void of accounting for the differences in work-ethic amongst society.
@TheStemos Says:
Stop reading the "manifest" of Marx. It is invalidised version of the "Capital". And YES the history is repeatedly proved the one simple trouth. The "good" opressor, who is morally and humanly good to the opressed, is doomed to be consumed by other opressors who doesnt give a shit about moral 'stupidities. So YES the structure of capitalism needs to have a mechanism to coserve the balance between the wolves and the sheep.
@lanabanana6849 Says:
Such a good description
@EM-bp5zv Says:
Taylor Swift is oppressing.
@anthonykology1728 Says:
the ideology of teenagers...
@wvglitter7761 Says:
"The LOVE of money is the root of all evil."
@miamorhardstyle Says:
Even a child could tell you there's more to people than class... there are countless ways people end up different from each other especially over a lifetime. What's even more ironic is that every time they've tried communism you end up with a despotic dictatorship worse than the monarchy they hate so much
@julietnanto9545 Says:
Love interview with Katherine...Respect you please do not wear that jacket.. Love .a fan!!!
@damonpayne3018 Says:
But Karl Marx had that Gyatt
@baumulrich Says:
arguably, classical Marxism isn't that dangerous, as it just takes a few years for this ideology to reveal it's failures. the real danger is neomarxism, where it's extended to race gender and whatever they want next. that is a never ending struggling ever and ever more destroying society. But it's going for 60 years now and it seemingly is getting stronger and stronger the more it spreads.
@gateguardian44 Says:
The number of Marxists on my social media is astonishingly high and it concerns me. Greatly...
@roundedges2 Says:
Marx thought that all value and wealth was the result of just blending physical objects he called capital e.g. land, machinery with labour. "Just give labor the tools and they will produce the same wealth." How silly. He was completely oblivious of the huge contribution of innovation, the never-certain gambles of investment involved, and astute management to the wealth creation process. Because he was never a manager or entrepreneur. Kinda shallow/dumb, really.
@manuelmartinati84 Says:
Absolutely not! Marx says that all societies in history had oppressive structure EVEN the capitalist one! But according to Petersen every revolution should be avoided!!!!
@Seafarer64 Says:
The more I hear about Marx, the more I realize he was quite the simpleton.
@SwissCheese112 Says:
let me correct you from the very beginning, Karl Marx didn't split the world into oppressor and oppressed, he just put into words what had already been the case for thousands of years. Unions existed before Marx, peasant revolts for better pay, land ownership, and freedoms existed before Marx. So please, stop making socialism out to be some 19th century invention by Marx.
@R3l3ntl3sss Says:
It was an interesting observation for sure, however he got lost in his own narrative. Niche explained it all much better
@moonshineman5691 Says:
It's not even that simple. Marx also stated that the lumpenproletariat ("the ragged proletariat", a term which he used to refer to the beggars, street performers, the unemployed, prostitutes, "bohemians" or artists, vagabonds and so on) would never achieve class consciousness and will probably side with the capitalists and are thus useless to the revolution. So even Marx himself didn't have the heart to care for the actual poor, but rather saw the industrial working class as a leverage through which the communist revolution could manifest itself.
@ritarevell7195 Says:
Sounds like DEI.
@jediofmetalii1623 Says:
This episode taught me just how evil Marx was just how twisted the idealogy he spawned was. People need to hear this.
@Apostate_ofmind Says:
And what was Marx opinion of the ... little hats?
@simmo8u Says:
Was Karl Marx a Satanist by Richard Warmbrand is a good read
@tristenwilliams1943 Says:
Anybody know why he always wears his AirPods? Genuine question, just noticed that
@stevederp9801 Says:
Marx had the flawed belief that everyone who was poor was somehow only there because they were oppressed, not because they make poor choices and aren’t industrious. That rich people are Inherently evil and not just benefiting from their hard work and motivation. And that somehow the world would be better if all the poor people got all the rich people stuff.
@davidwalker1793 Says:
Karl Marx sponged off his friends and family all his life and never did an honest days work!
@manuelhung7571 Says:
The oppressor makes the oppressed by virtue of their lack of virtue. Marx, Marx, Marx....... you right whingers are obsessed. Interpreting that which you observe does not make you the originator. Go eat some meat.
@charlesii5353 Says:
what does it say about inflating cost creating a poisonous cancer causing side effect of sourcing cheap materials to generate profits from the rising costs? I hear bluetooth earpods radiate negatively unless wired dont use them and majority of clothes are made of plastics that leach into the skin causing cancer. Food- dont even......
@tomstevens2020 Says:
Thank you Dr. Peterson! I'm Gen X and grew up knowing Freedom Good, Communism bad! "Mr. Gorbachev . Tare down this wall." ~ Ronald Ragen. Thanks for the details to explain to people why tyranny is bad!
@user-wb3dy4st3x Says:
Satanic worldview.
@thecriticalriposte Says:
As someone who has studied all the works of Marx, no, you're a liar. Pretending like Marx could only see things from one framework is an extremely dishonest effort from the Russian Orthodox and Catholic Vatican... WASPs and Arab/Muslim supremacists got in on it too.
@christophersimonlkw Says:
There are 1% billionaire psychopaths versus 99% slaves and consumers.
@GenericInternetter Says:
Communism and Capitalism are each failed systems because they miss the bigger picture. We are a social species and we value human life. We need a system that provides the basics to all humans while rewarding the individuals who provide the extra effort and ingenuity. Universal Basic Services is the future (look it up). The only question is how long people want to flop around in the mud before heading in the right direction. A capitalist free market coupled with a socialist universal welfare system is the only way to accommodate the entire human race. Every other system has winners and losers which inevitably leads to breakdown. UBS is not perfect, but it's better than anything else in history.
@imperialcitizen4811 Says:
First semester essay on Marx
@mypapaya590 Says:
This is what happens when Jordan Peterson becomes popular! He becomes a different person! When a person has power money and status, that’s when his/her true personality comes out!
@RockyStJohns Says:
Karl Marx. Heavily influenced by his father (a Rabbi) He had a very Talmudic Ideology. Truly sick stuff…
@Jewsmurderchristiansnpalestine Says:
Heres a comment know one ever refutes... capitalism sold all our jobs to china a communist country

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