Why These Students Perform So Well - The Michaela School | Katharine Birbalsingh
Why These Students Perform So Well - The Michaela School | Katharine Birbalsingh



@rachanacparmar Says:
I agree with the lady....BUT WHAT is it that Jordan P is Wearing???😂😂😂😂😂
@emcarver8983 Says:
It's called tough love
@stonemorris5356 Says:
Love and respect are earned, not demanded.
@joshmcclintock4534 Says:
Her understanding of the libertarianism is incredibly stupid. I do not understand why people always equate someone political views as their household rule. Just because someone wants a laissez-faire (or abolished of) government does not mean they run their house that way. The stupidity is astounding. That one simple statement makes me completely disregard everything else she says.
@BabyGirlDontEvenPlay Says:
I didn't eat broccoli as a kid. My parents never pressed it. Broccoli is now my favorite side to most dishes.
@MishaSkripach Says:
This video is littered in the comments section with complaints by entitled bratty teenagers.
@Oicurmtoyoy Says:
That toddler's outfit scenario sums up why I dislike Katharine's vibes, even if I agree with some of her ideas. Not just the answer, but the added "you're in a rush" variable to justify said answer, as well as the impatient "I'm listening, but I want to talk" body language of hers. Feels like an intelligent person, with authoritarian tendencies, using the former to justify the latter. Edit: To add on to this, she says that the more choices you give children as children, the less you'll like them as adults. Not buying it. There's a degree of choice to which that may be true, but letting them pick from 3 sensible and appropriate outfits is not one of them. That is just absurd.
@mikitz Says:
Never negotiate with terrorists and/or children.
@mikitz Says:
Schools should make playing strategy games mandatory (especially for girls). That is a great way of developing their critical thinking skills.
@TheMerFree Says:
This is the kind of discourse I love to see! Great topic. Great points by each. Lots to think about.
@krzysztofn6951 Says:
It's all great until you find out that in that school you're forced to eat the school lunch and cannot have packed lunch. When it comes to food, it should always be completely up to the parents, because they're the ones raising their children not the school.
@beckyholm1308 Says:
This is not Burger King, you may not have it your way! 🙂 Kids/people are depressed because they are always asked "how they feel." Being micro-focused on your feelings is NOT a good thing!
@eb9632 Says:
To think outside the box, one must know the box inside out.
@garygreen1782 Says:
Mama 🙏 don't mess with this woman!!
@alisatoniian9718 Says:
6:24 "The only way you can think in a creative manner or think outside the box and have independent thoughts about anything is to know it really well."
@samimo66 Says:
She votes for reform uk
@htttppppp Says:
The inventor of iphones etc did now allow anything during lunchtime, and if I recall well there was no TV, only books in the house. Lunchtime was a space where they discussed who read what and what they learned from the read,.
@chillijoe8264 Says:
imagine the school teachers the length and breadth of the country hating her for being so smart and honest…!
@drstevefonso Says:
she’s amazing for her values.
@christophermorton5777 Says:
I'm a parent of two boys, this lady is speaking to my soul!
@Nonya2324 Says:
You can see clearly she’s a GREAT educator I mean look at Peterson, he’s learning 😂
@Nonya2324 Says:
pls be the president of america thank you
@deborahcambria3005 Says:
@magisterparsons Says:
Ms. Birbalsingh's assertions are backed by ED Hirsch.
@AC-fy7pm Says:
She is wrong at the preschool level, you do give them choices: simple and singular choices.
@karenbell1591 Says:
What a breath of fresh air; I applaud her. Great conversation.
@brooke7235 Says:
I didn’t agree with her at first but I had an open mind and I can see why it’s important for kids to not have choices all the time. But I think it is important to let the kids learn how to express their opinions in a respectful and impactful manner. I am not sure if she allows opinion of thought but I think that’s the only thing I dislike
@annoyingcommentator1582 Says:
Nobody loves modern parents and teachers enough to tell that they are losers and there is such a thing as duty, especially if you find yourself in that role. 🤷‍♂
@tomhannigan2234 Says:
While she is right on some aspects (community, responsibility, knowledge) her obsession with total control and authority is unhealthy. Look at the horrible environments in many British private schools and the harmful abuse that is rife. You can give children some choice and flexibility, or you’ll institutionalise them.
@wisdomforwellness5509 Says:
I think that he is right on choice within boundaries (the clothing example). The high control system for children may work wonders now but how will these children fair later in life? They will learn to suppress so much and will be used to being controlled. Show me the data for these children at age 30/40/50 and see how this strict upbringing impacts on them later in life.
@ruidadgmailcanada8508 Says:
Smarter every day, with Dr. Jordan Peterson. ❤
@davidblairmusic Says:
She's not wrong. It's a little over-correction for where we are at currently with over-choice and over-responsibility of children these days but it works with kindness and empathy. Since we are training adults from the time they are children, we ourselves have to be adults living in discipline, patience and kindness with ourselves which is a lifelong process including our children. Life is always just one single choice - yes or no. We don't need to worship our children, and we don't need them worshipping us, they need guidance to live life by making choices that are longterm good for them in faith and belief in their abilities. The ability to think is an on-going process through relationship and that relationship with your children can grow until you die if you are building trust with each other and it's not a dominant heirarchy relationship. This is a great discussion to have.
@wdhewson Says:
KB has done some thinking !!!
@mariamawdi4770 Says:
Wait wait wait ….. the students at university are marching to end oppression. Is that what she’s referring to? These kinds of marches have ended segregation and ended apartheid in the past, they are a very important voice of the people against oppressive governments such as ISRAEL!
@theranel Says:
This model of informal education is why I believe Africans have such a sense of cultural heritage and such high moral value standards, or dare I say "had". We Africans from the millennial era backward never had the abysmal degree of freedom that I see in children nowadays that it's absurd to watch really. Our minds, as children, was so clouded with the fear of the thought of our parents that we had to measure the consequences of actions before taking them. A mindset I am forever grateful to my parents for.
@MishaSkripach Says:
Finally, the voice of reason. Bravo!
@cloudy7235 Says:
A friend just asked me a similar question about children's art education. I am an artist, and I told her I stand firmly by the traditional methods that brought me up, back in Russia: still lives for years, and copying masters when you're feeling especially creative. As opposed to "beauty is in the eye of the beholder nonsense" they do in the west. Learn things the right way first, and then you can choose to do them the way they are right for you.
@sircharles1248 Says:
Why do I find myself overwhelmingly attracted to this Lady? What a WOMAN!!!!
@taylorparnell3011 Says:
Am I literally the only person here that disagrees with this lady??
@taylorparnell3011 Says:
Who hurt this lady
@rurome2151 Says:
There are always autocratic minded people who want to control everybody else. Liberty and freedom permit choices.
@sierrafader3253 Says:
I don’t know where this women was taught but i was most definitely taught about all of those wars 🤷‍♀️
@penelopehunt2371 Says:
Old fashioned education . Like my Catholic school and the way my mom and her friends raised my generation
@peoplelover2024 Says:
Dang. I just left teaching after 40 years. I would say, "I'm so old school I'm no school," meaning no school would hire me or take me on. This woman GETS it. She's on it.
@VitorHugoOliveiraSousa Says:
I'm a "right" libertarian and I agree with her, you cannot teach someone with a blank slate. To process something, to think, you need data to operate on. You can't build a processor without data, you need to define the domain the processor will operate and them you feed it data and it make operations into that data and turn it on information. You need to have a reference point and adults, should use their life experience and superior discernment to point out this reference point to children. What they determined that is right. Them as they transition in adulthood they can experience other data points and compare with their foundation. This is why a philosopher that knows no history or literature, is a handicapped philosopher and will most likely become a ideologue. He has no frame of reference to judge and "test" his ideas. He creates things in a vacuum, which most likely means he is creating something derivative that is bad and was demolished by reality at some point in the past. And history show this and literature dramatize occurrence of those things (even if not based in a specific event, like mythologies). We need to think of children like we are trying a super advanced neural network model of general intelligence, they need data, lots of data, but curated high quality data to learn before they can create based. Feed the right good quality data first, them the garbage one for comparison and the neural networks will learn to separate the two.
@KrisG66 Says:
"This clip is from tomorrow's podcast release with Katharine Birbalsingh. In it, she and Dr. Peterson discuss non-selective school and why it's students perform so well." It's is a contraction. It means it is. Its is a pronoun and it's what you need to use here. Why can't anyone use proper English anymore?
@abpgrace Says:
Love this woman and her sound philosophy.
@fppro1679 Says:
A tiger mom School. This was the core of Catholic education when I was a kid, very strict. It pulled up the underperformers in some cases. In other cases it didn't but they could have tuned it better. And
@julietnanto9545 Says:
Is it a takeoff of the Montessori Method???
@softscribbles Says:
My favourite teachers/ educators were fair, firm and strict.

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