H.G. Wells: The Father of Modern Science Fiction

H.G. Wells: The Father of Modern Science Fiction


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@Biographics Says:
Check out Squarespace: http://squarespace.com/BIOGRAPHICS for 10% off on your first purchase.
@TheEulerID Says:
The Normal School of Science was to become the Royal College of Science, one of the constituent parts of the Imperial College of Science and Technology.
@mynameisjoejeans Says:
How is the Time Machine the story of socialism gone wrong? It’s so clearly meant to portray where society is headed under capitalism. It contains all the hallmarks of a basic socialist critique of capitalist society - your failure to recognise and engage with this, while pointing to it being a warning regarding socialism (something Wells believed in) shows your lack of knowledge on the subject. Read a bit of socialist critique - Marx’s Communist Manifesto is only a little pamphlet.
@OmerManes Says:
35821 Thiel Tunnel
@simontdn Says:
Hej Christoffer
@TimothySmith-o4c Says:
Johnston Loaf
@BaxterWheatleyD Says:
Garcia Thomas Gonzalez Michelle Jackson Michael
@LloydBates-t6x Says:
Perez Ronald Moore Susan Johnson Cynthia
@JomilaHosan Says:
Hernandez Anthony Williams Lisa Thomas Kevin
@CosmicPen Says:
A sci-fi writer way ahead of his time with a fascinating style. deja vu
@chestnutsev7 Says:
I live only a 5 minute drive from HG WELLS home Spade House in Sandgate,Kent,. He also had another house in sandgate before and for the first 3 yrs of my life I lived just a couple of hundred yards from both. I Love The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, The invisible Man.
@mikepeterson9362 Says:
Yeah had no idea this was a Whistler video until I clicked on it. F*ck every one of you sociopaths who made it....
@garethanderson6980 Says:
Gosh wasn't that a roller-coaster of a Biography
@macbrick66 Says:
This guys voice is annoying
@stetsonscott8209 Says:
Sounds to me like somebody nerfed the sibilance filter on this video.
@llwydanwyl Says:
nobody likes beards hun
@Beef89 Says:
yeah H.G wells War of the worlds
@Robutube1 Says:
Whilst H.G. Wells' sci-fi works are, undoubtedly, the headline act, please don't underestimate his 'other' novels, recommended amongst which I would include 'The History of Mr Polly', 'Kipps' and the prescient morality tale 'Tonay Bungay'.
@doreekaplan2589 Says:
No low class undereducated child living underground in a basement ever wrote, thought or said what's attributed to him writing in front of book, "greviously ..." C'mon.
@melissacostin4464 Says:
interesting the invaders look like jellyfish given huxleys hunt for medusa, which i suspect were missing link heads of Indigenous Australians with dreds.. put between human andape by same, sadly remains went into natural history museum and such not counted in census as deemed a doomed race by huxley andco ..greatest racists that ever lived
@RodneySloan Says:
Why do so many great writers, like Wells, Lovecraft, and too many others, turn out to be so destructive to the people around them? Or themselves? Take Robert E. Howard committing suicide. He created such an influential body of work as the grandfather of Sword and Sorcery, but his own humanity scared him.
@cherylm2C6671 Says:
Gosh, thanks!
@nopasaran191 Says:
Least legendary socialism enjoyer 🗿
@azic1467 Says:
Interesting video on a great writer. No mention has been made of the country of the blind, which is one of his many masterpieces
@ThePortlyRaven Says:
Great video! I’ve just made a video essay about The Time Machine, one of his most influential novels. Do check it out on my channel :)
@matejarmus4084 Says:
Wells is the inventor of one of the most popular pastimes for the young (and not so young): strategy board games with miniatures. Millions of fans of games like Warhammer 40000 or De Bellis Antiquitatis, who daily drag various miniature figures on the most different boards and terrains around the world (or virtual versions on the computer) are the heirs of Herbert George, who pioneered this type of entertainment with the book "Board Games" published in 1911. After this book, he also wrote "Little Wars" (1913), which is dedicated to the development of this type of social games, but also to their role in the development of intelligence and education for children. Role-playing games, such as Dungeons & Dragons or Call of Cthulhu, are partly inspired by Wells' ideas.
@peteenglish8773 Says:
No mention he wrote first miniature war game rules. Thanks HG, great hobby
@briandoss9232 Says:
My god. He was the Simpsons before the Simpsons!
@Skotchsholt Says:
I like wells much more now.
@kylewells6871 Says:
My guy had a full mustache at 13!? Damn
@stevenmartinek815 Says:
Father of modern science fiction? CRAP! All his works were plagerized from Mr. Simon Whistler's writings. H.G. Wells took all the stories Mr. Whistler threw in the trash. Wells just took the credit.
@thehollowedtree9586 Says:
This dude didn't "predict" anything. He was a part of the elite who work on behalf of the NWO beast system. Huxleys were known eugenicists who hated mankind and believed their class has the right to rule over all of the world's resources, and has the the right to chose who lives and who dies. With 90% of us being looked down upon as "useless eaters". This guy "predicted" many things because he was in the club and told what the plan was. Then he would simply write about it. HG Wells and Huxley weren't prominent writers because they were great writers. They were promoted and made prominent because they were parts of the eugenics circles which the elites love so much.
@HeritageWealthPlanning Says:
Huxley again. Weird. But remember we supposedly landed on the moon
@xelbob Says:
Too many commercials
@harmonetheanimationaddict4419 Says:
Sounds like he was proto Gene Roddenberry.
@theelizabethan1 Says:
Wells' father, Joe, and mother, Sarah, "had differences" most assuredly:. he a "freethinker" and she a Protestant Christian....explains a lot. It's clear whose influence prevailed. I wonder to what extent his exposure was to the Bible, which I suppose he did have in the various schools he attended. In the wider culture, the Bible was under virolent assault using the newfound idealogy of Evolution. He started out a "optimist." He became a confirmed Darwinist, activist for Socialism, and practitioner of "sexual freedom." He ended a jaded cynic.
@flyin4352 Says:
I can't even imagine how crushing it must have been to predict both World Wars based on nothing but his perception of society and be proven right both times.
@eomat Says:
14:52. They moved in together in January 1984 but married on 27th October 1895….. time travel!
@SSRT_JubyDuby8742 Says:
Like deployed 👍
@explorer1968 Says:
Visionary ahead of his time, pessimistic prophet of Humanity. H. G. Wells even didn't let women to pass by without a seduction conquest...
@ajaxslamgoody9736 Says:
Read the 'Crystal Egg' which is the 1st part to the World of the Worlds. It's kinda creepy but really good; it is also a short story.
@theUglyGypsy Says:
Isabelle had an epic stache
@SplotchTheCatThing Says:
Wow... He was a dead ringer for a certain Brigadier too, wasn't he?
The father of liberal fascism
@TheDneaves Says:
Robert E Howard, Robert Jordan and Arthur Clarke are authors I would like to see featured
@vectorfox4782 Says:
That’s not true, we all know the Chinese Communist Party created Winnie the Pooh
@t0rschlusspan1k Says:
I'm completely new to H. G. Wells' life, where did you find all the informations about his parents' relationship?
@Elitetrainera Says:
Did I hear 1984
@eileencorcoran3090 Says:
Great ...
@j.ishirofinney1517 Says:
Eugenists AND a Stalin supporter?! What swell guy!

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