As a 5’6 112lb guy I don’t have this problem 🤣🤣 I can eat a ton and not gain any
@xktproleague7683 Says:
And tobacco is the biggest killer right?
@N8wesley Says:
Jordan your moms fat now shut up
@WilliamCoxGM Says:
We really need to start discussing fat percentage instead of obesity. Technically, according to BMIs, LeBron, James, Shaquille O’Neal, and Michael Jordan, are all obese. The issue isn’t obesity it’s over fat and fat percentage.
@jeremk.5962 Says:
Can’t understand how you can have the best sport facilities in the world and yet having the worst obesity ratio…
@putinwork3498 Says:
I am from Commufornia, I approve this mssg. 😅
@chrisreads-fp7fo Says:
Imagine if you will, all of the obese people all jump together to change the direction of rotation of the earth. That is if they can jump of course.😂
@yosipko5282 Says:
They would lose customers for medical suplies, fast food, bigger (expensive) furniture, cars, clothes... Industry has no interest to make people fit🤷🏻
@Roman-8008 Says:
Obesity is my right as an American!!!
@danholtby1635 Says:
50 years ago 90% of people were slim.!! 1 in 10 people were overweight. Because of health conditions. The garbage, forever chemicals in todays food is the main reason for this problem!!!!
@dianadye9299 Says:
So sad people are over worked and kids have to many activities.
@flormoretto5955 Says:
Everyone stop eating 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jakehands Says:
Obesity will just become the norm and anyone weighing less will be considered freaks and laughed at.
@martincarlberg9671 Says:
In Japan it is like 1 of 1.000.000 that is even close to be real blobs over 150kg…
@Spmama444 Says:
All of us neurodivergents … we shake our calf’s millions a times day. Just this one simple movement has proven to burn 3, 4. 5, 20???x the calories in our bodies…
No need for exercise
No need for eating healthy (though I always have even as a baby born in 1983 I HATED fake food)
ADHD - AUTISTIC _ neuroscience
@salty_saxy Says:
Fucking embarrassing.
@PariAswal98 Says:
Because of junk food😅
@ajoseph87 Says:
It’s one of those problems that *could* be solved within a few years with a culture shift.
@BabodookyInYourFace Says:
Yeah you guys are idiots I think you need to look into what qualifies someone to be obese and you will be very surprised at what the vast majority of doctors consider obese lol you can be 15 to 20 pounds over your ideal body weight and be considered obese. The majority of people classified as obese are actually just overweight and don’t sit there and tell me what I’m saying is not true it is and you need to look into instead of just reading studies.
@nh8444 Says:
Thank god RFK is in with Trump to try and fix this mess. I couldn’t believe he signed on with Trump and it made his message far stronger for voting.
@jachao1 Says:
Doctors are still using BMI to measure. I am extremely obese because I weigh 215 at 5.9. Issue is I am all muscle.
@Lucabrasciii Says:
I saw this in 2002... still getting worse huh?
@yatesram9207 Says:
Kennedy has the job of helping the world with obesity. The USA leads we follow
@Blewsi-p1e Says:
Just what our governments want for big pharma.
@PaulVisions-e8v Says:
God Bless the FDA
@mujeeburrehman3082 Says:
His coat has literally "clean your room" written vertically.
@genieinabutthole Says:
But sugar is soooooo yummy
@Pjlight Says:
All those skinny illegal immigrants need to be included!!! That will make America healthy again!!!
@lennonptpaul Says:
😮 ffs
@isaacjeterphotography Says:
My question from here is what age bracket is purported to show the highest obesity rates? Older people have far too easy of an access to unhealthy food and not many opportunities to exercise.
Personally speaking, I live in Florida and it is ridiculously hot around 8 months out of the year and that prevents people from getting outside and exercising. Moreover, I wish I had the ability to safely walk to a corner shop or a park, but the infrastructure in FL is geared toward supporting big cars and franchise businesses that the pedestrian suffers. It is a multi-faceted issue. Poor food and terrible urban planning is ultimately leading to these statistics
@romulusmars3766 Says:
Im obese right now, and by 2025, I'll be healthy weight
@AmoralPhat40oz Says:
@wesleymatthews9969 Says:
I got deemed as obese at 225 lbs standing 5-11 with 4% body fat
@MarkDonahue-re6iw Says:
They have genetically altered America's food supply and the ingredients in these processed foods are totally unhealthy for American citizens you could not even sell American food abroad because it's not good for you and they have laws on food to protect their citizens we're America has the Food and Drug Administration to hurt the citizens
@NWBwana Says:
That tie is a nice look with that suit
@kaileighsmith1405 Says:
Blaming the people instead of the food is insane.
@masj3372 Says:
For being fit you need healthy food and workout. For this two you need time. Most people have no time to cook or workout because they work a LOT. A sick society is not a productive one
@kosamui Says:
Why are we ignoring that Americans are eating too much to satisfy their EMOTIONAL NEEDS. This is a MENTAL issue that will not resolve itself. 😢
@butterchef Says:
I am heading back the other way
@Impericalevidence Says:
I'm almost fifty... you know, the t drops, even now I'm only teetering on the bmi index and there's a lot of muscle, but I'm more chunky than I used to be.
@treatpage Says:
There is a solution: Start eating rice and curry twice a day instead of McDonald, Papaya's etc..
@Shuggies Says:
A story... I was put on a statin because I was over weight... they said my cholesterol was just slightly elevated nothing serious but to prevent STROKE they wanted me to take it. I spiraled down hill right away... muscle pain joint pain trigger finger.. back pain I thought it's just old age I was 50... 5 years later I'm nearly crippled and 50 lbs fatter.. I told the Dr's I don't eat lile a hog at slip trophy but thwy don't believe you ling story short and 4 changes to the attorvastatin later I decided to come off of it .. 2 weeks later I was walking. A month later I could go thru a couple stored again.. 4 months later I'm taking a vacation I'd not been able to go on for 5 years. I'm alive again and not in SVERE PAIN and I'm 50 lbs down. It's not always about HOGS EATING TOO MANY PLATES OF SPEGHETTI AND HO HOS... !!! THerw was NOOO reason to put me on a med but thwy the DRS put fear into people and people pit thier trust in drs.. take a good long look into what the side effects are.. and RARE SIDE EFFECTS. YOU may just not need that pill...
@DavidAcosta-c3d Says:
By 2031 everyone will be skinny af cause of food prices
@basedmathh Says:
I wonder why Americans spend so much on healthcare?
@buttquack Says:
Imagine never exercising. 🤮 Lazy fckers
@dk.650 Says:
So glad CARNIVORE keeps it away. Don't need a doctor.
@JamesJack-f2f Says:
I wonder how many people are like 900-1000lb people that are just stuck in their house, havent left in 20-30 years and no one knows they are even just there and they have someone just running errands and shit for them.
@camedelic1365 Says:
I'm grateful for my metabolism. I can eat like a king and it seemingly vanishes into the void..
@Saabman89 Says:
Well. Its the politicians fault. Stressing them out then advertise for sugary drinks.
@polkhigh_33 Says:
Man if even a well-educated and reflected person like J.P. doesnt recognize that the american obesity pandemic is made up we're in a rough spot. To anyone who is curious: Watch the documentary 'fathead'. It does a respectable job at explaining how stupid and distracting the BMI is and why various organizations benefit from labeling you as obese.