George Custer An American Leonidas

George Custer An American Leonidas


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@Biographics Says:
To get a 1 year supply of Vitamin D + 5 individual travel packs FREE with your first purchase, go to AG1 is a comprehensive, nutrition drink engineered to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet and support your body's nutritional needs across four pillars of health: Gut health, Immune support, Energy and Recovery! It's packed with 75 vitamins and minerals and whole food-sourced ingredients, combining the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption, and taste to jumpstart your daily routine. AG1 is available in the US, Canada, UK and Europe.
@itstoxicchannel5097 Says:
He was a coward
@joe6796 Says:
George Armstrong Custer
@GodsLonelyMan76 Says:
Custer fought against Natives who was just protecting their land, he weren't no Leonidas he was a racist bastards that was brain-washed by them damn Brits!
@samizdat113 Says:
@3:23 Yeah, screw them.
@AdrianbCozad Says:
Elders say,the Fetterman Fight lasted about 45+ minutes accordingly:estimate of 7 to 8 hundred warriors each had 30-40 arrows and used 80% to 90% of them during the battle,that's around 20,000 arrows raining down on them,at the Little Bighorn battle there were.ore warriors. Indigenous History
@robertfolkner9253 Says:
Custer during the Civil War held what was called a Brevet Promotion– it was understood to be only a temporary rank and the holder would revert back to his original rank once hostilities had ended.
@1Ashram Says:
I am always disgusted by how the US did and does treat the Native Americans, sadly, a successful Holocaust, as once rich cultures where destroyed forever.
@ep0chf4il53 Says:
I would describe Sitting Bull more likened to Leonidas defending the hot gate against the 7th . Custer's "last stand" would have never happened if he had been a better leader. Custer wasted his command in an ill advised attack with no coordination and Terry's guns still miles away.
@vibrusi Says:
@31terikennedy Says:
Like my cousin Vinny said: everything that guy just said is BS.
@31terikennedy Says:
Custer was at the LBH because the Crow's lands were being invaded by the Sioux and Cheyenne. When Indians left the reservation, they did so to follow the warrior way of raiding which led to murder and mayhem.
@31terikennedy Says:
Was Custer supposed to leave the captives on the battlefield? He returned them to the reservations as further incentive for the others to return.
@31terikennedy Says:
It was Custer's troops that captured Lee's supply train, at Appomattox, that forced Lee to surrendered.
@31terikennedy Says:
Custer led an effective rearguard at First Manassas.
@31terikennedy Says:
Saying Custer graduated dead last is disingenuous, half his class resigned to join the South.
@lucassimmons3496 Says:
Unsolved History did a great episode on the Little Bighorn. They pretty much debunked everything we thought about the battle. Far from the cream of the cavalry crop the 7th was in terrible physical condition and poorly equipped for battle. Furthermore the evidence suggests outside of Lt Calhoun and Captain Keogh, is that there was no last stand on Last Stand Hill. The evidence suggests an attempt at a skirmish line at Calhoun Hill collapsed and Custers men never recovered. Also there’s strong physical abs eyewitness evidence that Custer himself was killed very early in the battle and his body carried to last stand hill
@modernsophist Says:
Leonidas intentionally went to Thermopylae to stall the Persians; Custer was tricked into pursuing the Sioux with a small force into a trap that left him outnumbered. Both had believed (then hoped) that reinforcements would arrive…which never did.
@jester9217 Says:
Custer was a hard charging cavalry officer. A fact that served him well in the civil war but agaisnt the plains tribe's who would break when weak and attack when strong. Even if he hadnt died in little big horn the plains would have taken him.
@NRH111 Says:
George's brother was a far better soldier and person. A decorated soldier of the Civil War and 2 time MoH winner. He also died with George at little big horn
@neil1390 Says:
Custer was a foolhardy man who thought he was invincible,and seemed fame,well ,he found it
@thunderdeed1 Says:
Richard Mulligan did an incredible portrayal of Custer in Little Big Man. I wonder if he was really was that crazy.
@danielbear9183 Says:
Don Bradman the Australian cricketer would be a great video
@georgekoros6823 Says:
I didn't like how the speaker omitted significant facts, especially about the Washita Battle. For example, he didn't mention how the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers committed numerous murders, rapes, and infanticide against noncombatant families in 4 different state territories. That's why General Sheridan sent out Custer & 7th Calvary to look for the CDS in the 1st place. The CDS atrocities were an epidemic. It had to be stopped---to save human lives. This justified Custer's attack on Black Kettles camp (where the CDS were residing). Also, Custer had Native American support the Osage Indians who accompanied him on the Washita mission. The Osage had also suffered from DS the pioneer families did. So, the Osage were all too ready to help the 7th Calvary. Also missing from the video is that the CDS were called "dogs" or " dog soldiers" because "dog" was the lowest insult Indians can give to another Indian....and the CDS were called that because they took brutality to newer levels.
@jordanreese6777 Says:
May you make a video about P.G.T Beauregard.
@valmid5069 Says:
At least Custer will be known for his service in the Union Army like the Battle of Gettysburg, having his last photo group taken by Gary Larson, and redeemed himself during the Battle of Smithsonian while being played by Bill Hader *...wait, hold up*
@kevincrowe1483 Says:
Do you hate what you are presenting. That’s the only reason I can think of for the speed with which you present the material. Hard to follow and understand your poor diction.
@dinsdalemontypiranha4349 Says:
In America he is known as George Armstrong Custer, not George Custer.
@KrunoBaraba Says:
General Custer died while liberating Indian lands . He died for freedom and democracy .
@LuisLopez2 Says:
@ItsLunaRegina Says:
He was a great man.
@seth7174 Says:
Everyone trying to delete or cancel history. No one wants to listen and learn anymore. Shame
@briandoss9232 Says:
Hubris man. Hubris.
@Joe_Dirt82 Says:
New Rumley ain't far from me. They have a big billboard up with Custer's face. Bout all that's out there. South East Ohio farm country.
@ElectrickSoundz Says:
@alexmartin4772 Says:
I agree with this title. Custer in my opinion was a a hero of the western frontier. And anyone who says otherwise is a traitor who deserves to be cut off from communities and be reeducated and not indulge in such revisionist garbage. All this hate on him is disgraceful and anti-American and to that I say back off against your accusations Custer, for we should trust him in his writings, because he was on the line of duty, and he did his duty honorably and to say that he only wanted personal glory is a fat out lie. Anybody that disagree with me and a revisionist nut job and a traitor to this nation and this nation's founding. Back off and respect my views, or I'm going to report your trash talk and block you from existence.
@samwell707 Says:
Is this bald guy the guy that said the alamo had tried to hide evidence of the mexican-tejano solders from history, and mis spoke the “come and take it” motto on the flag? And the guy who said azteks came down to tikal in 200 ad to over throw Jaguar Paw? This smells to high hell of revisionist history. Edit: it is him!!!! This guy is wrong often. He has a haughty British access that conveys some level of intellectual authority but is quite wrong on many subjects. Glad I recognized this guy from a couple of yrs ago and could down vote such refuse.
@anthonyfoutch3152 Says:
"Custer was a pus-y" Sgt Maj Plumley or Sam Eliot.
@rhett-BAin1982 Says:
I don't like the military. *My advice to the public is to never, ever join the military under any circumstances.* There are a lot of dirty, lower-class individuals in the military. As an example, many veterans, or veterans typically younger than myself, are quite insulting and highly critical of me, even now in 2023. I got out in 1978. These strangers start in as soon as they hear from somebody I'm a veteran. They're not trying to be funny. It's not normal, and many of those cranks have a severe personality disorder. I did CPR on a number of patients who would be over 60 now if still living. I completed 20 semester hours of psychology before I got a BA in 1982. I was a hospital corpsman or general medical assistant in the Navy at the tender age of 17. I graduated from corpsman school 3rd out of 40 students. That's an enlisted, non-officer position, so a commissioned officer such as Custer would probably never have lowered himself to speak to me if I had been in the Army back then, particularly when he was a general. He would have just ignored me as though I was a private in rank, basically a nobody in the military. The Navy term for private is seaman. A corpsman is never an officer. In order to be a healthcare officer you normally have to enter the military as an RN with a college degree, or a doctor. A doctor has two degrees, one for college and one for medical school. Because all that college tuition is very expensive, and you have to pay for rent and support yourself at the same time, few corpsmen could ever afford to become a doctor. They're too poor. It doesn't matter how smart you are if you don't have the money. Most civilians would find the military quite strange and socially hostile. You can get somewhat used to it over time, the same way you get used to being in prison. You cannot simply quit and leave no matter what they do to you. Here is a little advisory on the Internet published by some attorneys: "What is the punishment for going AWOL in the Navy? For absence over 3 days and up to 30 days, forfeiture of 2/3 of a month's pay for 6 months and 6 months confinement. For AWOL over 30 days, maximum punishment involves forfeiture of pay and allowances, dishonorable discharge, and 1 year confinement." A young person might say that people in the military are always really mean, except of course for the few friends you've got in there. In the civilian world a large corporation can be bad when a management person can't or won't associate with workers, or looks down his nose at them for not having as much education and money, but it's not nearly as bad as the military. There's no comparison. A corpsman is roughly equivalent to an Army medic, which is a low-level healthcare worker, not a doctor. Journalists confuse the public about that. Reporters ought to use the expression healthcare worker for anybody in healthcare other than a physician, rather than the military term medic. The training is only ten weeks of classroom instruction in healthcare, mostly about nursing and advanced first aid, and informal on-the-job training of no particular duration. It follows eight weeks of basic military training. Some corpsmen become very skilled at nursing, taking x-rays, routine laboratory work, and the like, despite their lack of academic coursework. Unfortunately that training and experience is worthless after you get out. No school will give you course credit for it, and no employer will hire you for a healthcare job because you're not certified in anything. Sure you can go back to school and get certified, but you don't need to join the military to do that. Some people enter the military with a year or two of college before they ran out of money or left school for some other reason. Nursing is not now, nor has it ever been, performed by only 4-year RNs. My violent lawyer parents coerced me into joining in order to get rid of me. Lawyers typically love and admire most things about the government, good or bad. You might as well say a degree in law is a degree in US government. I can tell you that the average attorney knows absolutely nothing, I mean zero, about healthcare or science. That's based on my informal sampling of at least a couple hundred of them, plus my abusive lawyer parents. Sure there are exceptions to everything. So to have lawyers, and only lawyers, making laws about when and if a woman can get an abortion is ludicrous. Most hospital janitors know more about healthcare than the average lawyer. But no, they aren't in the same social class as lawyers. Lawyers often have a poor diet because they choose the wrong things to eat. Anyway, it sounds to me like there were a number of red flags about Custer that his Army superiors ignored. First of all, he didn't follow rules or instructions very well at the military academy, and his grades were barely good enough for him to graduate. That didn't bode well at all for a future in the military. Custer didn't know how to follow instructions. Men in the civilian world get fired for that. I thought the Army always got an assessment of the strength of an opposing force before going into battle. I wonder if Custer made military decisions while he was drunk. I don't think he was the sharpest tool in the box. RB
@RankinMsP Says:
It's funny that so many American military men used the Napoleon pose when claiming to detest imperialism.
@senkialfonz895 Says:
Leonidas and Nobody Caster??? Caster was a primitive mass murderer. He had no right to attack the Indians.
@jamesward4191 Says:
He was a vainglorious narcissist nothing more
@explorer1968 Says:
To get matter worse for Custer, the man didn't know that his enemies were armed with a better and faster rifle: the Winchester. Custer and the gang had a one-shot rifle..., the dark outcome was against him.
@chriskilhoffer4702 Says:
Custer was a brutal egomaniac.....his belief in his own perceived superiority cause him to commit glaring tactical and strategic errors that resulted the near total destruction of his unit.
@roxannemoser Says:
"Custer was a p****, you ain't"~CSM Basil Plumley
@robertmosher7418 Says:
He was never really a major general. He was a breavat general. He was promoted to lt colonel while holding a major general position in the army. The army does that with some senior NCOs today, only we call it being frocked. It only happens when a command sergeant major has an E-7 sargeant fisrt class he really likes or believes in and he will have him frocked to a company first sargeant position and he will wear E-8 first sargeant rank and will hold that position until he is promoted to E-8 master sargeant rank or retires, dies, is relieved for cause or is kicked out of the Army. The Army will not replace him with an E-8 already holding the correct rank. It is a way for a CSM to ensure the guy he is holding in that spot will be promoted as he will receive evaluations of a first sargeant, which the csm will assist the company commander in writing to reflect that guy doing an outstanding job. Even if he doesn't do that great of a job. It's supposed to be a "select, train, promote" sorta thing where it allows a top notch NCO to be trained and hold that position and ensure they are given the opportunity to grow in responsibility and also provide that company with continuity to ensure their success. It doesn't always workout that way.
@Ugly_German_Truths Says:
Calling Custer an American Leonidas is pretty ironic, seeing how a Civil War confederate General (and episcopal bishop, what a mix!) literally named "Leonidas Polk" fell in battle too.
@jimstilling733 Says:
fing adds
@danstarr9895 Says:
Leonidas? Custer was a son of a bitch and got only half of what he deserved.
@ladybugkotabear Says:
Custer is and was a pile of trash.

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