Using Apple Vision Pro: What It's Actually Like!
Using Apple Vision Pro: What It's Actually Like!



@obiwankenobi661 Says:
gonna quote @EddyBurback who said: "if the only portable computer were the apple vision pro, the next step would be to create the smartphone, so you can use your portable computer AND fully experience the world around you"
@nak4651 Says:
Big whoop....want vs need? lmao
@nicovolker86 Says:
This is so pointless 😂😂
@adamhojjat8145 Says:
Coolest VR on the market. It is absolutely stunning! Like Black Mirror type tech mixed with Tony Stark’s AR engineering AR tech on Iron Man! Sony and Meta has nothing on this system!
@martinaasandersen3775 Says:
19:30 Yeah, if you could zoom into a some kind of immersive Google Street View type thing and make it look like you're actually there. Maybe even being able to take you along a planned route, so you could preview a route with variable speed.
@DinoBroDon Says:
I'm torn - would love to get one but the price is still a bit of a turn off. I am hoping for updates to the OS and then it'll hopefully grow into a must-have...
@MrTijaii Says:
14:57 nah, we was all thinking the same thing.
@im-_-dubz2707 Says:
Use these with the Dyson headphone/air purifier for a nice neck work out!
@Fifi-Shackleford Says:
classic apple using buzzwords instead of calling something what it is
@Burns_RED Says:
The ultimate garbage product by the ultimate garbage company
@jordanstark5924 Says:
Do you think it's more or less weird that people see you editing yourself or see you typing on a screen that isn't displaying anything lmao
@kylekuhn4046 Says:
Make cooler
@GenaTrius Says:
Whenever you're wearing an Apple Vision Pro, in the part of the viewmodel where your eyes don't go a filthy scarecrow waves his broomstick arms and does a parody of each unconscious thing you do. When you turn around to look, he's gone behind you. On his face, he's wearing your confused expression, where your eyes don't go.
@AvoytDesign Says:
the "Persona" feature really sucks if you absolutely hate how you look... :c
@Frost64 Says:
does the Persona have to look like you? the fun of virtual avatars is not having to look like yourself. Is there a way to edit them?
@EdensWrldd_ Says:
Literally, not interested in this product whatsoever is just that I love this deuce videos and I'll be here to watch every single one, regardless of whether or not i'm gonna buy anything so thanks
@Austin.8150 Says:
Need samsung headsets
@Floatillyboats Says:
Now you really don’t have to interact with friends and family!
@NobleValerian Says:
At $3500+, knowing nothing about this device, I was sure there was nothing to justify this product. Now that I know more about it... I'm even more sure this is a pointless, overpriced device.
@MegaRomerox Says:
Personas are amazing at a technical level but they look awful, I don't think I could get used to it
@deadturret4049 Says:
The personas look like pre-rendered ps3/xbox360 cutscenes, except its in real time.
@peach_cobbler Says:
Are you wearing contacts with it?
@Andrew-sx4re Says:
I watched an youtube video on Quest 3 and then on my PC monitor for comparison. you don't want to have a chunky headset on for 2D tasks(with low resolution because of the headset), it's way better on a 4k monitor. So you are paying a lot to downgrade the real monitor experience(even with Quest 3). the only way it's worth it for now is if you have 3D immersive top games, because those are better than looking at a 2D screen, that's when you will consider it's worth the effort to put the headset on. Same for skype video calls, no need for avatars, use a monitor.
@Cryptic0III Says:
it’s not becoming mainstream till that battery is integrated
@jaskenlee Says:
****Don't be a silly customer to buy iphone anymore!**** This product add-on additional yearly cost USD$ 350 equally quarter cost as new iphone pro model for display parts replacement every 15 months! The brand changed a ridiculous biz behavior aim for huge yearly additional charges and provide no more product quality and good user experience! Customer just pay the premium to get a worse service! Iphone Pro/Pro Max model display parts become short life consumer parts now, most of that will failure after about 14-18 months (just appear problem while out of warranty) that cost USD $350 to repair/replace the display unit to solve the no display issue, or user pay 50% cost to extend a year warranty, however the new parts may live for another 14-18months user have to pay additional cost for using the phone for 2nd or 3rd year or later on. Let search 'iphone pro white screen issue' as key word to get more detail before buy a iphone. spread out that critical info to resist unreasonable excessive charges by such Abominable profiteer and minimize further victims.
@Not-A-Woke-Liberal Says:
The major problems are nothing can be connected to it. No hard-drives,memory cards,HDMI for Xbox or Switch. It needs image stabilization like in cameras it’s too shaky.
@kwesigaalex4765 Says:
Very well explained 😊
@imhisgrandson_1345 Says:
I just have one concern. I just moved to NYC and i wonder is that lock gonna lock it on my head good because i don’t want someone to snatch it off my head on the train and run 😭
@minisculex3 Says:
I’ll get it once it reaches 3rd gen
@rakeemwilliams6426 Says:
I could see this being used in the design industry. 3d drawing is getting bigger and it could be interesting for presentations
@StelmachsWorld Says:
Problem with personas is the eyes aren’t accurate and just have a flat blank stare.
@q.l5480 Says:
I did a demo today and I was absolutely impressed by it. The cost, bulkiness, and the fact that battery is not built in and doesn't last long are some of the factors that I believe are holding this back from becoming mainstream. Those were the reasons I didn't make a purchase.
@wiliamlin5953 Says:
@Lopsided_Butterfly Says:
Ok, as someone with ADHD who gets distracted easily, it seems like having to look at a button to control it would be near to impossible for me XD
@Garush Says:
Bro u got a windows wallpaper on your mac?
@cadegcn Says:
You should review everything. You’re so damn good at it
@NateClay Says:
I wouldn't buy this if I made $1 million dollars a year.
@thewrighttools8592 Says:
You're one of the few popular channels I watch. I usually can't trust someone with over 200k subscribers. You deserve to be so successful.
@blahblahuserrandomnameblahb Says:
Lets just break this product down. It's a joke. If you think you need this thing I got a bridge to sell you.
@faerieknight2298 Says:
Personally, I have and use a Meta Quest 2 as my daily driver VR headset. As well as my "virtual desktop" option. It was expensive, but cheaper then Apple's offerings, and I've been pretty satisfied. But I do agree that the Vision Pro's capabilities do sound pretty neat.
@user-nf9pc8pj6b Says:
I would never spend thousands on that piece of crap. It's a Gen Z's wet dream
@matrixmodexp Says:
The cable is definitely removable
@saintpiff Says:
34:40 🤣🤣 i know the people who developed the face scan in 2k are sick to their stomachs hearing that
@davidhelton497 Says:
This is a sad video of how they are Fixing to implement chips into our brains. I’ve spoke this 20 years ago when technology wasn’t really popular yet. Mark of the beast, people will except it likes its cool and Our leaders will make sure everyone has one, More than likely, they’ll probably give them away.
@aeoh2000 Says:
@immortalsun Says:
Typing is probably not great on this thing. Hopefully one day we’ll get sensors that can allow for a projected keyboard within your vision that you can type on with your fingers exactly like you’d use a real keyboard.
@Sharky-1507 Says:
15:01 "if its a URL that you can actually say it out loud"
@frankiecuellar Says:
Just to show you what better Apple or Android look what phone hes using the end lol
@frankiecuellar Says:
This is thing is so stupid an wayyy over price! I'm a tech reviewer and I'm telling you the quest 2, which is only $200 now. Does everything that does. and n more! N funner n lighter. And I'm telling you it's a lot better to have a VR headset that has controllers. And if you just wants to use your hands like the Apple VR it does it as well but it's just better having controllers for the fun games that you can playhat way you can play games. And even as old as the quest 2 it even does the hands controlling as well but it's just a lot better to have controllers. But a lot of people think that the main reason for the The Apple VR is so cool and different is because it has no controllers which is completely wrong The quest to can do the same thing you could just use your hands if you want. But it sucks you want to have controllers because you can play games with fun games. I love watching movies laying down with are playing games
@kuski Says:
I don't even want to speak on the phone, let alone FaceTime them. Even with that avatar. :D And I know there's at least 5,5 millions who feel the same way. How do I know you ask? Well, Because I'm from Finland.

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