Talking Tech and AI with Tim Cook!
Talking Tech and AI with Tim Cook!



@dreammclackers Says:
2 total clowns having a conversation
@neocortexv15 Says:
Anyone can be bought.
@wawaweewa9159 Says:
Traitor to the people
@mike123si Says:
Both of these fools are so full of it.
@AA-ed6ek Says:
Why are people surprised? Western reviewers especially American reviewers lol.
@CaptainRex87 Says:
My ad blocker made me skip the whole video
@technopsychobedlam Says:
Marques goes to the dark side. Nope. I'm out.
@michaelskff Says:
you really became a corporate puppet helping Apple push propaganda. I will never trust your opinion again. How do you let him spew lie after lie to your face while you sit there and smile.
@SonAyoD Says:
Propaganda at its finest
@Golden.Gamer17 Says:
Listening to this instead of watching it. Which makes it feel like this is an interrogation on charge that is going to happen
@bjrnptrsn Says:
When will we hear “We at Apple" from Marques, with praying hands? Simply god-given.
@iomis2001 Says:
Apple makes their devices not reparable because reparable devices won't last? That's quite the spin.
@bernardomotard Says:
Apple is not about the "forward", only about what will earn more money.
@1005amOfficial Says:
Thank you Tim Apple
@Nite85 Says:
@dinner85 Says:
Mkbhd needs to respond to this.
@BradleyRS500 Says:
Man, Louis Rossman went Super Saiyan 3 on this topic... Loved his video
@didarosman8821 Says:
What the heck dude!!!! you were suppose to crush him with our (suffering customers') concerns and real issues with apple products. You know more than anyone how they take advantange of trusting customers and consumers! why didn't you ask any of those questions?! what happend to you? you were the tech person that a looot of people and youtubers looked up to you... I am really disappointed and sad that we lost another good person to the gready coorporations.
@superconfort Says:
Thanks for the whole ad but not interested
@rimuru5942 Says:
even my isponsor block on my yt app detects the whole vid as an ad and skips until the end
@rimuru5942 Says:
bro fell off
@rimuru5942 Says:
top 10 anime betrayals
@rimuru5942 Says:
10 years of effort into waste
@davieb8216 Says:
0:40 Apple today finally admits it, that they have been using AI weapons to execute for years!
@rimuru5942 Says:
bro finally got to talk with tim after getting sold out
@Golgo1412 Says:
Finally someone called out this apple shill
@Legion739 Says:
I'd love to see a response to Louis Rossman.
@cx019 Says:
This is so bad. I cant understand why so much people fall for this bullshit.
@barok0601 Says:
sell out >:(
@roy8749 Says:
Lost my respect for you man...
@run-cnc Says:
more propaganda from Marques. shame
@darkpepsi Says:
I'm here after Louis Rossmann video: wow and smh.
@mdanao Says:
how about advocating right to repair to support independent repair shop
@johnharvey7913 Says:
Apple is pretty good at crushing things, including reputations.
@JM-vh4ym Says:
how embarrassing marque$ brownNose
@jonasshir Says:
Great propaganda, hope your f'ing bag was worth it.
@larrysmith2655 Says:
Why does he sound like he barely uses Apple products? Or is it just the way I am hearing it?
@melvinch Says:
When a shill doesn't even pretend to be shill anymore. 😆
@cedvelt Says:
Few things. I think Marques does not realize that the only intention why apple gives him such exclusive insights is to use his reach for their public standing. Especially under the current circumstances where the EU goes hard against such companies they will victimise themselves as the ooh so poor little company who just want to make the world better. The Tim Cook interview felt a bit like Marques wanted to be friendly and not criticise anything, which makes the interview while somewhat interesting, worthless and even harmful in some parts. Marques is not not a journalist, but a tech enthusiast and in this case apple used his reach for greenwashing and to appear as if they only have the customers interests in mind. I think in the future Marques should either stick to reviewing tech or be alot more critical and „journalistic“ when been giving the opportunity, even if that means he wont get exclusive interviews anymore.
@sagebondcast8115 Says:
I like propaganda
@sagebondcast8115 Says:
So about Louis telling the truth
@nbussio Says:
More Apple propaganda?
@nocturnusnerd Says:
They knew the interview/ad is so full of s**t that they included the joke about the magic mouse and ergonomics. Basic marketing strategy, use the more common but harmless critique you have against you and own it, that way you seem like you still have some self reflection while avoiding all the major issues
@Colinmilez Says:
Didn’t know Apple had a second channel.
@petesan3 Says:
Marques is an apple shill. Watch Louis Rossman and unsubscribe to these "influencers" that promote trash.
@MarceloReis1 Says:
Lots of softball questions. How much is Apple paying you?
@Sgtjimmydz Says:
Unsubscribed! When Louis Rossmann callin u out, u messed up.
@kolasinskipiotr Says:
How does it feel to be a tool? Asking for a friend, as he'd like big tech to become his sugar daddy.
@stard00 Says:
@Svalsorim Says:
Everyone has a price, even MKBHD, such a shame. If he just even tried to make it less scripted and propagandish, but nooo lets go pedal to the metal propaganda

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