I Tried a Disney Secret Project!
I Tried a Disney Secret Project!



@mklinger23 Says:
I feel like it might be easier to do this with marbles/balls. Maybe thats already a thing, but just my first thought. It would all be friction so that could be the limitation. Perhaps there would be too much material loss or the friction wouldnt be enough to properly move heavy objects.
@littletimmythefifth29 Says:
Here at 6,091,427 views.
@HappyAutopsy Says:
ou can call this technology a "Virtual Insanity"
@ener_miguel5914 Says:
2:26 It's Johnny English 2018😅😅
@peterfaherty3936 Says:
the brain-body disconnect will be hard to overcome because there's an absence of acceleration
@sleeprelaxingvideos2061 Says:
bros never seen the sweedish millitary technology
@Souchirouu Says:
It SUCKS so much that it was Disney that made this... you know they are going to aggressively go after ever company that will make something similar so that they can mark up their "experience" as much as possible. Ohh well, guess I'll hope some Chinese company will make one.. at least it will be affordable.
@georgeshalvashvili6270 Says:
yay, more tech to stay at home and never touch grass
@SakuraWulf Says:
That was my idea of what VR should be years ago when VR came out... a 360 degree treadmill. Now we just need to add 360 degree screens. Good shit, Disney... wish I was an engineer working on that.
@Evangelionism Says:
*Why does everyone who walks on it instantly look like Joe Biden?* 😅
@Evangelionism Says:
*Michael Jackson rises from the grave:*
@KesorodaBlk Says:
Really cool technology, and an advancement for VR. I wanna know what it's like to walk on it while 🦶barefoot, though.
@NoThankYouToo Says:
Omnidirectional treadmill- check VR indistinguishable from reality- check Real time hi-res processing- check Haptic feedback- check The only thing left is food.
@xilix Says:
I give it 6 months before Shane at 'Stuff Made Here' drops "I made a Holotile! (Kind of)"
@muhammadimranmalaysia4523 Says:
This reality is more mesmerizing than my imagination, and it blows my mind that this is still in its infancy state. Can't wait to purchase it!
@pansy1169 Says:
Tiktokers have been using it for years, wdym by new?
@Dcat682 Says:
Who knew Disney was in the omni-directional treadmill market. It would be so cool to get my hand on something like this someday.
@VoidySan Says:
I get really bad motion sickness when I'm on my phone on a winding road. I hope I'll be able to handle this thing if I'm ever lucky enough to use it.
@fernandomontoya4441 Says:
@patthemaniacful Says:
Definitely need that
@Querkel Says:
Great new step. Clearly not there yet, but its promising.
@ahimsayudantara3688 Says:
Imagine those holotiles are applied to a pathway, that means we can remove the action of walking as a means of transportation, instead just standing by or even sitting in a chair that has a flat platform below it we can travel anywhere.
@kygodragon4782 Says:
1:50 into the video and still yet to get to the title of the video (the whole point anyone clicked onto it) Also there is a permanent add on the bottom left of the video that cannot be removed... What happened to YouTube? It's now impossible to just watch a video. Time to leave I think.
@of5458 Says:
This technology looks like magic. I never expected to see anything like this. I love how smart humans can be.
@AndiStudiosCEO Says:
steam deck as a controller is funny
@acm0045 Says:
They could make roller coasters smaller with this.
@Some___loner Says:
imagine having the Holo Tile all over your house .
@lashonereleford8382 Says:
This is sooooo cool!! I love the Imagineers.
@joneinarmattiasvisser6113 Says:
Maybe in the future we will have vr without headset. That would be pretty insane. Just a mini room that you can walk around in and experience vr. Crazy, because it will feel close to 100% real, because the headset is missing. I can imagine that tech.
@mark2tech Says:
Walt Disney was a creep
@entitypro7671 Says:
if disney was not joint woke shit trend
@Posiman Says:
People tend to forget that Disney Imagineering is actually one of the most advanced robotics companies in the world. Since their tech is often meant to be interacting with children instead of tech demos or military, they have this amazing experience overcoming the uncanny valley.
@oh_knee7173 Says:
im so jelous of you
@MideonProductions Says:
@SidK26 Says:
Basically, Moonwalk?
@technology-business Says:
Wonderful project
@katieshoemaker9447 Says:
Ready, Player One anyone?
@col.choros3966 Says:
I'm so mad. As someone trying to earn an engineering major. Seeing this makes me angry that I didn't think of it sooner. As soon as you said the floor was actually a bunch of spinning circles, I knew exactly how it functioned and that each piece would need to tilt and change direction and speed. It just sucks that I didn't patent the tech first smh
@vidhoard Says:
This is super cool! I think they need to work to make sure you can walk normally on it though because otherwise it will for sure cause back, foot, and honestly whole body issues. It needs to let you use your natural gait if it's going to be used for long periods of time.
@strangegeneralstore99 Says:
Wow, magic shoes themselves!!🤩🤩
@Just.A.T-Rex Says:
Can’t wait til this can be bought via a “rug” of some sort and becomes silent.
@mr.modooglio Says:
That's pretty neat. Though I can see it being a pain in the ass trying to fix it whenever just one of those disk treadmill things malfunctions.
@thenoobgamer141 Says:
imagine doing the slick back on that thing 😂😂
@itspizzatime8622 Says:
bro this is absolutely crazy. the future bouta be nuts
@josepht5331 Says:
Can’t wait to use this for my daily exercise routine. I can use VR to pretend I’m running away from dinosaurs or zombies for a good workout 😂
@apostolis.diamantopoulos Says:
Johnny English 2 virtual reality scene
@feuby8480 Says:
I kinda feel like this could solve motion sickness. You start moving toward somewhere and the little tiles speeds up progressively to get you back to center. There is probably a way around to get like you know almost all motion simulator things with VR, but on this.
@stefanmatthiascorneliusgla5262 Says:
Trapped in a malfunctioning VR room forever? Discuss.
@giggity4670 Says:
I like the way you said Lanny that worked with Disney for over 20 years has more then 70 patents yea Lanny don't own not of them might have his name on it but Disney will own them all for sure as you know working for place like Disney if you invent anything even a low level working while employed at Disney hey will own it.
@EmpressNzingha Says:

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